l.s.t.profiled : module documentation

Part of lp.services.testing

Profile the test layers.
Function profiled Decorator that automatically profiles invocations of the method.
Function setup_profiling Initialize our profiling information.
Function report_profile_stats Print a report about our collected statistics to stdout.
Function _update_profile_stats Update the profile statistics with new information about a method call.
def profiled(func):
Decorator that automatically profiles invocations of the method.
def setup_profiling():
Initialize our profiling information.

This cannot be done on module load as this information should only be initialized in the top testrunner process.

def _update_profile_stats(cls, func, duration):
Update the profile statistics with new information about a method call.
def report_profile_stats():
Print a report about our collected statistics to stdout.
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.