l.s.database : package documentation

Part of lp.services

The lp.services.database package.
Module bulk Optimized bulk operations against the database.
Module collection A generic collection of database objects.
Module constants Database constants.
Module datetimecol UtcDateTimeCol for SQLObject
Module debug Replace the psycopg connect method with one that returns a wrapped connection.
Module decoratedresultset No module docstring; 1/1 classes documented
Module enumcol No module docstring; 1/3 classes, 0/2 functions documented
Module interfaces No module docstring; 3/3 classes, 8/8 interfaces documented
Module isolation Ensure that some operations happen outside of transactions.
Module locking No module docstring; 1/2 classes, 1/1 functions documented
Module multitablecopy No module docstring; 2/2 classes documented
Module namedrow Convert the tuples returned by Cursor.fetchall() into namedtuples.
Module nl_search Helpers for doing natural language phrase search using the
Module policy Launchpad database policies.
Module postgresql PostgreSQL specific helper functions, such as database introspection
Module sort_sql Sort SQL dumps.
Module sqlbase No module docstring; 4/4 classes, 15/15 functions documented
Module stormbase No module docstring; 1/1 classes documented
Module stormexpr No module docstring; 8/18 classes, 4/11 functions documented
Package tests The lp.services.database.tests package.
Module transaction_policy Policy for database transactions.

From the __init__.py module:

Function activity_cols Adapt pg_stat_activity column names for the current DB server.
Function read_transaction Decorator used to run the function inside a read only transaction.
Function retry_transaction Decorator used to retry database transaction failures.
Function write_transaction Decorator used to run the function inside a write transaction.
def activity_cols(cur):
Adapt pg_stat_activity column names for the current DB server.
def retry_transaction(func):
Decorator used to retry database transaction failures.

The function being decorated should not have side effects outside of the transaction.

def read_transaction(func):
Decorator used to run the function inside a read only transaction.

The transaction will be aborted on successful completion of the function. The transaction will be retried if appropriate.

def write_transaction(func):
Decorator used to run the function inside a write transaction.

The transaction will be committed on successful completion of the function, and aborted on failure. The transaction will be retried if appropriate.

API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.