l.s.t.xmlrpc : module documentation

Part of lp.services.twistedsupport

Support for XML-RPC stuff with Twisted.
Class BlockingProxy Make an xmlrpclib.ServerProxy behave like a Twisted XML-RPC proxy.
Class DeferredBlockingProxy Make an xmlrpclib.ServerProxy behave more like a Twisted XML-RPC proxy.
Function trap_fault Trap a fault, based on fault code.
def trap_fault(failure, *fault_classes):
Trap a fault, based on fault code.

:param failure: A Twisted L{Failure}.
:param *fault_codes: `LaunchpadFault` subclasses.
:raise Exception: if 'failure' is not a Fault failure, or if the fault
    code does not match the given codes.  In line with L{Failure.trap},
    the exception is the L{Failure} itself on Python 2 and the
    underlying exception on Python 3.
:return: The Fault if it matches one of the codes.
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.