l.s.j.t.t.RaisingJobUserError(NullJob) : class documentation

Part of lp.services.job.tests.test_runner View In Hierarchy

A job that raises a user error when it runs.
Method run Undocumented

Inherited from NullJob:

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method getOopsRecipients Return a list of email-ids to notify about oopses.
Method getOopsVars See IRunnableJob.
Method getErrorRecipients Return a list of email-ids to notify about user errors.
Method getOperationDescription Undocumented

Inherited from BaseRunnableJob (via NullJob):

Method __eq__ Undocumented
Method __ne__ Undocumented
Method __lt__ Undocumented
Method getOopsMailController Return a MailController for notifying people about oopses.
Method getUserErrorMailController Return a MailController for notifying about user errors.
Method notifyOops Report this oops.
Method notifyUserError See IRunnableJob.
Method makeOopsReport Generate an OOPS report using the given OOPS configuration.
Method acquireLease Undocumented
Method taskId Return a task ID that gives a clue what this job is about.
Method runViaCelery Request that this job be run via celery.
Method getDBClass Undocumented
Method celeryCommitHook Hook function to call when a commit completes.
Method celeryRunOnCommit Configure transaction so that commit runs this job via Celery.
Method queue See IJob.

Inherited from BaseRunnableJobSource (via NullJob, BaseRunnableJob):

Static Method contextManager Undocumented
def run(self):
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.