b.t.b.t.RedirectingMemoryTransport(memory.MemoryTransport) : class documentation

Part of bzrlib.tests.blackbox.test_push View In Hierarchy

Method mkdir See Transport.mkdir().
Method get See Transport.get().
Method _redirected_to Returns a transport suitable to re-issue a redirected request.

Inherited from MemoryTransport:

Method __init__ Set the 'base' path where files will be stored.
Method clone See Transport.clone().
Method abspath See Transport.abspath().
Method append_file See Transport.append_file().
Method has See Transport.has().
Method delete See Transport.delete().
Method external_url See bzrlib.transport.Transport.external_url.
Method put_file See Transport.put_file().
Method open_write_stream See Transport.open_write_stream.
Method listable See Transport.listable.
Method iter_files_recursive Iter the relative paths of files in the transports sub-tree.
Method list_dir See Transport.list_dir().
Method rename Rename a file or directory; fail if the destination exists
Method rmdir See Transport.rmdir.
Method stat See Transport.stat().
Method lock_read See Transport.lock_read().
Method lock_write See Transport.lock_write().
Method _check_parent Undocumented
Method _abspath Generate an internal absolute path.

Inherited from Transport (via MemoryTransport):

Method create_prefix Create all the directories leading down to self.base.
Method ensure_base Ensure that the directory this transport references exists.
Method get_segment_parameters Return the segment parameters for the top segment of the URL.
Method recommended_page_size Return the recommended page size for this transport.
Method relpath Return the local path portion from a given absolute path.
Method local_abspath Return the absolute path on the local filesystem.
Method has_multi Return True/False for each entry in relpaths
Method has_any Return True if any of the paths exist.
Method get_bytes Get a raw string of the bytes for a file at the given location.
Method get_smart_medium Return a smart client medium for this transport if possible.
Method readv Get parts of the file at the given relative path.
Method get_multi Get a list of file-like objects, one for each entry in relpaths.
Method put_bytes Atomically put the supplied bytes into the given location.
Method put_bytes_non_atomic Copy the string into the target location.
Method put_file_non_atomic Copy the file-like object into the target location.
Method mkdir_multi Create a group of directories
Method append_bytes Append bytes to a file at relpath.
Method append_multi Append the text in each file-like or string object to
Method copy Copy the item at rel_from to the location at rel_to.
Method copy_multi Copy a bunch of entries.
Method copy_to Copy a set of entries from self into another Transport.
Method copy_tree Copy a subtree from one relpath to another.
Method copy_tree_to_transport Copy a subtree from one transport to another.
Method move Move the item at rel_from to the location at rel_to.
Method move_multi Move a bunch of entries.
Method move_multi_to Move a bunch of entries to a single location.
Method delete_multi Queue up a bunch of deletes to be done.
Method delete_tree Delete an entire tree. This may require a listable transport.
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method stat_multi Stat multiple files and return the information.
Method readlink Return a string representing the path to which the symbolic link points.
Method hardlink Create a hardlink pointing to source named link_name.
Method symlink Create a symlink pointing to source named link_name.
Method is_readonly Return true if this connection cannot be written to.
Method disconnect Undocumented
Method _translate_error Translate an IOError or OSError into an appropriate bzr error.
Method _pump Most children will need to copy from one file-like
Method _get_total Try to figure out how many entries are in multi,
Method _report_activity Notify that this transport has activity.
Method _update_pb Update the progress bar based on the current count
Method _iterate_over Iterate over all entries in multi, passing them to func,
Method _readv Get parts of the file at the given relative path.
Method _seek_and_read An implementation of readv that uses fp.seek and fp.read.
Method _sort_expand_and_combine Helper for readv.
Static Method _coalesce_offsets Yield coalesced offsets.
Method _can_roundtrip_unix_modebits Return true if this transport can store and retrieve unix modebits.
Method _reuse_for Undocumented
def mkdir(self, relpath, mode=None):
See Transport.mkdir().
def get(self, relpath):
See Transport.get().
def _redirected_to(self, source, target):
Returns a transport suitable to re-issue a redirected request.

The redirection can be handled only if the relpath involved is not renamed by the redirection.

ParameterssourceThe source url as returned by the server.
targetThe target url as returned by the server.
ReturnsA transport or None.
API Documentation for Bazaar, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:25:16.