b.t.per_versionedfile : module documentation

Part of bzrlib.tests

No module docstring
Function get_diamond_vf Get a diamond graph to exercise deltas and merges.
Function get_diamond_files Get a diamond graph to exercise deltas and merges.
Class VersionedFileTestMixIn A mixin test class for testing VersionedFiles.
Class TestWeave Undocumented
Class TestPlanMergeVersionedFile Undocumented
Class TestReadonlyHttpMixin Undocumented
Class TestWeaveHTTP Undocumented
Class MergeCasesMixin No class docstring; 5/15 methods documented
Class TestWeaveMerge Undocumented
Class TestContentFactoryAdaption No class docstring; 8/9 methods documented
Class TestKeyMapper Tests for various key mapping logic.
Class TestVersionedFiles Tests for the multiple-file variant of VersionedFile.
Class VirtualVersionedFilesTests Basic tests for the VirtualVersionedFiles implementations.
Class TestOrderingVersionedFilesDecorator Undocumented
def get_diamond_vf(f, trailing_eol=True, left_only=False):
Get a diamond graph to exercise deltas and merges.

    :param trailing_eol: If True end the last line with 
def get_diamond_files(files, key_length, trailing_eol=True, left_only=False, nograph=False, nokeys=False):
Get a diamond graph to exercise deltas and merges.

    This creates a 5-node graph in files. If files supports 2-length keys two
    graphs are made to exercise the support for multiple ids.

    :param trailing_eol: If True end the last line with 
    :param key_length: The length of keys in files. Currently supports length 1
        and 2 keys.
    :param left_only: If True do not add the right and merged nodes.
    :param nograph: If True, do not provide parents to the add_lines calls;
        this is useful for tests that need inserted data but have graphless
    :param nokeys: If True, pass None is as the key for all insertions.
        Currently implies nograph.
    :return: The results of the add_lines calls.
API Documentation for Bazaar, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:25:16.