b.t.test_sftp_transport : module documentation

Part of bzrlib.tests

No module docstring
Function set_test_transport_to_sftp A helper to set transports on test case instances.
Class TestCaseWithSFTPServer A test case base class that provides a sftp server on localhost.
Class SFTPLockTests Undocumented
Class SFTPTransportTestRelative Test the SFTP transport with homedir based relative paths.
Class SFTPTransportTestRelativeRoot Test the SFTP transport with homedir based relative paths.
Class SFTPNonServerTest No class docstring; 1/5 methods documented
Class SFTPBranchTest Test some stuff when accessing a bzr Branch over sftp
Class SSHVendorConnection Test that the ssh vendors can all connect.
Class SSHVendorBadConnection Test that the ssh vendors handle bad connection properly
Class SFTPLatencyKnob Test that the testing SFTPServer's latency knob works.
Class FakeSocket Fake socket object used to test the SocketDelay wrapper without
Class TestSocketDelay Undocumented
Class ReadvFile An object that acts like Paramiko's SFTPFile when readv() is used
Class Test_SFTPReadvHelper Undocumented
Class TestUsesAuthConfig Test that AuthenticationConfig can supply default usernames.
Function _null_report_activity Undocumented
def set_test_transport_to_sftp(testcase):
A helper to set transports on test case instances.
def _null_report_activity(*a, **k):
API Documentation for Bazaar, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:25:16.