Design View

Design changes ready to review (70)

Design changes that landed in Ubuntu and ready for the design team to review

Bug   Importance   Assignee  
[pocket desktop] + [dialer app] window feels funny on windowed mode Critical olga-kemmet
[dialer] In call selection does not function Critical olga-kemmet
Media Player should not be visible in the app scope and launcher Critical jamesmulholland
[messaing-app] shouldn't rotate into landscape mode as causes issues with compose and main view Critical olga-kemmet
MPRIS controls don't reflect the current player state Critical jounihelminen
[OOBE] "phone" string in tablet oobe; oobe should have "tablet" or generic term High andreea-pirvu
[address-book] Middle name is not included in contact display name High olga-kemmet
[Dialer] Incoming call - no info which SIM card was called (dual SIM) High olga-kemmet
unity8 surfaces that have never before been in windowed mode should cascade High johnlea
Increase focus frame line weight to 2dp High jamiedawsonyoung
[sdk] Smaller header in landscape orientation High olga-kemmet
[SDK] Cannot set background colour for overflow of leading/trailing actions High jounihelminen
No way to invoke OSK when a hardware keyboard is connected High femma
power off dialog pops up instantly in window mode High johnlea
ListItem does not swipe with custom MouseAreas High femma
Header divider is invisible on very dark backgrounds High jounihelminen
[notifications] + [messaging] SMS notifications should should show which SIM received message High olga-kemmet
[Icons] window mode spread, no icon for dash High tiheum
[SDK] Focus ring width for UbuntuShape should be 1dp High jamiedawsonyoung
[phone-app]*#06# does not report IMEI when no SIM present High olga-kemmet
[system settings] [hotspots/tethering] is often mentally associated with Wi-Fi, but the UI is under Cellular High femma
[greeter] strange persistent "Enter SIM1 PIN" dialog on Greeter High olga-kemmet
[SDK] Need a standard way to make an Icon look disabled High femma
[sdk] [focus states] Add keyboard navigation support to widgets High femma
Some items should look different when a keyboard is attached High femma
[sdk] tabs(actions) miss if too many of them in Tabs(toolbar) Medium jounihelminen
[indicators] tap to return to call shouldn't expand indicators Medium dizzypaty
Incomplete long-left swipe resets dash Medium vesar
[oobe] Initial boot wizard does not include timezone Medium andreea-pirvu
[OSK] Review Keyboard Layout Visual Design for Numeric Input Type Medium jounihelminen
[sdk] MainView background doesn't have the correct color when set to a light color Medium jounihelminen
Subtitle support in Header Medium olga-kemmet
[browser] New tab - landscape Medium jamesmulholland
[Dash] Shadows in carousel appear before the icons Medium estilanda
[launcher] No tooltips in the launcher Medium vesar
[Scopes] Departments not behaving consistently when navigating too/from a Scope Medium dizzypaty
[calendar] Reminder notifications are not integrated into system notifications Medium jamesmulholland
[themes] [design] Develop a strategy to keep fonts readable wherever we allow the user setting his own background image Medium jounihelminen
welcome wizard - no feedback that wifi connection succeeded Medium andreea-pirvu
Automatic Header height adjustment should be optional Medium femma
[Dash] See more/less sounds wrong Medium dizzypaty
[System Settings] Hotspot design unnecessarily makes key compulsory Medium femma
[sdk] Allow header background customization per page Medium jounihelminen
[scopes] should Dash rotate Medium dizzypaty
[sdk] Switch and CheckBox do not visually indicate focus Medium jamiedawsonyoung
Launcher hides when clicking on item with mouse Medium vesar
[OOBE] UI language should follow SIM card preferred language Medium andreea-pirvu
[SDK] Right-click menu instead of leading/ trailing actions Medium femma
[address book] Adding a online account should not change the default address book. Medium olga-kemmet
Ubuntu Phone notification: having to click on the icon is not obvious Medium dizzypaty
[sdk][UX] Confirmation in the header bar confusing Medium olga-kemmet
[OOBE] [design] First-run setup "Wi-Fi" screen is useless when no networks detected Medium olga-kemmet
[Scopes] Calendar reminder notifications became queued, non-interactive and easy to miss Medium dizzypaty
Can't preview ringtones when phone is muted Low femma
[sdk] Colors should have symbolic names Wishlist jamiedawsonyoung
ActivityIndicator should respect theme activity color (i.e. it should be blue) Undecided dizzypaty
bottom edge tab selector doesn't work with mouse Undecided femma
[Scopes] Playlist playback should also work with card previews Undecided dizzypaty
Tapping the month name has no effect Undecided
Desktop-mode App switcher selector's visual design is hard to see Undecided
[SUGGESTION] [OSK] Use the space bar for moving the text cursor Undecided
App drawer stays on screen after activating launcher item Undecided
Push notifications don't appear when unity is locked Undecided dizzypaty
Sections need keyboard navigation support Undecided femma
Review button inactive without explanation Undecided
[Indicators] Volume notification unnecessary when adjusting volume slider Undecided jounihelminen
APN editor: only names of existing APNs are visible Undecided mpt
close [X] is mispositioned when opening many tabs Undecided
Need to remove horizontal swiping between previews Undecided
Distorted blurry battery indicator in gnome-shell (using ubuntu-mono icons at default low-DPI scale 1.0) Undecided

