b.t.test_decorators : module documentation

Part of bzrlib.tests

Tests for decorator functions
Class SampleUnlockError Undocumented
Function create_decorator_sample Create a DecoratorSample object, using specific lock operators.
Class TestDecoratorActions Undocumented
Class TestFastDecoratorActions Undocumented
Class TestPrettyDecoratorActions Undocumented
Class TestDecoratorDocs Test method decorators
Class TestPrettyDecorators Test that pretty decorators generate nice looking wrappers.
Class TestOnlyRaisesDecorator Undocumented
def create_decorator_sample(style, unlock_error=None, meth=None):
Create a DecoratorSample object, using specific lock operators.
ParametersstyleThe type of lock decorators to use (fast/pretty/None)
unlock_errorIf specified, an error to raise from unlock.
metha function to be decorated and added as a 'meth_read' and 'meth_write' to the object.
ReturnsAn instantiated DecoratorSample object.
API Documentation for Bazaar, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:25:16.