Module Index
- bzrlib - All of bzr.
- bzrlib._annotator_py - Functionality for doing annotations in the 'optimal' way
- bzrlib._btree_serializer_py - B+Tree index parsing.
- bzrlib._chk_map_py - Python implementation of _search_key functions, etc.
- bzrlib._chunks_to_lines_py - The python implementation of chunks_to_lines
- bzrlib._dirstate_helpers_py - Python implementations of Dirstate Helper functions.
- bzrlib._groupcompress_py - Python version of compiled extensions for doing compression.
- bzrlib._knit_load_data_py - No module docstring; 1/1 functions documented
- bzrlib._known_graph_py - Implementation of Graph algorithms when we have already loaded everything.
- bzrlib._patiencediff_py - No module docstring; 3/4 functions documented
- bzrlib._readdir_py - Python implementation of readdir interface.
- bzrlib._rio_py - Python implementation of _read_stanza_*.
- bzrlib._static_tuple_py - The pure-python implementation of the StaticTuple type.
- bzrlib.add - Helper functions for adding files to working trees.
- bzrlib.annotate - File annotate based on weave storage
- bzrlib.api - Library API versioning support.
- bzrlib.atomicfile - No module docstring; 1/1 classes documented
- bzrlib.bencode - Wrapper around the bencode pyrex and python implementation
- bzrlib.bisect_multi - Bisection lookup multiple keys.
- bzrlib.branch - No module docstring; 29/30 classes documented
- bzrlib.branchbuilder - Utility for create branches with particular contents.
- bzrlib.breakin - No module docstring; 1/3 functions documented
- bzrlib.btree_index - B+Tree indices
- bzrlib.bugtracker - No module docstring; 7/7 classes, 2/2 functions documented
- bzrlib.builtins - builtin bzr commands
- bzrlib.bundle - No package docstring; 3/3 modules, 0/1 packages documented
- bzrlib.bzr_distutils - build_mo command for
- bzrlib.bzrdir - BzrDir logic. The BzrDir is the basic control directory used by bzr.
- bzrlib.cache_utf8 - Some functions to enable caching the conversion between unicode to utf8
- bzrlib.cethread - No module docstring; 1/1 classes documented
- bzrlib.check - Checking of bzr objects.
- bzrlib.chk_map - Persistent maps from tuple_of_strings->string using CHK stores.
- bzrlib.chk_serializer - Serializer object for CHK based inventory storage.
- bzrlib.chunk_writer - ChunkWriter: write compressed data out with a fixed upper bound.
- bzrlib.clean_tree - No module docstring; 4/5 functions documented
- bzrlib.cleanup - Helpers for managing cleanup functions and the errors they might raise.
- bzrlib.cmd_test_script - Front-end command for shell-like test scripts.
- bzrlib.cmd_version_info - Commands for generating snapshot information about a bzr tree.
- bzrlib.cmdline - Unicode-compatible command-line splitter for all platforms.
- bzrlib.commands - No module docstring; 7/7 classes, 21/30 functions documented
- bzrlib.commit - No module docstring; 2/3 classes documented
- bzrlib.commit_signature_commands - Command which looks for unsigned commits by the current user, and signs them.
- bzrlib.config - Configuration that affects the behaviour of Bazaar.
- bzrlib.conflicts - No module docstring; 14/17 classes, 3/3 functions documented
- bzrlib.controldir - ControlDir is the basic control directory class.
- bzrlib.counted_lock - Counted lock class
- bzrlib.crash - Handling and reporting crashes.
- bzrlib.debug - Set of flags that enable different debug behaviour.
- bzrlib.decorators - No module docstring; 0/2 classes, 9/9 functions documented
- - No module docstring; 2/2 classes, 3/3 functions documented
- bzrlib.diff - No module docstring; 5/9 classes, 5/8 functions documented
- bzrlib.directory_service - Directory service registration and usage.
- bzrlib.dirstate - DirState objects record the state of a directory and its bzr metadata.
- bzrlib.doc - Documentation for bzrlib.