Triaged and in progress design bugs (323)

Design changes are officially signed off, but that didn't get handed over upstream or downstream

Bug   Importance   Assignee  
clicking on active call banner and indicators with mouse Critical dizzypaty
Cannot call emergency number from sim lock screen if phone screen is unlocked before High femma
Scrollbars in TextArea don't receive mouse hover events High boroskograzina
too hard to tell which window will be selected in alt-tab window switcher High teresa.vasi
[sim pin] prompt on boot but after greeter High dizzypaty
Support for installing Digital Certificates High jamesmulholland
[system settings] Dual Sim; no possibility to switch on or off each sim card completely. High mpt
[dialer] Should be able to set a Voicemail number High olga-kemmet
No way to edit existing bookmarks High jamesmulholland
App data and config files are not removed when an app is uninstalled High dizzypaty
[camera] improve preview and time to take next picture High jounihelminen
Current unreleased VPN configuration is lacking High mpt
Change focus colour to blue High jamiedawsonyoung
visual cleanup for convergence High bjkeyser
[Scopes] App scope: Expected to be able to separate frequently used apps from other apps on the apps Scope High dizzypaty
[Indicators] Expanded indicators are not visible in direct sunlight High digitalalex
[sdk] Buttons and other widgets are too small for comfortable touch usage High jamiedawsonyoung
[indicators]/OSD provide no visual clue that they modify bluetooth device volumes High bjkeyser
[camera] Toggling flash requires 1 swipe + 4 taps High jounihelminen
[SDK] Small light grey text difficult to read on of white background High jamiedawsonyoung
[dialer app] + [window management] movement on screen in window mode High olga-kemmet
Right edge swipe often accidentally triggered when flipping through pictures High jounihelminen
Can't override overflow menu delegate in ActionBar High femma
[Palette] Text colours in the palette fail WCAG contrast tests High jamiedawsonyoung
It's difficult to answer a call on arale High olga-kemmet
Ringtone cannot be heard when jack/headphones plugged High olga-kemmet
[Address-Book] lists contacts from second google account without permission High olga-kemmet
[incoming call] Turn screen on when phone is moved during a call High bjkeyser
cannot download files with no destination app from webapps High jamesmulholland
Apps launch too slow High bjkeyser
[phone] Shouldn't be able to swipe away incoming call notification High dizzypaty
[SDK] Text selection issues High faenil
Error with geotagging (fixed position defined as geotag) High jounihelminen
Scrolling of icons in Toolbar High femma
[system settings] Colors of battery usage difficult to distinguish High jounihelminen
[Scopes] Process required to pin a shortcut to the launcher does not fit users mental model High dizzypaty
Can't transfer file using bluetooth OBEX High mo-gern
[desktop] Configuration of screens positions and geometry Medium mpt
[content hub] Enhance content hub sharing screen Medium johnlea
[dialer] No voicemail number defined ==> No feedback when attempting to dial Medium olga-kemmet
[indicators] Clicking on a connected network's disconnects & re-connects Medium mpt
[clock] Switching alarm on/off Medium jamesmulholland
[webapp-container] The context menu mentions the "webbbrowser" in an action string Medium jamesmulholland
[System Settings] No "Ubuntu Art" available for using as backgrounds (needs wallpapers to install) Medium jounihelminen
[Calculator][ux] Calculator should remember last typed formula after closing Medium jamesmulholland
[webapp-container] Support Install webapp capable websites Medium jamesmulholland
Touchscreen interactions should take priority over mouse and temporarily disable it Medium faenil
[calendar] Inconsistent visualization of current and selected day Medium jounihelminen
[Browser] No way to navigate both in private and 'clear' mode at the same time Medium jamesmulholland
[clock][UX] landscape view Medium jamesmulholland
Hard to guess how to close 'presentation mode' Medium jamesmulholland
Key does not mute in silent mode Medium mpt
[music app] Swiping songs hides the text Medium jamesmulholland
