b.m.MergeIntoMerger(Merger) : class documentation

Part of bzrlib.merge View In Hierarchy

Merger that understands other_tree will be merged into a subdir.

This also changes the Merger api so that it uses real Branch, revision_id, and RevisonTree objects, rather than using revision specs.

Method __init__ Create a new MergeIntoMerger object.
Method set_pending Undocumented

Inherited from Merger:

Method cache_trees_with_revision_ids Cache any tree in trees if it has a revision_id.
Method revision_graph Undocumented
Static Method from_uncommitted Return a Merger for uncommitted changes in other_tree.
Class Method from_mergeable Return a Merger for a bundle or merge directive.
Static Method from_revision_ids Return a Merger for revision-ids.
Method revision_tree Undocumented
Method ensure_revision_trees Undocumented
Method file_revisions Undocumented
Method check_basis Undocumented
Method compare_basis Undocumented
Method set_interesting_files Undocumented
Method set_other Set the revision and tree to merge from.
Method set_other_revision Set 'other' based on a branch and revision id
Method set_base_revision Set 'base' based on a branch and revision id
Method find_base Undocumented
Method set_base Set the base revision to use for the merge.
Method make_merger Undocumented
Method do_merge Undocumented
Method _set_base_is_ancestor Undocumented
Method _get_base_is_ancestor Undocumented
Method _set_base_is_other_ancestor Undocumented
Method _get_base_is_other_ancestor Undocumented
Method _get_tree Undocumented
Method _add_parent Undocumented
Method _maybe_fetch Undocumented
Method _do_merge_to Undocumented
def __init__(self, this_tree, other_branch, other_tree, target_subdir, source_subpath, other_rev_id=None):
Create a new MergeIntoMerger object.

source_subpath in other_tree will be effectively copied to target_subdir in this_tree.

Parametersthis_treeThe tree that we will be merging into.
other_branchThe Branch we will be merging from.
other_treeThe RevisionTree object we want to merge.
target_subdirThe relative path where we want to merge other_tree into this_tree
source_subpathThe relative path specifying the subtree of other_tree to merge into this_tree.
def set_pending(self):
API Documentation for Bazaar, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:25:16.