l.b.b.b.BugNominationTableRowView(LaunchpadView) : class documentation

Part of lp.bugs.browser.bugnomination View In Hierarchy

Browser view class for rendering a nomination table row.
Method getNominationPerson Return the IPerson associated with this nomination.
Method getNominationEditLink Return a link to the nomination edit form.
Method getApproveDeclineLinkText Return a string used for the approve/decline form expander link.
Method getNominationDurationSinceCreatedOrDecided Return a duration since this nomination was created or decided.
Method userCanMakeDecisionForNomination Can the user approve/decline this nomination?
Method displayNominationEditLinks Return true if the Nomination edit links should be shown.
def getNominationPerson(self):
Return the IPerson associated with this nomination.

Return the "decider" (the person who approved or declined the nomination), if there is one, otherwise return the owner.

def getNominationEditLink(self):
Return a link to the nomination edit form.
def getApproveDeclineLinkText(self):
Return a string used for the approve/decline form expander link.
def getNominationDurationSinceCreatedOrDecided(self):
Return a duration since this nomination was created or decided.

So if the nomination is currently Proposed, the duration will be from date_created to now, and if the nomination is Approved/Declined, the duration will be from date_decided until now.

This allows us to present a human-readable version of how long ago the nomination was created or approved/declined.

def userCanMakeDecisionForNomination(self):
Can the user approve/decline this nomination?
def displayNominationEditLinks(self):
Return true if the Nomination edit links should be shown.
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.