l.s.t.parallel : module documentation

Part of lp.services.testing

Parallel test glue.
Function prepare_argv Remove options from argv that would be added by ListTestCase.
Function find_load_list Get the value passed in to --load-list=FOO.
Class GatherIDs Gather test ids from a test run.
Function find_tests Find tests to parallel run.
Class ListTestCase No class docstring; 1/2 methods documented
Function concurrency Return the number of current tests we should run on this machine.
Function partition_tests Partition suite into count lists of tests.
Function main CLI entry point to adapt a test run to parallel testing.
def prepare_argv(argv):
Remove options from argv that would be added by ListTestCase.
def find_load_list(args):
Get the value passed in to --load-list=FOO.
def find_tests(argv):
Find tests to parallel run.
ParametersargvThe argv given to the test runner, used to get the tests to run.
ReturnsA list of test IDs.
def concurrency():
Return the number of current tests we should run on this machine.

Each test is run in its own process, and we assume that the optimal number is one per core.

def partition_tests(test_ids, count):
Partition suite into count lists of tests.
def main(argv, prepare_args=prepare_argv, find_tests=find_tests):
CLI entry point to adapt a test run to parallel testing.
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.