b.p.l.t.Test_GetNewestVersions(tests.TestCaseWithMemoryTransport) : class documentation

Part of bzrlib.plugins.launchpad.test_lp_api_lite View In Hierarchy

Method setUp Undocumented
Method assertLatestVersions Undocumented
Method test_no_tags Undocumented
Method test_out_of_date Undocumented
Method test_up_to_date Undocumented
Method test_missing Undocumented

Inherited from TestCaseWithMemoryTransport:

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method get_transport Return a writeable transport.
Method get_readonly_transport Return a readonly transport for the test scratch space
Method create_transport_readonly_server Create a transport server from class defined at init.
Method get_readonly_server Get the server instance for the readonly transport
Method get_readonly_url Get a URL for the readonly transport.
Method get_vfs_only_server Get the vfs only read/write server instance.
Method get_server Get the read/write server instance.
Method get_url Get a URL (or maybe a path) for the readwrite transport.
Method get_vfs_only_url Get a URL (or maybe a path for the plain old vfs transport.
Method makeAndChdirToTestDir Create a temporary directories for this one test.
Method make_branch Create a branch on the transport at relpath.
Method get_default_format Undocumented
Method resolve_format Resolve an object to a ControlDir format object.
Method make_bzrdir Undocumented
Method make_repository Create a repository on our default transport at relpath.
Method make_smart_server Undocumented
Method make_branch_and_memory_tree Create a branch on the default transport and a MemoryTree for it.
Method make_branch_builder Undocumented
Method overrideEnvironmentForTesting Undocumented
Method setup_smart_server_with_call_log Sets up a smart server as the transport server with a call log.
Method reset_smart_call_log Undocumented
Method _adjust_url Get a URL (or maybe a path) for the readwrite transport.
Method _create_safety_net Make a fake bzr directory.
Method _check_safety_net Check that the safety .bzr directory have not been touched.
Method _make_test_root Undocumented

Inherited from TestCase (via TestCaseWithMemoryTransport):

Method debug Undocumented
Method discardDetail Extend the addDetail, getDetails api so we can remove a detail.
Method install_counter_hook Install a counting hook.
Method disable_directory_isolation Turn off directory isolation checks.
Method enable_directory_isolation Enable directory isolation checks.
Method permit_dir Permit a directory to be used by this test. See permit_url.
Method permit_url Declare that url is an ok url to use in this test.
Method permit_source_tree_branch_repo Permit the source tree bzr is running from to be opened.
Method record_directory_isolation Gather accessed directories to permit later access.
Method start_server Start transport_server for this test.
Method assertEqual Undocumented
Method assertEqualDiff Assert two texts are equal, if not raise an exception.
Method assertEqualMode Undocumented
Method assertEqualStat assert that expected and actual are the same stat result.
Method assertLength Assert that obj_with_len is of length length.
Method assertLogsError Assert that func(*args, **kwargs) quietly logs a specific error.
Method assertPositive Assert that val is greater than 0.
Method assertNegative Assert that val is less than 0.
Method assertStartsWith Undocumented
Method assertEndsWith Asserts that s ends with suffix.
Method assertContainsRe Assert that a contains something matching a regular expression.
Method assertNotContainsRe Assert that a does not match a regular expression
Method assertContainsString Undocumented
Method assertNotContainsString Undocumented
Method assertSubset Assert that every entry in sublist is present in superlist.
Method assertListRaises Fail unless excClass is raised when the iterator from func is used.
Method assertRaises Assert that a callable raises a particular exception.
Method assertIs Undocumented
Method assertIsNot Undocumented
Method assertTransportMode Fail if a path does not have mode "mode".
Method assertIsSameRealPath Fail if path1 and path2 points to different files
Method assertIsInstance Fail if obj is not an instance of kls
Method assertFileEqual Fail if path does not contain 'content'.
Method assertDocstring Fail if obj does not have expected_docstring
Method failUnlessExists Undocumented
Method assertPathExists Fail unless path or paths, which may be abs or relative, exist.
Method failIfExists Undocumented
Method assertPathDoesNotExist Fail if path or paths, which may be abs or relative, exist.
Method applyDeprecated Call a deprecated callable without warning the user.
Method callCatchWarnings Call a callable that raises python warnings.
Method callDeprecated Assert that a callable is deprecated in a particular way.
Method thisFailsStrictLockCheck It is known that this test would fail with -Dstrict_locks.
Method overrideAttr Overrides an object attribute restoring it after the test.
Method overrideEnv Set an environment variable, and reset it after the test.
Method recordCalls Monkeypatch in a wrapper that will record calls.
Method knownFailure Declare that this test fails for a known reason
Method time Run callable and accrue the time it takes to the benchmark time.
Method log Undocumented
Method get_log Get a unicode string containing the log from bzrlib.trace.
Method requireFeature This test requires a specific feature is available.
Method run_bzr Invoke bzr, as if it were run from the command line.
Method run_bzr_error Run bzr, and check that stderr contains the supplied regexes
Method run_bzr_subprocess Run bzr in a subprocess for testing.
Method start_bzr_subprocess Start bzr in a subprocess for testing.
Method get_source_path Return the path of the directory containing bzrlib.
Method get_bzr_path Return the path of the 'bzr' executable for this test suite.
Method finish_bzr_subprocess Finish the execution of process.
Method check_tree_shape Compare a tree to a list of expected names.
Method apply_redirected Call callable with redirected std io pipes.
Method reduceLockdirTimeout Reduce the default lock timeout for the duration of the test, so that
Method make_utf8_encoded_stringio Return a StringIOWrapper instance, that will encode Unicode
Method disable_verb Disable a smart server verb for one test.
Method _install_config_stats_hooks Install config hooks to count hook calls.
Method _clear_debug_flags Prevent externally set debug flags affecting tests.
Method _clear_hooks Undocumented
Method _silenceUI Turn off UI for duration of test
Method _check_locks Check that all lock take/release actions have been paired.
Method _track_locks Track lock activity during tests.
Method _lock_acquired Undocumented
Method _lock_released Undocumented
Method _lock_broken Undocumented
Method _preopen_isolate_transport Check that all transport openings are done in the test work area.
Method _preopen_isolate_url Undocumented
Method _track_transports Install checks for transport usage.
Method _ndiff_strings Return ndiff between two strings containing lines.
Method _capture_deprecation_warnings A helper for callDeprecated and applyDeprecated.
Method _startLogFile Setup a in-memory target for bzr and testcase log messages
Method _finishLogFile Flush and dereference the in-memory log for this testcase
Method _cleanEnvironment Undocumented
Method _restoreHooks Undocumented
Method _suppress_log Remove the log info from details.
Method _do_skip Undocumented
Static Method _do_known_failure Undocumented
Static Method _do_not_applicable Undocumented
Static Method _report_skip Override the default _report_skip.
Static Method _report_expected_failure Strip the log.
Static Method _do_unsupported_or_skip Undocumented
Method _run_bzr_autosplit Run bazaar command line, splitting up a string command line.
Method _run_bzr_core Undocumented
Method _add_subprocess_log Undocumented
Method _subprocess_log_cleanup Undocumented
Method _popen Place a call to Popen.
def setUp(self):
def assertLatestVersions(self, latest_branch_version, pub_version):
def test_no_tags(self):
def test_out_of_date(self):
def test_up_to_date(self):
def test_missing(self):
API Documentation for Bazaar, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:25:16.