Part of bzrlib.tests.test_weave View In Hierarchy
Method | __init__ | Create a weave. |
Method | _extract | Yield annotation of lines in included set. |
Inherited from Weave:
Method | __repr__ | Undocumented |
Method | copy | Return a deep copy of self. |
Method | __eq__ | Undocumented |
Method | __ne__ | Undocumented |
Method | versions | See VersionedFile.versions. |
Method | has_version | See VersionedFile.has_version. |
Method | get_record_stream | Get a stream of records for versions. |
Method | get_parent_map | See VersionedFile.get_parent_map. |
Method | get_parents_with_ghosts | Return version names for parents of version_id. |
Method | insert_record_stream | Insert a record stream into this versioned file. |
Method | get_ancestry | See VersionedFile.get_ancestry. |
Method | annotate | Return a list of (version-id, line) tuples for version_id. |
Method | iter_lines_added_or_present_in_versions | See VersionedFile.iter_lines_added_or_present_in_versions(). |
Method | plan_merge | Return pseudo-annotation indicating how the two versions merge. |
Method | get_lines | See VersionedFile.get_lines(). |
Method | get_sha1s | See VersionedFile.get_sha1s(). |
Method | num_versions | How many versions are in this weave? |
Method | check | Check the versioned file for integrity. |
Method | _check_write_ok | Is the versioned file marked as 'finished' ? Raise if it is. |
Method | _idx_to_name | Undocumented |
Method | _lookup | Convert symbolic version name to index. |
Method | _check_repeated_add | Check that a duplicated add is OK. |
Method | _add_lines | See VersionedFile.add_lines. |
Method | _add | Add a single text on top of the weave. |
Method | _inclusions | Return set of all ancestors of given version(s). |
Method | _check_lines | Undocumented |
Method | _check_versions | Check everything in the sequence of indexes is valid |
Method | _compatible_parents | During join check that other_parents are joinable with my_parents. |
Method | _walk_internal | Helper method for weave actions. |
Method | _maybe_lookup | Convert possible symbolic name to index, or pass through indexes. |
Method | _imported_parents | Return list of parents in self corresponding to indexes in other. |
Method | _check_version_consistent | Check if a version in consistent in this and other. |
Method | _reweave | Reweave self with other - internal helper for join(). |
Method | _copy_weave_content | adsorb the content from otherweave. |
Inherited from VersionedFile (via Weave):
Static Method | check_not_reserved_id | Undocumented |
Method | copy_to | Copy this versioned file to name on transport. |
Method | add_lines | Add a single text on top of the versioned file. |
Method | add_lines_with_ghosts | Add lines to the versioned file, allowing ghosts to be present. |
Method | get_format_signature | Get a text description of the data encoding in this file. |
Method | make_mpdiffs | Create multiparent diffs for specified versions. |
Method | add_mpdiffs | Add mpdiffs to this VersionedFile. |
Method | get_text | Return version contents as a text string. |
Method | get_texts | Return the texts of listed versions as a list of strings. |
Method | get_ancestry_with_ghosts | Return a list of all ancestors of given version(s). This |
Method | weave_merge | Undocumented |
Method | _add_lines_with_ghosts | Helper to do class specific add_lines_with_ghosts. |
Method | _check_lines_not_unicode | Check that lines being added to a versioned file are not unicode. |
Method | _check_lines_are_lines | Check that the lines really are full lines without inline EOL. |
Method | _extract_blocks | Undocumented |
Method | _get_lf_split_line_list | Undocumented |
Parameters | get_scope | A callable that returns an opaque object to be used for detecting when this weave goes out of scope (should stop answering requests or allowing mutation). |
Yields a sequence of tuples (origin, lineno, text), where origin is the origin version, lineno the index in the weave, and text the text of the line.
The set typically but not necessarily corresponds to a version.