- bzrlib.doc_generate - No package docstring; 3/4 modules, 0/2 packages documented
- bzrlib.email_message - A convenience class around email.Message and email.MIMEMultipart.
- bzrlib.errors - Exceptions for bzr, and reporting of them.
- bzrlib.estimate_compressed_size - Code to estimate the entropy of content
- bzrlib.export - Export trees to tarballs, non-controlled directories, zipfiles, etc.
- bzrlib.export_pot - Extract docstrings from Bazaar commands.
- bzrlib.externalcommand - No module docstring; 1/1 classes documented
- bzrlib.fetch - Copying of history from one branch to another.
- bzrlib.fifo_cache - A simple first-in-first-out (FIFO) cache.
- bzrlib.filter_tree - Content-filtered view of any tree.
- bzrlib.filters - Working tree content filtering support.
- bzrlib.foreign - Foreign branch utilities.
- bzrlib.generate_ids - Common code for generating file or revision ids.
- bzrlib.globbing - Tools for converting globs to regular expressions.
- bzrlib.gpg - GPG signing and checking logic.
- bzrlib.graph - No module docstring; 17/17 classes, 6/6 functions documented
- bzrlib.groupcompress - Core compression logic for compressing streams of related files.
- bzrlib.hashcache - No module docstring; 1/1 classes documented
- - No module docstring; 1/1 classes, 3/3 functions documented
- bzrlib.help_topics - A collection of extra help information for using bzr.
- bzrlib.hooks - Support for plugin hooking logic.
- bzrlib.i18n - i18n and l10n support for Bazaar.
- bzrlib.identitymap - This module provides an IdentityMap.
- bzrlib.ignores - Lists of ignore files, etc.
- bzrlib.index - Indexing facilities.
- - No module docstring; 1/2 classes, 14/17 functions documented
- bzrlib.inspect_for_copy - A version of inspect that includes what 'copy' needs.
- bzrlib.inter - Inter-object utility class.
- bzrlib.intset - No module docstring; 1/1 classes documented
- bzrlib.inventory - No module docstring; 8/9 classes, 9/10 functions documented
- bzrlib.inventory_delta - Inventory delta serialisation.
- bzrlib.iterablefile - No module docstring; 2/2 classes documented
- bzrlib.knit - Knit versionedfile implementation.
- bzrlib.lazy_import - Functionality to create lazy evaluation objects.
- bzrlib.lazy_regex - Lazily compiled regex objects.
- bzrlib.library_state - The core state needed to make use of bzr is managed here.
- bzrlib.lock - Locking using OS file locks or file existence.
- bzrlib.lockable_files - No module docstring; 2/2 classes documented
- bzrlib.lockdir - On-disk mutex protecting a resource
- bzrlib.log - Code to show logs of changes.
- bzrlib.lru_cache - A simple least-recently-used (LRU) cache.
- bzrlib.lsprof - No module docstring; 3/3 classes, 1/2 functions documented
- bzrlib.mail_client - No module docstring; 1/14 classes documented
- bzrlib.memorytree - MemoryTree object.
- bzrlib.merge - No module docstring; 13/18 classes, 2/4 functions documented
- bzrlib.merge3 - No module docstring; 1/1 classes, 2/3 functions documented
- bzrlib.merge_directive - No module docstring; 4/6 classes documented
- bzrlib.mergetools - Utility functions for managing external merge tools such as kdiff3.
- bzrlib.missing - Display what revisions are missing in 'other' from 'this' and vice versa.
- bzrlib.msgeditor - Commit message editor support.
- bzrlib.multiparent - No module docstring; 7/7 classes, 0/4 functions documented
- bzrlib.mutabletree - MutableTree object.
- bzrlib.option - No module docstring; 5/6 classes, 8/11 functions documented
- bzrlib.osutils - No module docstring; 3/3 classes, 81/121 functions documented
- bzrlib.pack - Container format for Bazaar data.
