Part of lp.soyuz.scripts.ftpmaster View In Hierarchy
Method | __init__ | Initialise dynamic 'usage' message and LaunchpadScript parent. |
Method | add_my_options | Add 'distribution' and 'suite' context options. |
Method | main | Main procedure, basically a runAction wrapper. |
Method | defaultPresenter | Default result presenter. |
Method | runAction | Run a given initialised action (self.action_name). |
Method | checkNoSuiteDefined | Raises LaunchpadScriptError if a suite location was passed. |
Method | current | Return the name of the CURRENT distroseries. |
Method | development | Return the name of the DEVELOPMENT distroseries. |
Method | supported | Return the names of the distroseries currently supported. |
Method | pending_suites | Return the suite names containing PENDING publication. |
Method | archs | Return a space-separated list of architecture tags. |
Method | official_archs | Return a space-separated list of official architecture tags. |
Method | nominated_arch_indep | Return the nominated arch indep architecture tag. |
Method | pocket_suffixes | Return a space-separated list of non-empty pocket suffixes. |
Method | _buildLocation | Build a PackageLocation object |
Inherited from LaunchpadScript:
Method | login | Super-convenience method that avoids the import. |
Method | lockfilename | Return lockfilename. |
Method | setup_lock | Create lockfile. |
Method | lock_or_die | Attempt to lock, and sys.exit(1) if the lock's already taken. |
Method | lock_or_quit | Attempt to lock, and sys.exit(0) if the lock's already taken. |
Method | unlock | Release the lock. Do this before going home. |
Method | run | Actually run the script, executing zcml and initZopeless. |
Method | record_activity | Hook to record script activity. |
Method | lock_and_run | Call lock_or_die(), and then run() the script. |
Method | _init_zca | Initialize the ZCA, this can be overriden for testing purpose. |
Method | _init_db | Initialize the database transaction. |
Also initialise the list 'allowed_arguments'.
Execute the given and allowed action using the default presenter (see self.runAction for further information).
The location will correspond to the given 'distribution' and 'suite', Any PackageLocationError occurring at this point will be masked into LaunchpadScriptFailure.
Directly prints result in the standard output (print).
It accepts an optional 'presenter' which will be used to store/present the action result.
Ensure at least one argument was passed, known as 'action'. Verify if the given 'action' is listed as an 'allowed_action'. Raise LaunchpadScriptFailure if those requirements were not accomplished.
It builds context 'location' object (see self._buildLocation).
It may raise LaunchpadScriptFailure is the 'action' is not properly supported by the current code (missing corresponding property).
It is re-used in action properties to avoid conflicting contexts, i.e, passing an arbitrary 'suite' and asking for the CURRENT suite in the context distribution.
It is restricted for the context distribution.
It may raise LaunchpadScriptFailure if a suite was passed on the command-line or if not CURRENT distroseries was found.
It is restricted for the context distribution.
It may raise LaunchpadScriptFailure
if a suite was passed on the
Return the first FROZEN distroseries found if there is no DEVELOPMENT one available.
Raises NotFoundError
if neither a CURRENT nor a FROZEN
candidate could be found.
'supported' means not EXPERIMENTAL or OBSOLETE.
It is restricted for the context distribution.
It may raise LaunchpadScriptFailure
if a suite was passed on the
command-line or if there is not supported distroseries for the
distribution given.
Return a space-separated list of distroseries names.
It check for sources and/or binary publications.
It is restricted for the context distribution and suite.
It is restricted to the context distribution and suite.