l.s.s.f.ObsoleteDistroseries(SoyuzScript) : class documentation

Part of lp.soyuz.scripts.ftpmaster View In Hierarchy

SoyuzScript that obsoletes a distroseries.
Method add_my_options Add -d, -s, dry-run and confirmation options.
Method mainTask Execute package obsolescence procedure.
Method _checkParameters Sanity check the supplied script parameters.

Inherited from SoyuzScript:

Method add_transaction_options Add SoyuzScript transaction-related options.
Method add_distro_options Add SoyuzScript distro-related options.
Method add_package_location_options Add SoyuzScript package location-related options.
Method add_archive_options Add SoyuzScript archive-related options.
Method findLatestPublishedSource Return a suitable SourcePackagePublishingHistory.
Method findLatestPublishedBinaries Build a list of suitable BinaryPackagePublishingHistory.
Method waitForUserConfirmation Blocks the script flow waiting for a user confirmation.
Method setupLocation Setup PackageLocation for context distribution and suite.
Method finishProcedure Script finalization procedure.
Method main LaunchpadScript entry point.
Method _validatePublishing Validate the given publishing record.
Method _getUserConfirmation Use raw_input to collect user feedback.

Inherited from LaunchpadScript (via SoyuzScript):

Method __init__ Construct new LaunchpadScript.
Method login Super-convenience method that avoids the import.
Method lockfilename Return lockfilename.
Method setup_lock Create lockfile.
Method lock_or_die Attempt to lock, and sys.exit(1) if the lock's already taken.
Method lock_or_quit Attempt to lock, and sys.exit(0) if the lock's already taken.
Method unlock Release the lock. Do this before going home.
Method run Actually run the script, executing zcml and initZopeless.
Method record_activity Hook to record script activity.
Method lock_and_run Call lock_or_die(), and then run() the script.
Method _init_zca Initialize the ZCA, this can be overriden for testing purpose.
Method _init_db Initialize the database transaction.
def add_my_options(self):
Add -d, -s, dry-run and confirmation options.
def mainTask(self):
Execute package obsolescence procedure.

Modules using this class outside of its normal usage in the main script can call this method to start the copy.

In this case the caller can override test_args on __init__ to set the command line arguments.

RaisesSoyuzScriptErrorIf the distroseries is not provided or it is already obsolete.
def _checkParameters(self, distroseries):
Sanity check the supplied script parameters.
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2010-09-27 00:00:11.