Guideline/documentation has no layout recommendation for buttons in dialogs Medium wilson-steph1989
[Bluetooth] Wrong behaviour when music is interupted by call Medium mpt
Separate alarm sounds and ringtones Medium mpt
[design] [snap decisions] incoming call notification swipe looks like buttons Medium olga-kemmet
[launcher] Make the launcher the full width of the screen Medium johnlea
[web browser] settings normal items and categories look the same Medium jamesmulholland
[address book] Search field is cleared after open the contact view Medium olga-kemmet
The icon does not change for active VPN connection Medium mpt
[scopes] Certain built in remote scopes cannot be hidden Medium dizzypaty
No audible warning about low battery charge Medium dizzypaty
[scopes] Apps search results often seem irrelevant Medium dizzypaty
[dialer-app] contacts view should remember state Medium olga-kemmet
[Window management] Two identical grey window buttons for minimize and maximize Medium digitalalex
orientation sensor "last vertical" seems to be remembered and applied Medium vesar
[enhancement] Need a mechanism to prevent focus stealing Medium mpt
[Scopes] Scope search : Searching for items should also display results from matching category Medium dizzypaty
[scopes] Tables in scopes are restricted to two columns Medium dizzypaty
Cannot in-line playback the online tracks from main view of music scope Medium dizzypaty
[Launcher]Active application in Launcher is hardly visible on phone Medium jamiedawsonyoung
[System Settings] if “when locked, allow [...] notifications” is disabled, notifications should not be shown Medium mpt
[system settings] Show connected Bluetooth profiles in settings application Medium mpt
Can skip wizard steps after you tap on notification"Storage device detected" Medium dizzypaty
[Weather] Details on wind are ambiguous Medium jounihelminen
Terms 'Social' and 'IM' used interchangeably in address book Medium femma
[Indicators] Changing multimedia volume causes missed calls Medium dizzypaty
[indicators] No way to stop an alarm that has been snoozed Medium dizzypaty
Abnormal use of font weights in system-settings makes it an unpleasing experience Medium mpt
[design] [Greeter] Greeter should be dismissed only via an edge gesture Medium bpierre
[Calendar] The default Personal calendar color is hard to see Medium jounihelminen
Screen fade-out on power button press is too slow Medium mpt
Unity8 indicator pull-down is too small/narrow on desktop Medium dizzypaty
resetting settings doesn't ask for confirmation Medium jamesmulholland
[edge education] tutorial not adapted to desktop mode Medium dizzypaty
[Indicators] Network indicator should deal with AP/P2P Wi-Fi devices as well as active AP/P2P connections Medium mpt
some apps like document viewer can't get fullscreen on tablet Medium bjkeyser
there is no copy and paste options when long pressing the number in dialer Medium femma
Drop down in tabs drawer has a slight vertical offset Medium femma
[Greeter, App switcher] [design] App spread should include welcome screen Medium bpierre
[web browser] Improve the algorithm for top sites Medium jamesmulholland
[System] Need an official broken flashing image from design Medium mpt
Ubuntu logo assets should be centered correctly Medium kmomandap
Silent mode is not silent Medium mpt
[enhancement] Add non-linear animation progress (e.g. a sigmoid function) for minimize/maximize Medium jamiedawsonyoung
[music app] Playing an album is not as simple as it should be Medium jounihelminen
Label in Dialog invisible when using SuruDark theme Medium jamiedawsonyoung
The adressbook should remember the settings for source of adressbook Medium olga-kemmet
[music] Empty state design for an empty playlist Medium jounihelminen
Address book does not synchronize customised fields name from Google contacts Medium olga-kemmet
[address book] Delete dialog is inconsistent with design recommendations Medium olga-kemmet
[Online Accounts] Same Google account could be added repeatedly from System Settings-->Accounts Medium mpt
[wm] foreground app not unfocused when indicators open Medium dizzypaty
[indicators] Impossible to disable cellular data from indicator Medium mpt
[Icons] Transparent app icon backgrounds look bad Medium tiheum
