Function | storm_cache_factory | Return a Storm Cache of the type and size specified in dbconfig. |
Function | get_connected_store | Retrieve a store from the IZStorm Utility and ensure it is connected. |
Class | BaseDatabasePolicy | Base class for database policies. |
Class | DatabaseBlockedPolicy | IDatabasePolicy that blocks all access to the database. |
Class | MasterDatabasePolicy | IDatabasePolicy that selects the MASTER_FLAVOR by default. |
Class | SlaveDatabasePolicy | IDatabasePolicy that selects the SLAVE_FLAVOR by default. |
Class | SlaveOnlyDatabasePolicy | IDatabasePolicy that only allows access to SLAVE_FLAVOR stores. |
Function | LaunchpadDatabasePolicyFactory | Return the Launchpad IDatabasePolicy for the current appserver state. |
Class | LaunchpadDatabasePolicy | Default database policy for web requests. |
Function | WebServiceDatabasePolicyFactory | Return the Launchpad IDatabasePolicy for the current appserver state. |
Function | _now | Return current utc time as a datetime with no timezone info. |
This is a global method to allow the test suite to override.
Raises | storm.exceptions.DisconnectionError | On failures. |