l.s.a.base : module documentation

Part of lp.services.apachelogparser

No module docstring
Function get_files_to_parse Return an iterator of file and position where reading should start.
Function get_fd_and_file_size Return a file descriptor and the file size for the given file path.
Function parse_file Parse the given file starting on the given position.
Function create_or_update_parsedlog_entry Create or update the ParsedApacheLog with the given first_line.
Function get_day Extract the day from the given date and return it as a datetime.
Function get_host_date_status_and_request Extract the host, date, status and request from the given line.
Function get_method_and_path Extract the method of the request and path of the requested file.
def get_files_to_parse(file_paths):
Return an iterator of file and position where reading should start.

The lines read from that position onwards will be the ones that have not been parsed yet.

Parametersfile_pathsThe paths to the files.
def get_fd_and_file_size(file_path):
Return a file descriptor and the file size for the given file path.

The file descriptor will have the default mode ('r') and will be seeked to the beginning.

The file size returned is that of the uncompressed file, in case the given file_path points to a gzipped file.

def parse_file(fd, start_position, logger, get_download_key, parsed_lines=0):
Parse the given file starting on the given position.

parsed_lines accepts the number of lines that have been parsed during previous calls to this function so they can be taken into account against max_parsed_lines. The total number of parsed lines is then returned so it can be passed back to future calls to this function.

Return a dictionary mapping file_ids (from the librarian) to days to countries to number of downloads.

def create_or_update_parsedlog_entry(first_line, parsed_bytes):
Create or update the ParsedApacheLog with the given first_line.
def get_day(date):
Extract the day from the given date and return it as a datetime.
def get_host_date_status_and_request(line):
Extract the host, date, status and request from the given line.
def get_method_and_path(request):
Extract the method of the request and path of the requested file.
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.