[launcher] visual feedback from tap/click on app icon is inconsistent between app scope and launcher Medium digitalalex
[Dash] Support link should be clickable, app preview shows mailto links with "mailto" text Medium dizzypaty
Need a dropdown component to work with TextField (Combo box) Medium femma
[system-settings] language page does not follow phone designer Medium jounihelminen
[music] With repeat disabled, when on the first track if the song has progressed further than five seconds the previous button should be active Medium jamesmulholland
[browser] bookmarks don't support drag and drop Medium jamesmulholland
When the screen timeout is set to one minute, the screen doesn't dim before going off Medium bjkeyser
[icons] Many standard icons are missing from the mobile theme Medium tiheum
[Calculator][ux] Add paste support Medium jamesmulholland
Inconsistent use of haptic feedback across the UI Medium jamesmulholland
[dash] + [scopes] Uninstallation confirmation screen inconsistent with other dialogs Medium jamiedawsonyoung
Difficulty with text selection in BQ M10 Tablet Medium femma
[dekko / online-accounts-plugin] How to display long running process and prevent user interaction Medium jamesmulholland
OptionSelector animation is very jumpy Medium jamesmulholland
[Indicators] Some icons in messaging-menu disappear when list items are selected Medium jamiedawsonyoung
[indicators] Translations don't fit into high volume warning Medium dizzypaty
[scopes] should provide a common "no network" and "no location" error message Medium dizzypaty
[Clock] Too easy to accidentally turn off the alarm instead of snoozing Medium dizzypaty
Promt user to unlock phone when connection via usb Medium bpierre
No indication of bluetooth activity in indicator Medium dizzypaty
[system settings] Move SD Card to the System Settings Medium mpt
[Browser] Webbrowser application closing the application when last tab is gone Medium jamesmulholland
[Indicators] update indicators to use latest sdk components, replacing custom components Medium digitalalex
New shadow placement is inconsistent Medium jamiedawsonyoung
It's difficult to see where a link will send you before clicking on it Medium jamesmulholland
[Dekko] Threaded view should move to mail list Medium jamesmulholland
Number of unread messages within icon Medium dizzypaty
No transitions/animations showing optical flow when navigating through System Settings Medium digitalalex
ActionSelectionPopover hides disabled Actions Medium femma
[Dialer] Auto-completion when dialing a number Medium olga-kemmet
[notifications] User should be notified when background polling stops working Medium dizzypaty
[Notes] It's not obvious how to switch back to see your locally stored notes. Medium jamesmulholland
[system settings] No notification for which Sim card call is received from Medium olga-kemmet
[pay UI] Paypal login cannot be assured to be from paypal Medium dizzypaty
Long click creates event in disabled calendar Medium jamesmulholland
Allow fingerprint enrollment in OOBE Medium dizzypaty
The reason for using backgroundTertiaryText in SectionsStyle is unclear. Medium jamiedawsonyoung
Add call button in notification menu (SMS) Medium dizzypaty
[browser] Secure connection icon should indicate level of verification Medium jamesmulholland
Can't hear clock alarm when headphones are plugged in but not in your ears Medium jamesmulholland
Custom ringtone is removed from the list when another ringtone is selected Medium mpt
[calendar] Editing an event seems to have the wrong order for events Medium jamesmulholland
[background] + [system settings] removing custom backgrounds action seems impossible to complete Medium mpt
[System Settings] Image upgrade can remove preinstalled apps without notice Medium mpt
[scopes] + [app store] Installs fail confusingly when disk space is low Medium dizzypaty
Settings "Clear" buttons use wrong side&color Medium jamesmulholland
[Calendar] month view is uninformative Medium jamesmulholland
[Doc viewer] PDF Table Of Contents don't follow UI guidelines Medium jamesmulholland
Unity8 panel/launcher have no shadow on desktop Medium digitalalex
Preview screen layout is unfortunate Medium dizzypaty
[browser] ExpandedHistoryView should have multiselection mode Medium jamesmulholland
