b.crash : module documentation

Part of bzrlib

Handling and reporting crashes.

A crash is an exception propagated up almost to the top level of Bazaar.

If we have apport <https://launchpad.net/apport/>, we store a report of the crash using apport into its /var/crash spool directory, from where the user can either manually send it to Launchpad. In some cases (at least Ubuntu development releases), Apport may pop up a window asking if they want to send it.

Without apport, we just write a crash report to stderr and the user can report this manually if the wish.

We never send crash data across the network without user opt-in.

In principle apport can run on any platform though as of Feb 2010 there seem to be some portability bugs.

To force this off in bzr turn set APPORT_DISABLE in the environment or -Dno_apport.

Function report_bug Undocumented
Function report_bug_legacy Report a bug by just printing a message to the user.
Function report_bug_to_apport Report a bug to apport for optional automatic filing.
Function _write_apport_report_to_file Undocumented
Function _attach_log_tail Undocumented
Function _open_crash_file Undocumented
Function _format_plugin_list Undocumented
Function _format_module_list Undocumented
def report_bug(exc_info, stderr):
def report_bug_legacy(exc_info, err_file):
Report a bug by just printing a message to the user.
def report_bug_to_apport(exc_info, stderr):
Report a bug to apport for optional automatic filing.
ReturnsThe name of the crash file, or None if we didn't write one.
def _write_apport_report_to_file(exc_info):
def _attach_log_tail(pr):
def _open_crash_file():
def _format_plugin_list():
def _format_module_list():
API Documentation for Bazaar, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:25:16.