l.c.a.subscribers : module documentation

Part of lp.coop.answersbugs

Notifications related to linking bugs and questions.
Function assign_question_bug_link_karma Assign karma to the user which added <questionbug>.
Function subscribe_owner_to_bug Subscribe a question's owner when it's linked to a bug.
Function unsubscribe_owner_from_bug Unsubscribe a question's owner when it's unlinked from a bug.
Function dispatch_linked_question_notifications Send notifications to linked question subscribers when the bugtask
Class QuestionLinkedBugStatusChangeNotification Notification sent when a linked bug status is changed.
def assign_question_bug_link_karma(question, event):
Assign karma to the user which added <questionbug>.
def subscribe_owner_to_bug(question, event):
Subscribe a question's owner when it's linked to a bug.
def unsubscribe_owner_from_bug(question, event):
Unsubscribe a question's owner when it's unlinked from a bug.
def dispatch_linked_question_notifications(bugtask, event):
Send notifications to linked question subscribers when the bugtask status change.
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.