[camera] Change crop visuals to match latest visual style Medium jounihelminen
[indicators] Indicator should have torch (flashlight) control Medium dizzypaty
[Doc Viewer] Need a way to fast scroll to top/bottom in the PDF viewer Medium jamesmulholland
[Messaging] Show number of characters used and number of messages to send Medium dizzypaty
[address book]There's no "nickname" or "display name" fields available Medium olga-kemmet
Do not notify for events marked as not attending Medium dizzypaty
[Navigation] Launcher, Status bar and app switcher reveals too easy for Full Screen applications Medium vesar
[Browser] iframe doesn't display anything when a load fails Medium jamesmulholland
[Calculator]Removing favourite calculation from the history deletes it from the Favourite view as well Medium jamesmulholland
[SDK] Tooltips Medium femma
[web browser]No way to use a bookmarklet (bookmarked javascript: link) Low jamesmulholland
[scopes] No way to filter apps by license field Low dizzypaty
[scopes] Handling large numbers of favourited scopes Low dizzypaty
Add credits to the LibreOffice community and a short introduction to docviewer Low jamesmulholland
[desktop]"indicator-session" name is suboptimal Low dizzypaty
hardware LED should indicate charging status Low mpt
[calendar] Refinements to all day event display Low jamesmulholland
Associate with every extension e.g. to allow downloading every file using Web Browser Low olga-kemmet
[Calculator] Allow navigating the history using the arrow keys Low jamesmulholland
[Music app] Toggle to a list of all songs by an artist in Artist view Low jamesmulholland
[Apps] Support multiple app instances in the spread Low vesar
[Calculator][ux] icons: new icon do not match appearence/colors of Calculator Low tiheum
[phone-app]Allow the user to manually configure a voicemail number Low olga-kemmet
[doc viewer] Add turn pages using left and right arrow keys if the pdf is zoomed out enough Low jamesmulholland
Call forwarding should remember numbers Low mpt
[Scopes] Make it possible to make preview images not interactive Low dizzypaty
received call icon is not so nice Low tiheum
Expose LED color setting Low dizzypaty
[dialer] Dialer should allow me to block nuisance calls Low mpt
Typo in string: There are not the appropriate permissions to play a media resource. Low jamesmulholland
[System settings] Device should sleep if hotspot is active, but no clients are connected Low mpt
Support switching DATA on and off in the indicator Low mpt
[Messages] can be replied to when phone is locked Low olga-kemmet
[sdk] Scrollbars are too thin and transparent to be useful Low jounihelminen
[Indicators] WorldCity timezone should be shown in the datetime indicator Low jamesmulholland
Can't change locale settings (e.g. language, 12/24-hour time, date format) independently Low mpt
[system settings] Not clear that the background has actually been changed Low mpt
[Calculator]Missing percentage [%] button Low jamesmulholland
[web browser] Add option to allow opening new tab page instead of home page Low jamesmulholland
[system settings] Add potability to uninstall multiple apps from Storage page. Low mpt
Wired VPN network connection icon needs to be fixed Low tiheum
Play in music app button is too small for spanish translation Low jamesmulholland
[music app] Search feature in Now Playing's Queue view Low jamesmulholland
[scopes] bottom edge should show favourite apps Low dizzypaty
[Clock][UX] Stopwatch laps is a bit difficult to navigate Low jamesmulholland
[SDK] [Time picker] [Calendar] choose event time Low bpierre
[browser] bookmarks are only accessible from the new tab view Low jamesmulholland
[indicators] Offer an option to not lock screen automatically Low dizzypaty
[address-book] Add export to .vcf or/and vcard to sharing menu Low olga-kemmet
[clock][ux] Stopwatch should keep running (in the background) even when the phone/clock app is turned off Low jamesmulholland
no audible warning of high volume level Low mpt
[sdk] Not consistent empty state design across the platform Low femma
[address book] search field without clicking on the bouton Low olga-kemmet
[Indicators] Rethinking about top bar Low dizzypaty
Indicator should give feedback when location-service is in use by apps Low mpt
