b.t.features : module documentation

Part of bzrlib.tests

A collection of commonly used 'Features' to optionally run tests.
Class Feature An operating system Feature.
Class ModuleAvailableFeature This is a feature than describes a module we want to be available.
Class ExecutableFeature Feature testing whether an executable of a given name is on the PATH.
Class Win32Feature Feature testing whether we're running selftest on Windows
Class _SymlinkFeature Undocumented
Class _HardlinkFeature Undocumented
Class _OsFifoFeature Undocumented
Class _UnicodeFilenameFeature Does the filesystem support Unicode filenames?
Class _CompatabilityThunkFeature This feature is just a thunk to another feature.
Class _HTTPSServerFeature Some tests want an https Server, check if one is available.
Class _ByteStringNamedFilesystem Is the filesystem based on bytes?
Class _UTF8Filesystem Is the filesystem UTF-8?
Class _BreakinFeature Does this platform support the breakin feature?
Class _CaseInsCasePresFilenameFeature Is the file-system case insensitive, but case-preserving?
Class _CaseInsensitiveFilesystemFeature Check if underlying filesystem is case-insensitive but not case
Class _CaseSensitiveFilesystemFeature Undocumented
Class _NotRunningAsRoot Undocumented
Class _BackslashDirSeparatorFeature Undocumented
Class _ChownFeature os.chown is supported
Class _PosixPermissionsFeature Undocumented
Class _StraceFeature Undocumented
Class _AttribFeature Undocumented
API Documentation for Bazaar, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:25:16.