l.s.helpers : module documentation

Part of lp.services

Various functions and classes that are useful across different parts of launchpad.

Do not simply dump stuff in here. Think carefully as to whether it would be better as a method on an existing content object or IFooSet object.

Function text_replaced Return a new string with text replaced according to the dict provided.
Function backslashreplace Return a copy of the string, with non-ASCII characters rendered as
Function string_to_tarfile Convert a binary string containing a tar file into a tar file obj.
Function simple_popen2 Run a command, give it input on its standard input, and capture its
Class ShortListTooBigError This error is raised when the shortlist hardlimit is reached
Function shortlist Return a listified version of sequence.
Function is_tar_filename Check whether a filename looks like a filename that belongs to a tar file,
Function test_diff Generate a string indicating the difference between expected and actual
Function filenameToContentType Return the a ContentType-like entry for arbitrary filenames
Function intOrZero Return int(value) or 0 if the conversion fails.
Function truncate_text Return a version of string no longer than max_length characters.
Function english_list Return all the items concatenated into a English-style string.
Function ensure_unicode Return input as unicode. None is passed through unharmed.
def text_replaced(text, replacements, _cache={}):
Return a new string with text replaced according to the dict provided.

The keys of the dict are substrings to find, the values are what to replace found substrings with.

>>> text_replaced('', {'a':'b'})
>>> text_replaced('a', {'a':'c'})
>>> text_replaced('faa bar baz', {'a': 'A', 'aa': 'X'})
'fX bAr bAz'
>>> text_replaced('1 2 3 4', {'1': '2', '2': '1'})
'2 1 3 4'

Unicode strings work too.

>>> text_replaced(u'1 2 3 4', {u'1': u'2', u'2': u'1'})
u'2 1 3 4'

The argument _cache is used as a cache of replacements that were requested before, so we only compute regular expressions once.

ParameterstextAn unicode or str to do the replacement.
replacementsA dictionary with the replacements that should be done
def backslashreplace(str):
Return a copy of the string, with non-ASCII characters rendered as xNN or uNNNN. Used to test data containing typographical quotes etc.
def string_to_tarfile(s):
Convert a binary string containing a tar file into a tar file obj.
def simple_popen2(command, input, env=None, in_bufsize=1024, out_bufsize=128):
Run a command, give it input on its standard input, and capture its standard output.

Returns the data from standard output.

This function is needed to avoid certain deadlock situations. For example, if you popen2() a command, write its standard input, then read its standard output, this can deadlock due to the parent process blocking on writing to the child, while the child process is simultaneously blocking on writing to its parent. This function avoids that problem by using subprocess.Popen.communicate().

def shortlist(sequence, longest_expected=15, hardlimit=None):

Return a listified version of sequence.

If <sequence> has more than <longest_expected> items, a warning is issued.

>>> shortlist([1, 2])
[1, 2]
>>> shortlist([1, 2, 3], 2) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Traceback (most recent call last):
UserWarning: shortlist() should not be used here. It's meant to listify
sequences with no more than 2 items.  There were 3 items.
>>> shortlist([1, 2, 3, 4], hardlimit=2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ShortListTooBigError: Hard limit of 2 exceeded.
>>> shortlist(
...     [1, 2, 3, 4], 2, hardlimit=4) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Traceback (most recent call last):
UserWarning: shortlist() should not be used here. It's meant to listify
sequences with no more than 2 items.  There were 4 items.

It works on iterable also which don't support the extended slice protocol.

>>> iter(range(5))[:1] #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: ...
>>> shortlist(iter(range(10)), 5, hardlimit=8) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
ShortListTooBigError: ...
def is_tar_filename(filename):
Check whether a filename looks like a filename that belongs to a tar file, possibly one compressed somehow.
def test_diff(lines_a, lines_b):
Generate a string indicating the difference between expected and actual values in a test.
def filenameToContentType(fname):

Return the a ContentType-like entry for arbitrary filenames

deb files

>>> filenameToContentType('test.deb')

text files

>>> filenameToContentType('test.txt')

Not recognized format

>>> filenameToContentType('test.tgz')

Build logs >>> filenameToContentType('buildlog.txt.gz') 'text/plain'

Various compressed files

>>> filenameToContentType('Packages.gz')
>>> filenameToContentType('Packages.bz2')
>>> filenameToContentType('Packages.xz')
def intOrZero(value):

Return int(value) or 0 if the conversion fails.

>>> intOrZero('1.23')
>>> intOrZero('1.ab')
>>> intOrZero('2')
>>> intOrZero(None)
>>> intOrZero(1)
>>> intOrZero(-9)
def truncate_text(text, max_length):
Return a version of string no longer than max_length characters.

Tries not to cut off the text mid-word.

def english_list(items, conjunction='and'):
Return all the items concatenated into a English-style string.

Follows the advice given in The Elements of Style, chapter I, section 2:

"In a series of three or more terms with a single conjunction, use
a comma after each term except the last."

Beware that this is US English and is wrong for non-US.

def ensure_unicode(string):

Return input as unicode. None is passed through unharmed.

Do not use this method. This method exists only to help migration of legacy code where str objects were being passed into contexts where unicode objects are required. All invokations of ensure_unicode() should eventually be removed.

This differs from the builtin unicode() function, as a TypeError exception will be raised if the parameter is not a basestring or if a raw string is not ASCII.

>>> ensure_unicode(u'hello')
>>> ensure_unicode('hello')
>>> ensure_unicode(u'A'.encode('utf-16')) # Not ASCII
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: '\xff\xfeA\x00' is not US-ASCII
>>> ensure_unicode(42)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: 42 is not a basestring (<type 'int'>)
>>> ensure_unicode(None) is None
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.