l.s.t.features : module documentation

Part of lp.services.twistedsupport

Feature flags for Twisted.

Flags are refreshed asynchronously at regular intervals.

Function setup_feature_controller Install the FeatureController and schedule regular updates.
Function update Undocumented
Function _new_controller Undocumented
Function _install_and_reschedule Undocumented
def setup_feature_controller(script_name):
Install the FeatureController and schedule regular updates.

Update interval is specified by the twisted.flags.refresh feature flag, defaulting to 30 seconds.

def update(script_name):
def _new_controller(script_name):
def _install_and_reschedule(controller, script_name):
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.