l.s.propertycache : module documentation

Part of lp.services

Cached properties for situations where a property is computed once and then returned each time it is asked for.

See doc/propertycache.txt for documentation.

Interface IPropertyCache No interface docstring; 5/5 methods documented
Class DefaultPropertyCache A simple cache.
Function get_property_cache Obtain a DefaultPropertyCache for any object.
Function clear_property_cache Clear the property cache.
Class CachedProperty Cached property descriptor.
Function cachedproperty Decorator to create a cached property.
def get_property_cache(target):
Obtain a DefaultPropertyCache for any object.
def clear_property_cache(target):
Clear the property cache.
def cachedproperty(name_or_function):
Decorator to create a cached property.

See doc/propertycache.txt for usage.

API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.