Interface |
ILaunchpadContainer |
Marker interface for objects used as the context of something. |
Class |
ILaunchpadRoot |
Marker interface for the root object of Launchpad. |
Interface |
ILaunchpadApplication |
Marker interface for a launchpad application. |
Interface |
ILaunchpadProtocolError |
Marker interface for a Launchpad protocol error exception. |
Class |
OffsiteFormPostError |
An attempt was made to post a form from a remote site. |
Class |
NoReferrerError |
At attempt was made to post a form without a REFERER header. |
Class |
UnsafeFormGetSubmissionError |
An attempt was made to submit an unsafe form action with GET. |
Interface |
IFacet |
Interface for metadata about facets. |
Interface |
IMenu |
Public interface for facets, menus, extra facets and extra menus. |
Interface |
IMenuBase |
Common interface for facets, menus, extra facets and extra menus. |
Interface |
IFacetMenu |
Main facet menu for an object. |
Interface |
IApplicationMenu |
Application menu for an object. |
Interface |
IContextMenu |
Context menu for an object. |
Interface |
INavigationMenu |
Navigation menu for an object. |
Interface |
ILinkData |
An object with immutable attributes that represents the data a |
Interface |
ILink |
An object that represents a link in a menu. |
Interface |
IFacetLink |
A link in a facet menu. |
Interface |
IStructuredString |
An object that represents a string that is to retain its html structure |
Interface |
IBreadcrumb |
A breadcrumb link. |
Interface |
IMultiFacetedBreadcrumb |
A breadcrumb link for an object that transcends facets. |
Interface |
ICanonicalUrlData |
Tells you how to work out a canonical url for an object. |
Class |
NoCanonicalUrl |
There was no canonical URL registered for an object. |
Interface |
IFavicon |
A favicon. |
Interface |
ILaunchBag |
No interface docstring; 14/14 attributes, 0/1 bools documented |
Interface |
IOpenLaunchBag |
No interface docstring; 4/4 methods documented |
Interface |
IInteractionExtras |
We attach a provider of this interface to all interactions. |
Interface |
IBasicLaunchpadRequest |
No interface docstring; 3/3 attributes, 1/1 bools, 3/3 methods documented |
Interface |
IBrowserFormNG |
Interface to manipulate submitted form data. |
Interface |
ILaunchpadBrowserApplicationRequest |
The request interface to the application for LP browser requests. |
Interface |
IPrincipalIdentifiedEvent |
An event that is sent after a principal has been recovered from the |
Interface |
ILoggedInEvent |
An event that is sent after someone has logged in. |
Class |
CookieAuthLoggedInEvent |
Undocumented |
Class |
CookieAuthPrincipalIdentifiedEvent |
Undocumented |
Class |
BasicAuthLoggedInEvent |
Undocumented |
Interface |
ILoggedOutEvent |
An event which gets sent after someone has logged out via a form. |
Class |
LoggedOutEvent |
Undocumented |
Class |
IPlacelessAuthUtility |
This is a marker interface for a utility that supplies the interface |
Class |
IPlacelessLoginSource |
This is a principal source that has no place. It extends |
Class |
OAuthPermission |
The permission granted by the user to the OAuth consumer. |
Class |
AccessLevel |
The level of access any given principal has. |
Class |
ILaunchpadPrincipal |
Marker interface for launchpad principals. |
Class |
BrowserNotificationLevel |
Matches the standard logging levels. |
Interface |
INotification |
Undocumented |
Interface |
INotificationList |
No interface docstring; 0/1 datetimes, 3/3 methods documented |
Interface |
INotificationRequest |
Undocumented |
Interface |
INotificationResponse |
This class is responsible for propagating any notifications that |
Interface |
IUnloggedException |
An exception that should not be logged in an OOPS report (marker). |
Class |
IErrorReportEvent |
A new error report has been created. |
Interface |
IErrorReportRequest |
Undocumented |
Class |
ITableBatchNavigator |
A batch navigator for tabular listings. |
Interface |
IAlwaysSubmittedWidget |
A widget that is always submitted (such as a checkbox or radio |
Interface |
ISingleLineWidgetLayout |
A widget that is displayed in a single table row next to its label. |
Interface |
IMultiLineWidgetLayout |
A widget that is displayed on its own table row below its label. |
Interface |
ICheckBoxWidgetLayout |
A widget that is displayed like a check box with label to the right. |
Interface |
IFinishReadOnlyRequestEvent |
An event which gets sent when the publication is ended |
Class |
FinishReadOnlyRequestEvent |
An event which gets sent when the publication is ended |
Class |
StormRangeFactoryError |
Raised when a Storm result set cannot be used for slicing by a |