- bzrlib.patch - No module docstring; 2/3 functions documented
- bzrlib.patches - No module docstring; 0/13 classes, 9/12 functions documented
- bzrlib.patiencediff - No module docstring; 1/1 classes, 2/3 functions documented
- bzrlib.plugin - bzr python plugin support.
- bzrlib.plugins - Null placeholder plugin
- bzrlib.progress - Progress indicators.
- bzrlib.push - UI helper for the push command.
- bzrlib.pyutils - General Python convenience functions.
- bzrlib.reconcile - Reconcilers are able to fix some potential data errors in a branch.
- bzrlib.reconfigure - Reconfigure a controldir into a new tree/branch/repository layout.
- bzrlib.recordcounter - Record counting support for showing progress of revision fetch.
- bzrlib.registry - Classes to provide name-to-object registry-like support.
- bzrlib.remote - No module docstring; 11/13 classes, 4/4 functions documented
- bzrlib.rename_map - No module docstring; 1/1 classes documented
- bzrlib.repofmt - Repository formats
- bzrlib.repository - No module docstring; 10/11 classes, 2/2 functions documented
- bzrlib.revision - No module docstring; 1/1 classes, 4/7 functions documented
- bzrlib.revisionspec - No module docstring; 13/16 classes, 0/1 functions documented
- bzrlib.revisiontree - RevisionTree - a Tree implementation backed by repository data for a revision.
- - No module docstring; 2/3 classes, 5/8 functions documented
- bzrlib.rules - Rule-based definition of preferences for selected files in selected branches.
- bzrlib.send - Undocumented
- bzrlib.serializer - Inventory/revision serialization.
- bzrlib.shelf - No module docstring; 3/3 classes documented
- bzrlib.shelf_ui - No module docstring; 3/5 classes documented
- bzrlib.shellcomplete - No module docstring; 1/4 functions documented
- - Smart-server protocol, client and server.
- bzrlib.smtp_connection - A convenience class around smtplib.
- bzrlib.static_tuple - Interface thunk for a StaticTuple implementation.
- bzrlib.status - No module docstring; 2/2 classes, 6/6 functions documented
- - Stores are the main data-storage mechanism for Bazaar.
- bzrlib.strace - Support for running strace against the current process.
- bzrlib.switch - No module docstring; 5/6 functions documented
- bzrlib.symbol_versioning - Symbol versioning
- bzrlib.tag - Tag strategies.
- bzrlib.testament - Testament - a summary of a revision for signing.
- bzrlib.tests - Testing framework extensions
- bzrlib.tests.EncodingAdapter - Adapter for running test cases against multiple encodings.
- bzrlib.tests.TestUtil - No module docstring; 5/6 classes, 3/3 functions documented
- bzrlib.tests.blackbox - Black-box tests for bzr.
- bzrlib.tests.commands - Commands behaviour tests for bzr.
- bzrlib.tests.doc_generate - Documentation generation tests.
- bzrlib.tests.fake_command - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.features - A collection of commonly used 'Features' to optionally run tests.
- bzrlib.tests.file_utils - No module docstring; 1/1 classes documented
- bzrlib.tests.fixtures - Fixtures that can be used within tests.
- bzrlib.tests.ftp_server - Facilities to use ftp test servers.
- bzrlib.tests.http_server - No module docstring; 5/8 classes documented
- bzrlib.tests.http_utils - No module docstring; 22/22 classes documented
- bzrlib.tests.https_server - HTTPS test server, available when ssl python module is available
- bzrlib.tests.lock_helpers - Helper functions/classes for testing locking
- bzrlib.tests.matchers - Matchers for bzrlib.
- bzrlib.tests.per_branch - Branch implementation tests for bzr.
- bzrlib.tests.per_bzrdir - BzrDir implementation tests for bzr.
- bzrlib.tests.per_controldir - ControlDir implementation tests for bzr.
- bzrlib.tests.per_controldir_colo - BzrDir implementation tests for colocated branch support.
- bzrlib.tests.per_foreign_vcs - Tests specific to foreign branch implementations.
- bzrlib.tests.per_interbranch - InterBranch implementation tests for bzr.
