Part of lp.registry.scripts.standing View In Hierarchy
When a person who is not a member posts a message to a mailing list, their message will get held for moderator approval. If their postings to three different lists are approved, they get their personal standing bumped from Unknown to Good. This will allow them to post to mailing lists they are not a member of with no future holds on their messages.
Note however that it takes approved posts to three different lists to bump standing. Also, standing will only ever transition from Unknown to Good. If their current personal standing is not Unknown, nothing will change.
Method | main | Main script entry point. |
Inherited from LaunchpadCronScript:
Method | __init__ | Construct new LaunchpadScript. |
Method | get_last_activity | Return the last activity, if any. |
Method | record_activity | Record the successful completion of the script. |
Inherited from LaunchpadScript (via LaunchpadCronScript):
Method | handle_options | Undocumented |
Method | name | Enable subclasses to override with command-line arguments. |
Method | dbuser | Enable subclasses to override with command-line arguments. |
Method | add_my_options | Optionally customize this hook to define your own options. |
Method | login | Super-convenience method that avoids the import. |
Method | lockfilename | Return lockfilename. |
Method | lockfilepath | Undocumented |
Method | setup_lock | Create lockfile. |
Method | lock_or_die | Attempt to lock, and sys.exit(1) if the lock's already taken. |
Method | unlock | Release the lock. Do this before going home. |
Method | run | Actually run the script, executing zcml and initZopeless. |
Method | lock_and_run | Call lock_or_die(), and then run() the script. |
Method | _init_zca | Initialize the ZCA, this can be overridden for testing purposes. |
Method | _init_db | Initialize the database transaction. |