l.s.testing : package documentation

Part of lp.services

A standard test suite for Launchpad-derived code.

Assumes the following layout beneath base_dir:

stories/ - Contains pagetests doc/ - Contains doctests
Module customresult Support code for using a custom test result in test.py.
Module doctestcodec Codecs to convert Unicode strings to more human readable representations.
Module parallel Parallel test glue.
Module profiled Profile the test layers.
Package tests No package docstring; 3/3 modules documented

From the __init__.py module:

Function build_doctest_suite Build the doc test suite.
Function build_test_suite Build a test suite from a directory containing test files.
def build_doctest_suite(base_dir, tests_path, special_tests={}, layer=None, setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown, package=None):
Build the doc test suite.
def build_test_suite(base_dir, special_tests={}, layer=None, setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown, pageTestsSetUp=None):
Build a test suite from a directory containing test files.

The parent's 'stories' subdirectory will be checked for pagetests and the parent's 'doc' subdirectory will be checked for doctests.

Parametersbase_dirThe tests subdirectory that.
special_testsA dict mapping filenames to TestSuite objects. These files need special treatment (for instance, they should be run in a different layer, or they need custom setup/teardown). The given TestSuite object will be used for that file, rather than a new one generated.
layerThe layer in which to run the tests.
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.