l.b.i.s.ISpecificationView(IHasOwner, IHasLinkedBranches) : interface documentation

Part of lp.blueprints.interfaces.specification View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: lp.blueprints.interfaces.webservice.ISpecification

Specification's attributes and methods that require the permission launchpad.LimitedView.
Attribute assigneeID db assignee value
Attribute drafterID db drafter value
Attribute approverID db approver value
Choice product Undocumented
Choice distribution Undocumented
Choice productseries Choose a series in which you would like to deliver this feature. Selecting '(nothing selected)' will clear the goal.
Choice distroseries Choose a series in which you would like to deliver this feature. Selecting '(nothing selected)' will clear the goal.
Attribute goal The series for which this feature is a goal.
Choice goalstatus Whether or not the drivers have accepted this feature as a goal for the targeted series.
Attribute goal_proposer The person who nominated the spec for this series.
Attribute date_goal_proposed The date of the nomination.
Attribute goal_decider The person who approved or declined the spec a a goal.
Attribute date_goal_decided The date the spec was approved or declined as a goal.
List work_items All non-deleted work items for this spec, sorted by their 'sequence'
Int man_days An estimate of the number of developer days it will take to implement this feature. Please only provide an estimate if you are relatively confident in the number.
Choice superseded_by The specification which supersedes this one. Note that selecting a specification here and pressing Continue will change the specification status to Superseded.
Attribute subscriptions The set of subscriptions to this spec.
Attribute subscribers The set of subscribers to this spec.
Attribute sprints The sprints at which this spec is discussed.
Attribute sprint_links The entries that link this spec to sprints.
Method getDependencies Specs on which this one depends.
Method getBlockedSpecs Specs for which this spec is a dependency.
Attribute informational Is True if this spec is purely informational and requires no implementation.
Attribute is_incomplete Is True if this work still needs to be done. Is in fact always the opposite of is_complete.
Attribute is_blocked Is True if this spec depends on another spec which is still incomplete.
Method all_deps All the dependencies, including dependencies of dependencies.
Method all_blocked All specs blocked on this, and those blocked on the blocked ones.
Method validateMove Check that the specification can be moved to the target.
Method getSprintSpecification Get the record that links this spec to the named sprint.
Method notificationRecipientAddresses Return the list of email addresses that receive notifications.
Method updateLifecycleStatus Mark the specification as started, and/or complete, if appropriate.
Method getDelta Return a dictionary of things that changed between this spec and
Method subscription Return the subscription for this person to this spec, or None.
Method subscribe Subscribe this person to the feature specification.
Method unsubscribe Remove the person's subscription to this spec.
Method getSubscriptionByName Return a subscription based on the person's name, or None.
Method isSubscribed Is person subscribed to this spec?
Method linkSprint Put this spec on the agenda of the sprint.
Method unlinkSprint Remove this spec from the agenda of the sprint.
Method createDependency Create a dependency for this spec on the spec provided.
Method removeDependency Remove any dependency of this spec on the spec provided.
Method getBranchLink Return the SpecificationBranch link for the branch, or None.
Method getLinkedBugTasks Return the bug tasks that are relevant to this blueprint.
Method getAllowedInformationTypes Get a list of acceptable `InformationType`s for this spec.

Inherited from IHasOwner:

Attribute owner The object's owner, which is an IPerson.

Inherited from IHasLinkedBranches:

Method linkBranch Associate a branch with this bug.
Method unlinkBranch Unlink a branch from this bug.
assigneeID =
db assignee value
drafterID =
db drafter value
approverID =
db approver value
product =
distribution =
productseries =
Choose a series in which you would like to deliver this feature. Selecting '(nothing selected)' will clear the goal.
distroseries =
Choose a series in which you would like to deliver this feature. Selecting '(nothing selected)' will clear the goal.
goal =
The series for which this feature is a goal.
goalstatus =
Whether or not the drivers have accepted this feature as a goal for the targeted series.
goal_proposer =
The person who nominated the spec for this series.
date_goal_proposed =
The date of the nomination.
goal_decider =
The person who approved or declined the spec a a goal.
date_goal_decided =
The date the spec was approved or declined as a goal.
work_items =
All non-deleted work items for this spec, sorted by their 'sequence'
man_days =
An estimate of the number of developer days it will take to implement this feature. Please only provide an estimate if you are relatively confident in the number.
superseded_by =
The specification which supersedes this one. Note that selecting a specification here and pressing Continue will change the specification status to Superseded.
subscriptions =
The set of subscriptions to this spec.
subscribers =
The set of subscribers to this spec.
sprints =
The sprints at which this spec is discussed.
sprint_links =
The entries that link this spec to sprints.
def getDependencies():
Specs on which this one depends.
def getBlockedSpecs():
Specs for which this spec is a dependency.
informational =
Is True if this spec is purely informational and requires no implementation.
is_incomplete =
Is True if this work still needs to be done. Is in fact always the opposite of is_complete.
is_blocked =
Is True if this spec depends on another spec which is still incomplete.
def all_deps():
All the dependencies, including dependencies of dependencies.

If a user is provided, filters to only dependencies the user can see.

def all_blocked():
All specs blocked on this, and those blocked on the blocked ones.

If a user is provided, filters to only blocked dependencies the user can see.

def validateMove(target):
Check that the specification can be moved to the target.
def getSprintSpecification(sprintname):
Get the record that links this spec to the named sprint.
def notificationRecipientAddresses():
Return the list of email addresses that receive notifications.
def updateLifecycleStatus(user):
Mark the specification as started, and/or complete, if appropriate.

This will verify that the state of the specification is in fact "complete" (there is a completeness test in Specification.is_complete) and then record the completer and the date_completed. If the spec is not completed, then it ensures that nothing is recorded about its completion.

It returns a SpecificationLifecycleStatus dbschema showing the overall state of the specification IF the state has changed.

def getDelta(old_spec, user):
Return a dictionary of things that changed between this spec and the old_spec.

This method is primarily used by event subscription code, to determine what has changed during an ObjectModifiedEvent.

def subscription(person):
Return the subscription for this person to this spec, or None.
@operation_parameters(Reference(IPerson, _('Person'), True), copy_field(ISpecificationSubscription['essential'], False))
def subscribe(person, subscribed_by=None, essential=False):
Subscribe this person to the feature specification.
@operation_parameters(Reference(IPerson, _('Person'), False))
def unsubscribe(person, unsubscribed_by):
Remove the person's subscription to this spec.
def getSubscriptionByName(name):
Return a subscription based on the person's name, or None.
def isSubscribed(person):
Is person subscribed to this spec?

Returns True if the user is explicitly subscribed to this spec (no matter what the type of subscription), otherwise False.

If person is None, the return value is always False.

def linkSprint(sprint, user):
Put this spec on the agenda of the sprint.
def unlinkSprint(sprint):
Remove this spec from the agenda of the sprint.
def createDependency(specification):
Create a dependency for this spec on the spec provided.
def removeDependency(specification):
Remove any dependency of this spec on the spec provided.
def getBranchLink(branch):
Return the SpecificationBranch link for the branch, or None.
def getLinkedBugTasks(user):
Return the bug tasks that are relevant to this blueprint.

When multiple tasks are on a bug, if one of the tasks is for the target, then only that task is returned. Otherwise the default bug task is returned.

ParametersuserThe user doing the search.
def getAllowedInformationTypes(who):
Get a list of acceptable `InformationType`s for this spec.
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.