Downstream View

Downstream projects that can be worked on

gallery-app (15)

Design changes ready for downstream work on gallery-app

camera-app (1)

Design changes ready for downstream work on camera-app

content-hub (1)

Design changes ready for downstream work on content-hub

webbrowser-app (19)

Design changes ready for downstream work on webbrowser-app

unity-notifications (1)

Design changes ready for downstream work on unity-notifications

qtdeclarative-opensource-src (1)

Design changes ready for downstream work on qtdeclarative-opensource-src

telephony-service (4)

Design changes ready for downstream work on telephony-service

click (1)

Design changes ready for downstream work on click

indicator-messages (2)

Design changes ready for downstream work on indicator-messages

ubuntu-ui-toolkit (24)

Design changes ready for downstream work on ubuntu-ui-toolkit

Bug   Importance   Assignee  
[SDK] Add Menu to the SDK to support convergence Critical zsombi
[coachmarks] The discoverability of 'recent call' tab was poor High
Button text color doesn't offer great contrast, and looks disabled when it's not High zsombi
Disabled ListItem inside ListView takes focus but does not show focus ring High zsombi
[sdk] A disabled label cannot be visually differantiated from enabled labels High zsombi
Cannot use keyboard to navigate the UITK gallery in single-column mode High
[SDK] auto-scroll input fields when OSK visibility changes High zsombi
SystemSettings Language&Text view: hitting Space on HW keyboard triggers switch even when it (or its list item) does not show any visual focus frame High
No way to undo in TextField High
[sdk] TextField content partially deleted on focus with predictive text on Medium
[sdk] Button icons can't be colourized Medium
[coachmarks] Need to educate users about drag-for-action gestures Medium
[sdk] Time Picker component does not respect user locale Medium kalikiana
[SDK] date picker design is out of date Medium zsombi
[SDK] No standard error appearance for text fields and other controls Low
[sdk] Programmatic slider movement is jerky Low
[SDK] Popover thindivider visible between contents and pointer on phone Undecided
haptic feedback / vibration audible during calls Undecided
[gestures] swipe is too sensitive, makes long-press difficult Undecided
List Items don't have mouseover highlight Undecided
[phone-app] + [messaging-app] + [address-book-app] list tug actions should collapse after user moves view Undecided
[clock-app][ux] Time picker width too small leading to accidental changes in other columns Undecided
[UX] Poor contrast between dialog button and background colours Undecided
TextField's placeHolderText invisible inside a dialog Undecided

dialer-app (28)

Design changes ready for downstream work on dialer-app

Bug   Importance   Assignee  
[dialer-app] Improve frequent call interaction High boiko
[phone-app] switching between MISSED | ALL in RECENT view is delayed High
[dialer-app] + [messaging-app] remove pop up asking to select a SIM High boiko
[phone-app] make number input field scrollable Medium
[dialer] USSD code result shows useless Cancel button Medium tiagosh
[phone-app] deleting long numbers happens too abrupt Medium
[dialer-app] missing search icon in recent view Medium
[dialer] SIM selection behaviour loop Medium tiagosh
haptic feedback / vibration audible during calls Medium
[dialer-app] shows wrong contact is being dialed when two contacts have the same number Medium boiko
[phone-app] calling a non existent number does not show the call in progress screen Low
"Phone" app settings are oddly in System Settings Low boiko
[Dialer] Implement "Hide Phone Number" setting in dialer app Wishlist
[dialer app] pressing power button a 2nd time switches off screen Undecided
[phone-app] 'Switch to default SIM' dialog is confusing Undecided
[inconsistency] Contacts list opened from the Dialer shows "+ Create New" on the first place Undecided
[dialer] phone call ends after 2 hours Undecided
[phone-app] + [messaging-app] + [address-book-app] list tug actions should collapse after user moves view Undecided
Phone app: Wrong number is shown in call history Undecided
[ListItemWithActions]After the swipe of an element I expect to press anywhere to dismiss Undecided
[Dialer] Controls on the in-call screen are inconsistent and confusing Undecided
[dialer-app] Failed to merge two calls to make a conference call Undecided
[messaging-app] + [phone-app] different sub-headers across apps Undecided
[Dialer] Phone was locked during the phone call and can't hang up without having to unlock first Undecided
[dialler] No vibration during a call Undecided
[dialer] Speaker button with "x" is confusing Undecided
[Dialer] dialer screen focussed after receiving a call Undecided
[messaging app] Request: Single message app for all messengers Undecided

qtubuntu (1)

Design changes ready for downstream work on qtubuntu

ubuntu-calendar-app (1)

Design changes ready for downstream work on ubuntu-calendar-app

ubuntu-system-settings (14)

Design changes ready for downstream work on ubuntu-system-settings

messaging-app (22)

