l.t.i.t.ITranslator(IEditTranslator, IAdminTranslator) : interface documentation

Part of lp.translations.interfaces.translator View In Hierarchy

A member of a TranslationGroup.

This is the aggregation of all the attributes for a translator.

This is not the same thing as what the UI calls a 'translator'. A translator there is any logged-in Launchpad user, since any such user can suggest or enter translation. An ITranslator is a person or team who coordinates translation work done in a language.

Inherited from IEditTranslator:

URIField style_guide_url The URL of the translation team guidelines to be followed by this particular translation team. Can be any of the http://, https://, or ftp:// links.

Inherited from IAdminTranslator:

Int id Undocumented
Datetime datecreated Undocumented
Choice translationgroup The translation group in which the translation team (individual supervisor) is being appointed.
Choice language The language that this team or person will be responsible for.
PublicPersonChoice translator The translation team (or individual supervisor) to be responsible for the language in this group.
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.