l.b.vocabularies : module documentation

Part of lp.bugs

Bug domain vocabularies
Class UsesBugsDistributionVocabulary Distributions that use Launchpad to track bugs.
Class BugVocabulary Undocumented
Class BugTrackerVocabulary All web and email based external bug trackers.
Class WebBugTrackerVocabulary All web-based bug tracker types.
Function project_products_using_malone_vocabulary_factory Return a vocabulary containing a project's products using Malone.
Class BugWatchVocabulary Undocumented
Class DistributionUsingMaloneVocabulary All the distributions that uses Malone officially.
Function BugNominatableSeriesVocabulary Return a nominatable series vocabulary.
Class BugNominatableSeriesVocabularyBase Base vocabulary class for series for which a bug can be nominated.
Class BugNominatableProductSeriesVocabulary The product series for which a bug can be nominated.
Class BugNominatableDistroSeriesVocabulary The distribution series for which a bug can be nominated.
Function milestone_matches_bugtask Return True if the milestone can be set against this bugtask.
Class BugTaskMilestoneVocabulary Milestones for a set of bugtasks.
def project_products_using_malone_vocabulary_factory(context):
Return a vocabulary containing a project's products using Malone.
def BugNominatableSeriesVocabulary(context=None):
Return a nominatable series vocabulary.
def milestone_matches_bugtask(milestone, bugtask):
Return True if the milestone can be set against this bugtask.
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.