b.t.p.TestCaseWithTwoTrees(TestCaseWithTree) : class documentation

Part of bzrlib.tests.per_intertree View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: bzrlib.tests.per_intertree.test_compare.TestCompare, bzrlib.tests.per_intertree.test_compare.TestIterChanges, bzrlib.tests.per_intertree.test_file_content_matches.TestFileContentMatches

No class docstring
Method not_applicable_if_cannot_represent_unversioned Undocumented
Method not_applicable_if_missing_in Undocumented
Method make_to_branch_and_tree Make a to_workingtree_format branch and tree.

Inherited from TestCaseWithTree:

Method make_branch_and_tree Undocumented
Method workingtree_to_test_tree Undocumented
Method get_tree_no_parents_no_content Make a tree with no parents and no contents from empty_tree.
Method get_tree_no_parents_abc_content return a test tree with a, b/, b/c contents.
Method get_tree_no_parents_abc_content_2 return a test tree with a, b/, b/c contents.
Method get_tree_no_parents_abc_content_3 return a test tree with a, b/, b/c contents.
Method get_tree_no_parents_abc_content_4 return a test tree with d, b/, b/c contents.
Method get_tree_no_parents_abc_content_5 return a test tree with d, b/, b/c contents.
Method get_tree_no_parents_abc_content_6 return a test tree with a, b/, e contents.
Method get_tree_no_parents_abc_content_7 return a test tree with a, b/, d/e contents.
Method get_tree_with_subdirs_and_all_content_types Return a test tree with subdirs and all content types.
Method get_tree_with_subdirs_and_all_supported_content_types Return a test tree with subdirs and all supported content types.
Method get_tree_with_utf8 Generate a tree with a utf8 revision and unicode paths.
Method get_tree_with_merged_utf8 Generate a tree with utf8 ancestors.
Method _convert_tree helper to convert using the converter or a supplied one.
Method _make_abc_tree setup an abc content tree.
Method _create_tree_with_utf8 Generate a tree with a utf8 revision and unicode paths.
def not_applicable_if_cannot_represent_unversioned(self, tree):
def not_applicable_if_missing_in(self, relpath, tree):
def make_to_branch_and_tree(self, relpath):
Make a to_workingtree_format branch and tree.
API Documentation for Bazaar, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:25:16.