l.s.w.interfaces : module documentation

Part of lp.services.webapp

No module docstring
Interface ILaunchpadContainer Marker interface for objects used as the context of something.
Class ILaunchpadRoot Marker interface for the root object of Launchpad.
Interface ILaunchpadApplication Marker interface for a launchpad application.
Interface ILaunchpadProtocolError Marker interface for a Launchpad protocol error exception.
Class OffsiteFormPostError An attempt was made to post a form from a remote site.
Class NoReferrerError At attempt was made to post a form without a REFERER header.
Class UnsafeFormGetSubmissionError An attempt was made to submit an unsafe form action with GET.
Interface IFacet Interface for metadata about facets.
Interface IMenu Public interface for facets, menus, extra facets and extra menus.
Interface IMenuBase Common interface for facets, menus, extra facets and extra menus.
Interface IFacetMenu Main facet menu for an object.
Interface IApplicationMenu Application menu for an object.
Interface IContextMenu Context menu for an object.
Interface INavigationMenu Navigation menu for an object.
Interface ILinkData An object with immutable attributes that represents the data a
Interface ILink An object that represents a link in a menu.
Interface IFacetLink A link in a facet menu.
Interface IStructuredString An object that represents a string that is to retain its html structure
Interface IBreadcrumb A breadcrumb link.
Interface IMultiFacetedBreadcrumb A breadcrumb link for an object that transcends facets.
Interface ICanonicalUrlData Tells you how to work out a canonical url for an object.
Class NoCanonicalUrl There was no canonical URL registered for an object.
Interface IFavicon A favicon.
Interface ILaunchBag No interface docstring; 14/14 attributes, 0/1 bools documented
Interface IOpenLaunchBag No interface docstring; 4/4 methods documented
Interface IInteractionExtras We attach a provider of this interface to all interactions.
Interface IBasicLaunchpadRequest No interface docstring; 3/3 attributes, 1/1 bools, 3/3 methods documented
Interface IBrowserFormNG Interface to manipulate submitted form data.
Interface ILaunchpadBrowserApplicationRequest The request interface to the application for LP browser requests.
Interface IPrincipalIdentifiedEvent An event that is sent after a principal has been recovered from the
Interface ILoggedInEvent An event that is sent after someone has logged in.
Class CookieAuthLoggedInEvent Undocumented
Class CookieAuthPrincipalIdentifiedEvent Undocumented
Class BasicAuthLoggedInEvent Undocumented
Interface ILoggedOutEvent An event which gets sent after someone has logged out via a form.
Class LoggedOutEvent Undocumented
Class IPlacelessAuthUtility This is a marker interface for a utility that supplies the interface
Class IPlacelessLoginSource This is a principal source that has no place. It extends
Class OAuthPermission The permission granted by the user to the OAuth consumer.
Class AccessLevel The level of access any given principal has.
Class ILaunchpadPrincipal Marker interface for launchpad principals.
Class BrowserNotificationLevel Matches the standard logging levels.
Interface INotification Undocumented
Interface INotificationList No interface docstring; 0/1 datetimes, 3/3 methods documented
Interface INotificationRequest Undocumented
Interface INotificationResponse This class is responsible for propagating any notifications that
Interface IUnloggedException An exception that should not be logged in an OOPS report (marker).
Class IErrorReportEvent A new error report has been created.
Interface IErrorReportRequest Undocumented
Class ITableBatchNavigator A batch navigator for tabular listings.
Interface IAlwaysSubmittedWidget A widget that is always submitted (such as a checkbox or radio
Interface ISingleLineWidgetLayout A widget that is displayed in a single table row next to its label.
Interface IMultiLineWidgetLayout A widget that is displayed on its own table row below its label.
Interface ICheckBoxWidgetLayout A widget that is displayed like a check box with label to the right.
Interface IFinishReadOnlyRequestEvent An event which gets sent when the publication is ended
Class FinishReadOnlyRequestEvent An event which gets sent when the publication is ended
Class StormRangeFactoryError Raised when a Storm result set cannot be used for slicing by a
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.