l.t.b.p.IPOTemplateEditForm(IPOTemplate) : interface documentation

Part of lp.translations.browser.potemplate View In Hierarchy


Inherited from IPOTemplate:

Text header The standard template header in its native format.
Choice productseries Undocumented
Choice distroseries Undocumented
Choice sourcepackagename The source package that uses this template.
Int sourcepackagenameID The ID of the source package that uses this template.
Choice from_sourcepackagename The source package this template comes from (set it only if it's different from the previous 'Source Package Name'.
TextLine sourcepackageversion Undocumented
Object source_file Undocumented
Datetime datecreated Undocumented
Attribute translationgroups The ITranslationGroup objects that handle translations for this
Choice translationpermission The permission system which is used for this translation template.
Attribute relatives_by_source All IPOTemplate objects that have the same source.
TextLine displayname Undocumented
TextLine title Undocumented
Object product Undocumented
Object distribution Undocumented
Attribute translationtarget The direct object in which this template is attached.
Bool uses_english_msgids Some formats, such as Mozilla's XPI, use symbolic msgids where
Int translation_side Undocumented
Method __iter__ Return an iterator over current IPOTMsgSet in this template.
Method clearPOFileCache Clear POFile-related cached data.
Method setActive Toggle the iscurrent flag.
Method getHeader Return an ITranslationHeaderData representing its header.
Method getPOTMsgSetByMsgIDText Return IPOTMsgSet indexed by singular_text from this template.
Method getPOTMsgSetBySequence Return the IPOTMsgSet with the given sequence or None.
Method getPOTMsgSets Return an iterator over IPOTMsgSet objects in this template.
Method getTranslationCredits Return an iterator over translation credits.
Method getPOTMsgSetsCount Return the number of POTMsgSet objects related to this object.
Method __getitem__ Same as getPOTMsgSetByMsgIDText(), with only_current=True
Method sharingKey A key for determining the sharing precedence of a template.
Method getPOTMsgSetByID Return the POTMsgSet object related to this POTemplate with the id.
Method languages This Return the set of languages for which we have POFiles for
Method getPOFileByPath Get the PO file of the given path.
Method getPOFileByLang Get the PO file of the given language.
Method getOtherSidePOTemplate Get the POTemplate with the same name on the other side of a
Method hasPluralMessage Test whether this template has any message sets which are plural
Method export Return a serialized version as a string using its native format.
Method exportWithTranslations Return an ExportedTranslationFile using its native format.
Method expireAllMessages Mark all of our message sets as not current (sequence=0)
Method newPOFile Return a new IPOFile for the given language.
Method getDummyPOFile Return a DummyPOFile if there isn't already a persistent IPOFile
Method createPOTMsgSetFromMsgIDs Creates a new template message in the database.
Method createMessageSetFromText Creates a new template message in the database using strings.
Method getOrCreateSharedPOTMsgSet Finds an existing shared POTMsgSet to use or creates a new one.
Method importFromQueue Import given queue entry.
Method getTranslationRows Return the IVPOTexport objects for this template.
Method awardKarma Award karma for a translation action on this template.
Method getTranslationPolicy Return the applicable ITranslationPolicy object.

Inherited from IRosettaStats (via IPOTemplate):

Method testStatistics Ensure that the statistics here are self-consistent.
Method updateStatistics Update the statistics associated with this object.
Method messageCount Return the number of current IPOMessageSets inside this object.
Method currentCount Return the number of current upstream translations.
Method updatesCount Return the number of msgsets newer in Rosetta.
Method newCount Return the number of newly translated messages in Rosetta.
Method rosettaCount Return the number of msgsets translated only in rosetta.
Method unreviewedCount Return the number of msgsets with unreviewed suggestions.
Method translatedCount Return the total number of msgsets that are translated in Rosetta.
Method untranslatedCount Return the number of msgsets that are untranslated.
Method updatesPercentage Return the percentage of updated msgsets inside this object.
Method currentPercentage Return the percentage of current msgsets inside this object.
Method rosettaPercentage Return the percentage of msgsets translated with Rosetta inside
Method translatedPercentage Return the percentage of msgsets translated for this object.
Method untranslatedPercentage Return the percentage of msgsets untranslated for this object.
Method newPercentage Return the percentage of translations for this object that are
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.