l.s.b.a.PackageCopyingMixin : class documentation

Part of lp.soyuz.browser.archive View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: lp.registry.browser.distroseries.DistroSeriesDifferenceBaseView, lp.soyuz.browser.archive.ArchivePackageCopyingView

A mixin class that adds helpers for package copying.
Method do_copy Copy packages and add appropriate feedback to the browser page.
def do_copy(self, sources_field_name, source_pubs, dest_archive, dest_series, dest_pocket, include_binaries, dest_url=None, dest_display_name=None, person=None, check_permissions=True, sponsored_person=None):
Copy packages and add appropriate feedback to the browser page.

This will copy asynchronously, scheduling jobs that will be processed by a script.

Parameterssources_field_nameThe name of the form field to set errors on when the copy fails
source_pubsA list of SourcePackagePublishingHistory to copy
dest_archiveThe destination IArchive
dest_seriesThe destination IDistroSeries
dest_pocketThe destination PackagePublishingPocket
include_binariesBoolean, whether to copy binaries with the sources
dest_urlThe URL of the destination to display in the notification box. Defaults to the target archive and will be automatically escaped for inclusion in the output.
dest_display_nameThe text to use for the dest_url link. Defaults to the target archive's display name and will be automatically escaped for inclusion in the output.
personThe person requesting the copy.
check_permissions: boolean indicating whether or not the requester's permissions to copy should be checked.
sponsored_personAn IPerson representing the person being sponsored.
ReturnsTrue if the copying worked, False otherwise.
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.