'Transfer has been completed' a bit long-winded Low dizzypaty
[web browser] Some behaviors in 'Find in page' mode do not meet the requirements Low jamesmulholland
[MX4]app switcher by long pressing the home button Low johnlea
Phone Meizu MX4: Double click the MX4's screen to wake it up Low johnlea
[address book] Add search capability to picker mode Low olga-kemmet
[system settings] Show connected Bluetooth profiles in settings application Low mpt
[system settings] Battery information doesn't show apps or services Low mpt
[browser] Opening a PDF from webbrowser-app is a suboptimal experience Low jamesmulholland
[Clock][UX] app needs a dark theme variant Low jamesmulholland
[weather app]Chance of rain shouldn't be used when the possible precipitation is snow or other Low jamesmulholland
[messaging-app]"draft" messages aren't saved Low olga-kemmet
[Address Book] contacts syncing is not enough intuitive Low olga-kemmet
[Music scope] No message for empty song collection Low dizzypaty
[Address book] All, Favourites -- there should be an option to create more groups. Low olga-kemmet
[Weather] Need an empty state Low jamesmulholland
[address-book] Can't delete an address as a whole Low olga-kemmet
[Clock][UX] Right location is identified but wrong timezone Low jamesmulholland
[scopes] does not report total eclipse of the moon Low dizzypaty
Add an option to cancel pending snooze Wishlist jamesmulholland
Application menu with swipe from the bottom Wishlist jamesmulholland
[phone] Sim toolkit is not available on UT Wishlist olga-kemmet
[OSK] Ubuntu Touch should allow alternative keyboard layouts Wishlist jounihelminen
[Media services] Volume up/down long press should skip to next/previous track Wishlist jamesmulholland
[address book] Contact form should allow multi source account for a contact Wishlist olga-kemmet
[messaging-app] Enable different sound for different senders Wishlist olga-kemmet
Add birthday part Wishlist dizzypaty
Emoji should not be a separate keyboard Wishlist mpt
[Clock][UX] should support creating one-time alarms on any day of the current week Wishlist jamesmulholland
[indicators] Provide Ability To Post via Message Icon in Global Menu Bar Wishlist dizzypaty
[browser] No facility to import bookmarks from other browsers Wishlist jamesmulholland
[browser] "Open link in a new tab" should open tab in the background on desktop Wishlist jamesmulholland
[browser] Can't copy URLs from the autocomplete list Wishlist jamesmulholland
[Weather] Request for a "pull to refresh" capability Wishlist jamesmulholland
Should display family name before given name in a contact Wishlist femma
[whishlist] browser history/passwords/cookies/cache delete function Wishlist jamesmulholland
[SDK] On Long Press in the Text Area, Screen should be magnified to allow precise positioning Wishlist femma
[System Settings] Static ip configuration is not possible with touch gui Wishlist mpt
[enhancement] Allow files and links to be put on the Unity8 desktop Wishlist vesar
[address book] Can't change adress book storage source Wishlist olga-kemmet
[system-settings][system-update] After long press on application to update, the corresponding store page should be displayed Wishlist mpt
[SDK] Changing the font / font size... Wishlist jamiedawsonyoung
[messaging app] Confirmation missing for "SMS Received by Recipient(s)" Wishlist olga-kemmet
Warn the user when connecting to an open AP which has been connected before as encrypted Wishlist mpt
[Idea] Scopes additional sources Wishlist dizzypaty
Wishlist: (RedShift) Night mode for Ubuntu Phones Wishlist faenil
Allow different sound/vibration settings for notifications vs text messages Wishlist olga-kemmet
[dialler] "Smart dialing" is not supported Wishlist olga-kemmet
[Notes] Notes app not tablet optimized Wishlist jamesmulholland
ring tone "crescendo" is not supported. Wishlist mpt
[Indicators] Use a roaming indicator for each SIM on dual SIM phones Wishlist dizzypaty
Improve webapps navigation UI Wishlist jamesmulholland
Default sound Wishlist jamesmulholland
[Calendar] work time Wishlist jamesmulholland
[music app] Folder browsing view Wishlist jounihelminen
Missing possibility to change systemwide Font Size Wishlist mpt