- bzrlib.tests.per_interrepository - InterRepository implementation tests for bzr.
- bzrlib.tests.per_intertree - InterTree implementation tests for bzr.
- bzrlib.tests.per_inventory - Tests for different inventory implementations
- bzrlib.tests.per_lock - OS Lock implementation tests for bzr.
- bzrlib.tests.per_merger - Implementation tests for bzrlib.merge.Merger.
- bzrlib.tests.per_pack_repository - Tests for pack repositories.
- bzrlib.tests.per_repository - Repository implementation tests for bzr.
- bzrlib.tests.per_repository_chk - Repository implementation tests for CHK support.
- bzrlib.tests.per_repository_reference - Repository implementation tests for external reference repositories.
- bzrlib.tests.per_repository_vf - Implementation tests for VersionedFile-based repositories.
- bzrlib.tests.per_transport - Tests for Transport implementations.
- bzrlib.tests.per_tree - Tree implementation tests for bzr.
- bzrlib.tests.per_uifactory - Tests run per UIFactory.
- bzrlib.tests.per_versionedfile - No module docstring; 4/12 classes, 2/2 functions documented
- bzrlib.tests.per_workingtree - WorkingTree implementation tests for bzr.
- bzrlib.tests.scenarios - Generate multiple variations in different scenarios.
- bzrlib.tests.script - Shell-like test scripts.
- bzrlib.tests.ssl_certs - ssl_certs -- provides access to ssl keys and certificates needed by tests
- bzrlib.tests.stub_sftp - A stub SFTP server for loopback SFTP testing.
- bzrlib.tests.test__annotator - Tests for Annotators.
- bzrlib.tests.test__bencode - Tests for bencode structured encoding
- bzrlib.tests.test__btree_serializer - Direct tests of the btree serializer extension
- bzrlib.tests.test__chk_map - Tests for _chk_map_*.
- bzrlib.tests.test__chunks_to_lines - Tests for chunks_to_lines.
- bzrlib.tests.test__dirstate_helpers - Tests for the compiled dirstate helpers.
- bzrlib.tests.test__groupcompress - Tests for the python and pyrex extensions of groupcompress
- bzrlib.tests.test__known_graph - Tests for the python and pyrex extensions of KnownGraph
- bzrlib.tests.test__rio - Tests for _rio_*.
- bzrlib.tests.test__simple_set - Tests for the StaticTupleInterned type.
- bzrlib.tests.test__static_tuple - Tests for the StaticTuple type.
- bzrlib.tests.test__walkdirs_win32 - Tests for the win32 walkdir extension.
- bzrlib.tests.test_ancestry - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_annotate - Whitebox tests for annotate functionality.
- bzrlib.tests.test_api - Tests for library API infrastructure
- bzrlib.tests.test_atomicfile - Basic tests for AtomicFile
- bzrlib.tests.test_bad_files - Tests being able to ignore bad filetypes.
- bzrlib.tests.test_bisect_multi - Tests for bisect_multi.
- bzrlib.tests.test_branch - Tests for the Branch facility that are not interface tests.
- bzrlib.tests.test_branchbuilder - Tests for the BranchBuilder class.
- bzrlib.tests.test_btree_index - Tests for btree indices.
- bzrlib.tests.test_bugtracker - No module docstring; 5/6 classes documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_bundle - No module docstring; 2/15 classes, 2/2 functions documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_bzrdir - Tests for the BzrDir facility and any format specific tests.
- bzrlib.tests.test_cache_utf8 - Tests for utf8 caching.
- bzrlib.tests.test_cethread - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_chk_map - Tests for maps built on a CHK versionedfiles facility.
- bzrlib.tests.test_chk_serializer - No module docstring; 1/1 classes documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_chunk_writer - Tests for writing fixed size chunks with compression.
- bzrlib.tests.test_clean_tree - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_cleanup - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_cmdline - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_commands - No module docstring; 1/10 classes documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_commit - No module docstring; 1/4 classes documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_commit_merge - No module docstring; 1/1 classes documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_config - Tests for finding and reading the bzr config file[s].
