Interface | IAuthorizationsDirective | Set up authorizations as given in a module. |
Function | authorizations | Undocumented |
Interface | ISecuredUtilityDirective | Configure a utility with security directives. |
Class | PermissionCollectingContext | Undocumented |
Class | SecuredUtilityDirective | Undocumented |
Interface | IURLDirective | Say how to compute canonical urls. |
Interface | IGlueDirective | ZCML glue to register some classes perform an action. |
Interface | IMenusDirective | Hook up facets and menus. |
Interface | INavigationDirective | Hook up traversal etc. |
Interface | IFeedsDirective | Hook up feeds. |
Interface | IFaviconDirective | Undocumented |
Function | menus | Handler for the IMenusDirective . |
Function | feeds | Handler for the IFeedsDirective . |
Function | navigation | Handler for the INavigationDirective . |
Class | InterfaceInstanceDispatcher | Dispatch getitem on names that appear in the interface to the instance. |
Class | TALESContextForInterfaceInstance | Undocumented |
Class | CanonicalUrlDataBase | Undocumented |
Function | url | browser:url directive handler. |
Class | FaviconRendererBase | Undocumented |
Function | favicon | Undocumented |
Interface | IAssociatedWithAFacet | A zcml schema for something that can be associated with a facet. |
Interface | IPageDirective | Extended browser:page directive to have an extra 'facet' attribute. |
Function | page | Like the standard 'page' directive, but with an added 'facet' optional |
Interface | IPagesPageSubdirective | Extended complex browser:pages directive to have an extra 'facet' |
Interface | IPagesDirective | Extend the complex browser:pages directive to have an extra 'facet' |
Class | pages | Override the browser:pages directive to set a facet on it. |
Interface | IRenamedPageDirective | Schema for the browser:renamed-page directive. |
Function | renamed_page | Will provide a RedirectView that will redirect to the new_name. |
Interface | IGroupingFacet | Grouping directive that just has a facet attribute. |
Class | GroupingFacet | Grouping facet directive. |
Interface | ICallDirective | Call the given callable. |
Function | call | Undocumented |
Class | IDefineLaunchpadPermissionDirective | Undocumented |
Class | ILaunchpadPermission | Undocumented |
Class | LaunchpadPermission | Undocumented |
Function | definePermission | Undocumented |
Function | launchpadPublisher | Undocumented |
Function | _isAuthorization | Undocumented |
.If a facet is specified, then it will be available from the view class as __launchpad_facetname__.