l.s.w.tests : package documentation

Part of lp.services.webapp

No package docstring
Module sigusr2 Helper for test_sigusr2.py.
Module test___init__ Undocumented
Module test_authentication Tests authentication.py
Module test_authorization Tests for lp.services.webapp.authorization.
Module test_authutility Undocumented
Module test_batching No module docstring; 1/1 classes documented
Module test_breadcrumbs No module docstring; 2/4 classes documented
Module test_cookie_authentication Test harness for running the cookie-authentication.txt tests.
Module test_dbpolicy Tests for the DBPolicy.
Module test_doc Run the doctests and pagetests.
Module test_error Test error views.
Module test_errorlog Tests for error logging & OOPS reporting.
Module test_escaping Undocumented
Module test_forgiving_vocabulary No module docstring; 1/1 classes documented
Module test_haproxy Test the haproxy integration view.
Module test_initialization Tests post-zcml application initialization.
Module test_login Test harness for running the new-login.txt tests.
Module test_login_account Undocumented
Module test_loginsource Undocumented
Module test_menu No module docstring; 1/2 classes documented
Module test_metazcml Undocumented
Module test_navigation Undocumented
Module test_no_anonymous_session_cookies Test harness for running the no-anonymous-session-cookies.txt tests.
Module test_notifications Module docstring goes here.
Module test_pageid Test page ID generation.
Module test_pgsession Test pgsession.py.
Module test_preferredcharsets Tests for choosing the preferred charsets.
Module test_publication Tests publication.py
Module test_publisher Undocumented
Module test_servers No module docstring; 8/20 classes, 0/1 functions, 2/2 interfaces documented
Module test_session Undocumented
Module test_sigdumpmem Test the SIGDUMPMEM signal handler.
Module test_sighup Test the SIGHUP signal handler.
Module test_sigusr2 Test the SIGUSR2 signal handler.
Module test_snapshot Undocumented
Module test_sorting Undocumented
Module test_statementtracer Tests for the LaunchpadStatementTracer.
Module test_url Undocumented
Module test_user_requested_oops Tests for the user requested oops using ++oops++ traversal.
Module test_vhosts Test for virtual host setup.
Module test_view_model Tests for the user requested oops using ++oops++ traversal.
Module test_vocabulary Undocumented
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.