- bzrlib.tests.test_conflicts - No module docstring; 2/18 classes, 1/2 functions documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_controldir - Tests for the ControlDir facility.
- bzrlib.tests.test_counted_lock - Tests for bzrlib.counted_lock
- bzrlib.tests.test_crash - No module docstring; 1/2 classes documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_debug - Tests for bzrlib.debug
- bzrlib.tests.test_decorators - Tests for decorator functions
- bzrlib.tests.test_delta - No module docstring; 1/4 classes documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_diff - No module docstring; 1/14 classes, 0/3 functions documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_directory_service - Test directory service implementation
- bzrlib.tests.test_dirstate - Tests of the dirstate functionality being built for WorkingTreeFormat4.
- bzrlib.tests.test_email_message - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_eol_filters - Tests for eol conversion.
- bzrlib.tests.test_errors - Tests for the formatting and construction of errors.
- bzrlib.tests.test_estimate_compressed_size - Tests for our estimation of compressed content.
- bzrlib.tests.test_export - Tests for bzrlib.export.
- bzrlib.tests.test_export_pot - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_extract - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_features - Tests for test feature dependencies.
- bzrlib.tests.test_fetch - No module docstring; 1/5 classes, 1/3 functions documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_fifo_cache - Tests for the fifo_cache module.
- bzrlib.tests.test_filter_tree - Tests for ContentFilterTree
- bzrlib.tests.test_filters - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_fixtures - Tests for test fixtures
- bzrlib.tests.test_foreign - Tests for foreign VCS utility code.
- bzrlib.tests.test_ftp_transport - No module docstring; 1/5 classes documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_generate_docs - Tests for generating docs (man pages).
- bzrlib.tests.test_generate_ids - Tests for bzrlib/
- bzrlib.tests.test_globbing - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_gpg - Tests for signing and verifying blobs of data via gpg.
- bzrlib.tests.test_graph - No module docstring; 4/20 classes documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_groupcompress - Tests for group compression.
- bzrlib.tests.test_hashcache - No module docstring; 3/3 classes, 0/1 functions documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_help - Unit tests for the module.
- bzrlib.tests.test_hooks - Tests for the core Hooks logic.
- bzrlib.tests.test_http - Tests for HTTP implementations.
- bzrlib.tests.test_http_response - Tests from HTTP response parsing.
- bzrlib.tests.test_https_ca_bundle - Testing of bzrlib.transport.http.ca_bundle module
- bzrlib.tests.test_i18n - Tests for bzrlib.i18n
- bzrlib.tests.test_identitymap - Tests for the IdentityMap class.
- bzrlib.tests.test_ignores - Tests for handling of ignore files
- bzrlib.tests.test_import_tariff - Tests for how many modules are loaded in executing various commands.
- bzrlib.tests.test_index - Tests for indices.
- bzrlib.tests.test_info - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_inv - No module docstring; 0/7 classes, 5/9 functions documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_inventory_delta - Tests for bzrlib.inventory_delta.
- bzrlib.tests.test_knit - Tests for Knit data structure
- bzrlib.tests.test_lazy_import - Test the lazy_import functionality.
- bzrlib.tests.test_lazy_regex - Test that lazy regexes are not compiled right away
- bzrlib.tests.test_library_state - Tests for BzrLibraryState.
- bzrlib.tests.test_lock - Tests for OS Locks.
- bzrlib.tests.test_lockable_files - No module docstring; 2/4 classes documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_lockdir - Tests for LockDir
- bzrlib.tests.test_log - No module docstring; 2/20 classes documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_lru_cache - Tests for the lru_cache module.
- bzrlib.tests.test_lsprof - Tests for profiling data collection.
- bzrlib.tests.test_mail_client - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_matchers - Tests of bzrlib test matchers.
- bzrlib.tests.test_memorytree - Tests for the MemoryTree class.