Design changes ready for downstream work on messaging-app

Bug   Importance   Assignee  
In dual panel mode, in some cases it is not possible to create new conversations Medium
[messaging-app] compose message: user does not know that a number/contact was added as recipient Medium
[messaging app] display counter/indicator for unsent messages in main view Medium
[messaging app] proposed contacts search blinks after a single letter input Medium renatofilho
[messaging app] change icon and allow other attachment types when sending MMS Medium tiagosh
[messaging-app] No way to tell which number is used from a contact with more than one number Medium tiagosh
[messaging-app] Gray frame around green message bubble looks jagged Low boiko
[messaging] Incoming group message is treated like an individual text Wishlist
[messaging-app] Keyboard disappears when adding text to an mms Undecided
[messaging] Too easy to delete whole conversation history with a contact Undecided
[messaging-app] show place holder in message when recv unsupported MMS attachements Undecided
[messaging app] Request: Single message app for all messengers Undecided
[messaging-app] selection toggle doesn't unselect items in main view Undecided
[address-book]Go back to contact app when SMS is created from Contact Undecided
[address book] + [messaging-app] Can't select multiple recipients from contacts Undecided
[messaging-app] list item action should collapse if an other one is opened Undecided
[messaging-app] press and hold on attachment doesn't work for v-cards corerctly Undecided
[messaging-app] + [phone-app] different sub-headers across apps Undecided
[phone-app] + [messaging-app] + [address-book-app] list tug actions should collapse after user moves view Undecided
[messaging] Resend issues Undecided
[ListItemWithActions]After the swipe of an element I expect to press anywhere to dismiss Undecided
"To" field doesn't accept further focus requests if keyboard is dismissed while focused Undecided

qtbase-opensource-src (1)

Design changes ready for downstream work on qtbase-opensource-src

address-book-app (17)

Design changes ready for downstream work on address-book-app

account-polld (1)

Design changes ready for downstream work on account-polld

unity-system-compositor (1)

Design changes ready for downstream work on unity-system-compositor

unity-scopes-shell (2)

Design changes ready for downstream work on unity-scopes-shell

mediaplayer-app (2)

Design changes ready for downstream work on mediaplayer-app

unity8 (46)

Design changes ready for downstream work on unity8

Bug   Importance   Assignee  
need a transition state for indicators reflecting laggy backends Critical
[design] [Notifications] Implement new visual designs for Snap Decisions and other notifications High
Missing application installation animation High
[lockscreen] new design is not consistent with our UX patterns Medium
[design] [Launcher] Consider removing launcher hide time out Medium cimi
[Sidestage, Share] Sidestage should maintain its original state after invoked by share app Medium loic.molinari
[screenshot] not possible to trigger screenshot during the set up wizard Medium
should display hotplug be the only trigger for going in and out of windowed mode Medium
[Dash] shows splash screen with "Scopes" when starting up the phone Medium
[Scopes] Add optional avatar to scope reviews preview widget Medium
[notifications] can we make the volume notification bubble less intrusive Medium cimi
[Scopes] "back" button behaves unpredictably from selected search results Medium
Missing window open/close animations on desktop Medium lukas-kde
Should pass incoming call sound to notification system for playback Medium
[indicators] the ordering of icons of a single indicator should reverse on RTL system Medium
[Dash] Aligment of typography is wrong Medium
Suspended app screenshots are blurry Medium
[Scopes] No indication that searches are local only Medium
[mir]Touchpad edge swipes Wishlist
[oobe] Edge tutorial's redesign: new look Undecided
[scopes toolkit] Cards force background when summary is added Undecided
[scopes] Allow users to set arbitrary location for scopes. Undecided
[Spread] A continuously growing number of dead applications in the spread use more and more memory Undecided
[App switcher, Spread] Black apps and app loading screens not visible in spread Undecided
[Dialer] dialer screen focussed after receiving a call Undecided josharenson
Tapping screen when dimmed should just restore the brightness and not activate a component Undecided
[Navigation] Long left swipe inconsistent in apps/scopes Undecided
[desktop] Long left edge swipe weird in desktop mode Undecided
[design] Indicator menu separators look bad Undecided
[design] [greeter] The greeter and screen rotation Undecided
[scopes] nearby: "Expected the recommendations to be arranged based on distance, or to have filters to allow users to define " Undecided
Phone app: Wrong number is shown in call history Undecided
[scopes] No 'Call to Actions' for empty states on Scopes to guide testers. Undecided
[sdk] Clicking on checkbox label should toggle the checkbox Undecided
[indicators] + [mobile] hide indicator bar when mobile devices rotate into landscape Undecided
[Apps Scope] Ubuntu Store icon is tall and narrow Undecided
[Dash] Launcher home button (BFB) and pinned apps visuals incorrect Undecided
[oobe] wizard should provide option to connect to hidden networks Undecided
[Spread] Item jumps when drag/swipe to close is activated Undecided
No resolution configuration available Undecided
[Launcher] "Pop out" effect to show that Launcher icon is in reorder state Undecided
[UX] Poor contrast between dialog button and background colours Undecided lukas-kde
[Launcher] Weird bounce back effect when organising items Undecided
[Dash] Open apps visual incorrect. Undecided
[oobe] Edge tutorial's redesign: new gestures Undecided
[Spread] Threashold in spread for closing apps should be increased Undecided

indicator-datetime (3)

Design changes ready for downstream work on indicator-datetime

tone-generator (1)

Design changes ready for downstream work on tone-generator

qtubuntu-media (1)

Design changes ready for downstream work on qtubuntu-media

ubuntu-settings-components (2)

Design changes ready for downstream work on ubuntu-settings-components

indicator-network (2)

Design changes ready for downstream work on indicator-network

unity-scope-click (2)

Design changes ready for downstream work on unity-scope-click

ubuntu-keyboard (2)

Design changes ready for downstream work on ubuntu-keyboard

gstreamer1.0 (1)

Design changes ready for downstream work on gstreamer1.0

Upstream changes that are ready to land in distro

Upstream distro priority changes ready to land in distro

Upstream distro priority ready for review (0)

Upstream distro priority change ready for review

Inconsistent distro priority bugs (1)

Distro priority bugs that are in a inconsistent state

Other status

Miscellanous other status summary. Go to the other pages for details.

Categorie of bugs Number
Design changes that are ready for upstream to work on 36
Design changes that landed and waiting for design review 70