l.h.s.t.t.SubmissionParserTestParseSoftwareNoXorgNode(SubmissionParser) : class documentation

Part of lp.hardwaredb.scripts.tests.test_hwdb_submission_parser View In Hierarchy

A Variant used to test SubmissionParser._parseSoftware.

This class is intended to test submission data that does not contain a <xorg> node.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method _parseLSBRelease Parse the <lsb_release> part of a submission.
Method _parsePackages Parse the <packages> part of a submission.

Inherited from SubmissionParser:

Method fixFrequentErrors Fixes for frequent formal errors in the submissions.
Method parseMainSections Undocumented
Method parseSubmission Parse the data of a HWDB submission.
Method findDuplicateIDs Return the set of duplicate IDs.
Method findInvalidIDReferences Return the set of invalid references to IDs.
Method getUDIDeviceMap Return a dictionary which maps UDIs to HAL devices.
Method getUDIChildren Build lists of all children of a UDI.
Method checkHALDevicesParentChildConsistency Ensure that HAL devices are represented in exactly one tree.
Method checkUdevDictsHavePathKey Ensure that each udev dictionary has a 'P' key.
Method checkUdevPciProperties Validation of udev PCI devices.
Method checkUdevUsbProperties Validation of udev USB devices.
Method checkUdevScsiProperties Validation of udev SCSI devices.
Method checkUdevDmiData Consistency check for DMI data.
Method checkConsistentUdevDeviceData Consistency checks for udev data.
Method checkConsistency Run consistency checks on the submitted data.
Method buildDeviceList Create a list of devices from a submission.
Method buildHalDeviceList Create a list of devices from the HAL data of a submission.
Method buildUdevDeviceList Create a list of devices from the udev data of a submission.
Method kernel_package_name The kernel package name for the submission.
Method processSubmission Process a submisson.
Method root_device The HALDevice of UdevDevice node of the root device.
Method _logError Log message for an error in submission submission_key`.
Method _logWarning Log message for a warning in submission submission_key`.
Method _getValidatedEtree Create an etree doc from the XML string submission and validate it.
Method _getValueAttributeAsBoolean Return the value of the attribute "value" as a boolean.
Method _getValueAttributeAsString Return the value of the attribute "value".
Method _getValueAttributeAsDateTime Convert a "value" attribute into a datetime object.
Method _getClientData Parse the <client> node in the <summary> section.
Method _parseSummary Parse the <summary> part of a submission.
Method _getValueAndType Return (value, type) of a <property> or <value> node.
Method _parseProperty Parse a <property> node.
Method _parseProperties Parse <property> sub-nodes of properties_node.
Method _parseDevice Parse a HAL <device> node.
Method _parseHAL Parse the <hal> section of a submission.
Method _parseProcessors Parse the <processors> node.
Method _parseAliases Parse the <aliases> node.
Method _parseUdev Parse the <udev> node.
Method _parseDmi Parse the <dmi> node.
Method _parseSysfsAttributes Parse the <sysfs-attributes> node.
Method _setHardwareSectionParsers Undocumented
Method _parseHardware Parse the <hardware> part of a submission.
Method _parseXOrg Parse the <xorg> part of a submission.
Method _setSoftwareSectionParsers Undocumented
Method _parseSoftware Parse the <software> section of a submission.
Method _parseQuestions Parse the <questions> part of a submission.
Method _parseContext Parse the <context> part of a submission.
Method _setMainSectionParsers Undocumented
Method _findDuplicates Search for duplicate elements in test_ids.
Method _getIDMap Return a dictionary ID -> devices, processors and packages.
Method _getIDUDIMaps Return two mappings describing the relation between IDs and UDIs.
Method _removeChildren Remove recursively all children of the device named udi.
def __init__(self, test, logger=None):
def _parseLSBRelease(self, node):
Parse the <lsb_release> part of a submission.
ReturnsA dictionary with the content of the <properta> nodes within the <lsb> node. See tests/hardwaretest.xml for details.
def _parsePackages(self, node):
Parse the <packages> part of a submission.
ReturnsA dictionary with one entry per <package> sub-node. The key is the package name, the value a dictionary containing the content of the <property> nodes within <package>. See tests/hardwaretest.xml for more details.
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.