- bzrlib.tests.test_merge - No module docstring; 2/11 classes documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_merge3 - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_merge_core - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_merge_directive - No module docstring; 6/10 classes documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_mergetools - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_missing - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_msgeditor - Test commit message editor.
- bzrlib.tests.test_multiparent - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_mutabletree - Tests for MutableTree.
- bzrlib.tests.test_nonascii - Test that various operations work in a non-ASCII environment.
- bzrlib.tests.test_options - No module docstring; 3/4 classes, 0/1 functions documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_osutils - Tests for the osutils wrapper.
- bzrlib.tests.test_osutils_encodings - Tests for the osutils wrapper.
- bzrlib.tests.test_pack - Tests for bzrlib.pack.
- bzrlib.tests.test_patch - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_patches - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_permissions - Tests for bzr setting permissions.
- bzrlib.tests.test_plugins - Tests for plugins
- bzrlib.tests.test_progress - No module docstring; 3/3 classes documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_pyutils - Tests for bzrlib.pyutils.
- bzrlib.tests.test_read_bundle - Test read_bundle works properly across various transports.
- bzrlib.tests.test_reconcile - Tests for reconiliation behaviour that is repository independent.
- bzrlib.tests.test_reconfigure - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_registry - Tests for the Registry classes
- bzrlib.tests.test_remote - Tests for remote bzrdir/branch/repo/etc
- bzrlib.tests.test_rename_map - No module docstring; 0/1 classes, 1/1 functions documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_repository - Tests for the Repository facility that are not interface tests.
- bzrlib.tests.test_revert - No module docstring; 1/1 classes documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_revision - No module docstring; 3/7 classes, 1/1 functions documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_revisionspec - No module docstring; 1/17 classes, 1/1 functions documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_revisiontree - Tests for the RevisionTree class.
- bzrlib.tests.test_rio - Tests for rio serialization
- bzrlib.tests.test_rules - Tests for finding, parsing and searching rule-based preferences.
- bzrlib.tests.test_sampler - Document what this test file is expecting to test here.
- bzrlib.tests.test_scenarios - Tests for generating multiple tests for scenarios.
- bzrlib.tests.test_script - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_selftest - Tests for the test framework.
- bzrlib.tests.test_serializer - Tests for the revision/inventory Serializers.
- bzrlib.tests.test_server - No module docstring; 17/24 classes, 0/1 functions documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_setup - Test for build process
- bzrlib.tests.test_sftp_transport - No module docstring; 10/14 classes, 1/2 functions documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_shelf - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_shelf_ui - No module docstring; 1/6 classes documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_smart - Tests for the smart wire/domain protocol.
- bzrlib.tests.test_smart_add - No module docstring; 1/3 classes documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_smart_request - Tests for smart server request infrastructure (
- bzrlib.tests.test_smart_signals - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_smart_transport - Tests for smart transport
- bzrlib.tests.test_smtp_connection - No module docstring; 2/3 classes, 0/1 functions documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_source - These tests are tests about the source code of bzrlib itself.
- bzrlib.tests.test_ssh_transport - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_status - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_store - Test Store implementations.
- bzrlib.tests.test_strace - Tests for the strace-invoking support.
- bzrlib.tests.test_subsume - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_switch - Tests for bzrlib.switch.
- bzrlib.tests.test_symbol_versioning - Symbol versioning tests.
- bzrlib.tests.test_tag - Tests for bzrlib.tag.
- bzrlib.tests.test_test_server - No module docstring; 1/6 classes, 1/1 functions documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_testament - Test testaments for gpg signing.
- bzrlib.tests.test_textfile - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_textmerge - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_timestamp - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_trace - Tests for trace library
- bzrlib.tests.test_transactions - Tests for the behaviour of the Transaction concept in bzr.
- bzrlib.tests.test_transform - No module docstring; 2/16 classes, 0/1 functions documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_transport - No module docstring; 11/25 classes documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_transport_log - Tests for log+ transport decorator.
- bzrlib.tests.test_tree - Tests for Tree and InterTree.