[phone app] Search contacts shell Wishlist olga-kemmet
Allow smaller scope results Wishlist dizzypaty
[messaging-app] Sync logs Wishlist olga-kemmet
[content hub plugin] add "wallpaper" to the content hub Wishlist mpt
[scopes] Enable keyboard typing/spelling suggestion in scopes search field Wishlist dizzypaty
[Clock][UX] Add timers functionality Wishlist jamesmulholland
[scopes] Single star means "this number is the rating", but looks like app has a low rating Wishlist dizzypaty
[address book] No import/export to/from files Wishlist olga-kemmet
[WebApps] Improve Webapps install dialog text Wishlist jamesmulholland
[browser] No graphic way to enable the developer mode Wishlist jamesmulholland
add the possibility to put a background in the scope of applications Wishlist dizzypaty
[Scopes] First entered number dialed Wishlist dizzypaty
Calendar icon usually shows the wrong date Wishlist dizzypaty
UI for reporting bugs on the phone Wishlist bjkeyser
[Day Scope] [German] Moonphase could not be read Wishlist dizzypaty
Built in Apport-Like Bug and Suggestion Reporting Tool Needed Wishlist mpt
[Scopes] No way to arrange apps in the App scope other than alphabetically Wishlist dizzypaty
[indicators] Possibility to set the last active alarm from the quick menu Wishlist dizzypaty
[system-settings] developer mode should not require a password Wishlist mpt
[Browser] Ability to switch to the desktop mode (desktop version) Wishlist jamesmulholland
better organization for custom sounds (ringtones, notifications) Wishlist jamesmulholland
Data connection should be off after fresh install Wishlist mpt
Previews don't support two columns layout Undecided dizzypaty
Provide a "do not switch off screen when on charge" option Undecided mpt
[pocket desktop] XMir app surfacing Undecided dizzypaty
[SDK] Change leading action background to red and icon to white Undecided raecontreras
Settings screen uses the word "Display" 15 times Undecided dizzypaty
Display events marked as not attending clearly Undecided jamesmulholland
Provide an indication whether GPS is in use and the status/quality of the fix Undecided dizzypaty
play music when headphones are plugged again Undecided jamesmulholland
too long string chain for warning about too high level when earphone is plugged Undecided dizzypaty
No way to list installed scopes then view the details or uninstall them Undecided dizzypaty
Preview text should be user copyable Undecided dizzypaty
Provide longer options for automatically switching off screen Undecided mpt
Downloaded HTML files should be opened in the browser Undecided jamesmulholland
[browser] "No Downloads available" message is confusing in picker mode Undecided jamesmulholland
Configurable (or better) scope preview swipe list Undecided dizzypaty
Google calendar events with video don't show link in event Undecided jamesmulholland
"Always show the launcher" does not work in "tablet" mode Undecided vesar
Indicator panel should not fill full height in desktop mode Undecided dizzypaty
Advanced, vi-friendly tapping (add Esc key alongside with Tab) Undecided jounihelminen
Feature: save or cache page Undecided jamesmulholland
Allow users to connect to the Internet using USB tethering Undecided mpt
Widgets used for receiving incoming calls don't match with general ui styling Undecided femma
[browser] Zoom needed for better readability Undecided jamesmulholland
With "Year view" can't see events programmed. Undecided jamesmulholland
Thin grey rendering on a white background look inconsistent and provide poor contrast Undecided raecontreras
large amounts of notification should be summarized Undecided dizzypaty
Wizard does not change user password if one is pre-set Undecided dizzypaty
Number keypad not shown when entering passphrase to unlock the phone Undecided jamesmulholland
the abcd scrollbar disapear too early Undecided jamesmulholland
On desktop, target="_blank" link should open new windows, not background tabs Undecided jamesmulholland
Location settings inconsistent between first-run setup + System Settings Undecided mpt
window title text overlaps indicators Undecided jamesmulholland
Show contact details from social accounts Undecided mpt
"Tip of the day" should be displayed during calculator start. Undecided jamesmulholland