- bzrlib.tests.test_treebuilder - Tests for the TreeBuilder helper class.
- bzrlib.tests.test_treeshape - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_tsort - Tests for topological sort.
- bzrlib.tests.test_tuned_gzip - Tests for tuned_gzip.
- bzrlib.tests.test_ui - Tests for the bzrlib ui
- bzrlib.tests.test_uncommit - Test uncommit.
- bzrlib.tests.test_upgrade - Tests for upgrade of old trees.
- bzrlib.tests.test_upgrade_stacked - Tests for upgrades of various stacking situations.
- bzrlib.tests.test_urlutils - Tests for the urlutils wrapper.
- bzrlib.tests.test_utextwrap - Tests of the bzrlib.utextwrap.
- bzrlib.tests.test_version - Tests for versioning of bzrlib.
- bzrlib.tests.test_version_info - Tests for version_info
- bzrlib.tests.test_versionedfile - Tests for VersionedFile classes
- bzrlib.tests.test_weave - test suite for weave algorithm
- bzrlib.tests.test_whitebox - Undocumented
- bzrlib.tests.test_win32utils - Tests for win32utils.
- bzrlib.tests.test_workingtree - No module docstring; 5/16 classes documented
- bzrlib.tests.test_workingtree_4 - Tests for WorkingTreeFormat4
- bzrlib.tests.test_wsgi - Tests for WSGI application
- bzrlib.tests.test_xml - No module docstring; 2/3 classes documented
- bzrlib.tests.testui - UI implementations for use in testing.
- bzrlib.tests.transport_util - No module docstring; 3/4 classes, 0/1 functions documented
- bzrlib.tests.treeshape - Test helper for constructing and testing directories.
- bzrlib.textfile - Utilities for distinguishing binary files from text files
- bzrlib.textinv - No module docstring; 3/4 functions documented
- bzrlib.textmerge - No module docstring; 2/2 classes documented
- bzrlib.timestamp - No module docstring; 4/4 functions documented
- bzrlib.trace - Messages and logging.
- bzrlib.transactions - This module provides a transactional facility.
- bzrlib.transform - No module docstring; 7/10 classes, 14/24 functions documented
- bzrlib.transport - Transport is an abstraction layer to handle file access.
- bzrlib.tree - Tree classes, representing directory at point in time.
- bzrlib.treebuilder - TreeBuilder helper class.
- bzrlib.tsort - Topological sorting routines.
- bzrlib.tuned_gzip - Bzrlib specific gzip tunings. We plan to feed these to the upstream gzip.
- bzrlib.ui - Abstraction for interacting with the user.
- bzrlib.uncommit - Remove the last revision from the history of the current branch.
- bzrlib.upgrade - bzr upgrade logic.
- bzrlib.urlutils - A collection of function for handling URL operations.
- bzrlib.utextwrap - No module docstring; 1/1 classes, 2/2 functions documented
- bzrlib.util - No package docstring; 1/2 modules, 0/4 packages documented
- bzrlib.version - Report on version of bzrlib
- bzrlib.version_info_formats - Routines for extracting all version information from a bzr branch.
- bzrlib.versionedfile - Versioned text file storage api.
- bzrlib.vf_repository - Repository formats built around versioned files.
- bzrlib.views - View management.
- bzrlib.weave - Weave - storage of related text file versions
- bzrlib.weavefile - Store and retrieve weaves in files.
- bzrlib.win32utils - Win32-specific helper functions
- bzrlib.workingtree - WorkingTree object and friends.
- bzrlib.workingtree_3 - WorkingTree3 format and implementation.
- bzrlib.workingtree_4 - WorkingTree4 format and implementation.
- bzrlib.xml5 - No module docstring; 1/1 classes documented
- bzrlib.xml6 - No module docstring; 1/1 classes documented
- bzrlib.xml7 - No module docstring; 1/1 classes documented
- bzrlib.xml8 - No module docstring; 1/1 classes, 7/8 functions documented
- bzrlib.xml_serializer - XML externalization support.