Design changes on hold (49)

Design changes that are on hold (Opinion, Incomplete)

Bug   Importance   Assignee  
[system-settings] the user should not need to sign into Ubuntu One in order to update core apps Critical
[music app] The slider for 'forward and back forward' was difficult to manipulate High jamesmulholland
[scopes] shopping scope not being used High dizzypaty
[Scopes] Selling in scopes High dizzypaty
[scopes] No (eg. calls, messages) today' was confusing to users when there was recent (not-today) content displayed underneath. High dizzypaty
Transfer idicator should use a different label "Files" is not generic enough High dizzypaty
[Scope] location settings are enabled by default High dizzypaty
[messaging app] selected SIM hard for some people to see High olga-kemmet
[new app] Flashlight installed by default and accessible without unlock Medium bpierre
[Icons] Panel icon colourization update Medium tiheum
Implement the new design for managing removable storage media Medium jamesmulholland
[Scopes] with a helper app show up as apps in the store Medium dizzypaty
[Browser] Needs a refresh button, and address bar keeps disappearing Medium jamesmulholland
[HUD] No way to invoke HUD on unity8 Medium johnlea
[indicators] With phone locked, it's impossible to setup a mobile connection Medium dizzypaty
[Icons] Top panel icons (location & notification) are misleading Medium tiheum
[camera] User is forced to swipe left for photo roll Medium jounihelminen
[Dash] Departments look wrong on wider screens Low dizzypaty
[Calculator] Swipe to delete pattern needs re-work Low jamesmulholland
[shell] Should Full shell rotation work in Windowed mode? Low johnlea
Full URL of page not shown unless user clicks on it Low jamesmulholland
[Music app] no autoplay Low jounihelminen
[Incoming call] Slider to answer incomming calls is to small Low olga-kemmet
[wifi] cannot disconnect from a known wifi network Low mpt
Default keyboard colour scheme slows users down Low jounihelminen
No way to auto-repeat keys in the OSK Wishlist
[dialer-app] Can not record phone call Wishlist olga-kemmet
[notifications] aren't desirable while playing games or videos Wishlist dizzypaty
[osk] Implement a swype like functionality to the keyboard Wishlist femma
[clock][ux]Snooze time per alarm Wishlist jamesmulholland
[sdk] Widgets should be highlighed on mouse-over Wishlist jounihelminen
[address-book] Interface to add new contacts from messaging is not obvious Wishlist olga-kemmet
[icons] browser, settings and calculator icons too similar to another well known mobile O/S Wishlist tiheum
[wizard] After the wi-fi is authenticated, it doesn't open the next page automatically Wishlist andreea-pirvu
[Clock] It is very hard to read what is time from analog clock only Wishlist jamesmulholland
[Dekko] It should be possible to swipe left/right between messages within a folder Wishlist jamesmulholland
[messaging-app] Select the SIM of the message the user is replying to. Wishlist olga-kemmet
[Gallery App/Content Hub] Expected to be able to select picture in a full screen preview mode before sending it Wishlist jamesmulholland
Difference from UTC should be displayed (optionally?) Wishlist jamesmulholland
[calculator] Favourite screen is blank by default Wishlist magdalena-mirowicz
[Dialer] ubuntu touch bad dialer/contacts integration Wishlist olga-kemmet
[greeter] should provide a "lock sound" option Wishlist jounihelminen
[Browser] reopens closed sites after manually closing them Wishlist jamesmulholland
[unity8] can't drag child window back into main GUI Undecided
[Shell] Bring the HUD back to Unity 8 Undecided johnlea
Wi-Fi settings are missing a "Connect Automatically" option Undecided mpt
A wish: one click silent mode while ringing Undecided
Messages not configurable in the notification settings Undecided
Scopes -> (web)App communication really clunky Undecided dizzypaty

Untriaged design bugs (314)

Bugs that are not triaged and have an ayatana-design task

Inconsistent design bugs (0)

Design bugs that are in a inconsistent state

Other status

Miscellanous other status summary. Go to the other pages for details.

Categorie of bugs Number
Design changes ready to develop upstream 36
Design changes ready to develop downstream 219
Design changes ready to land in Ubuntu 7