Part of bzrlib.repofmt.groupcompress_repo View In Hierarchy
Known subclasses: bzrlib.tests.test_foreign.DummyForeignVcsRepository
Method | __init__ | Overridden to change pack collection class. |
Method | add_inventory_by_delta | Add a new inventory expressed as a delta against another revision. |
Method | fileids_altered_by_revision_ids | Find the file ids and versions affected by revisions. |
Method | find_text_key_references | Find the text key references within the repository. |
Method | reconcile_canonicalize_chks | Reconcile this repository to make sure all CHKs are in canonical |
Method | _add_inventory_checked | Add inv to the repository after checking the inputs. |
Method | _create_inv_from_null | This will mutate new_inv directly. |
Method | _deserialise_inventory | Transform the xml into an inventory object. |
Method | _iter_inventories | Iterate over many inventory objects. |
Method | _iter_inventory_xmls | Undocumented |
Method | _find_present_inventory_keys | Undocumented |
Method | _reconcile_pack | Undocumented |
Method | _canonicalize_chks_pack | Undocumented |
Method | _get_source | Return a source for streaming from this repository. |
Method | _find_inconsistent_revision_parents | Find revisions with different parent lists in the revision object |
Method | _check_for_inconsistent_revision_parents | Undocumented |
Inherited from PackRepository:
Method | suspend_write_group | Undocumented |
Method | get_transaction | Undocumented |
Method | is_locked | Undocumented |
Method | is_write_locked | Return True if this object is write locked. |
Method | lock_write | Lock the repository for writes. |
Method | lock_read | Lock the repository for reads. |
Method | leave_lock_in_place | Tell this repository not to release the physical lock when this |
Method | dont_leave_lock_in_place | Tell this repository to release the physical lock when this |
Method | pack | Compress the data within the repository. |
Method | reconcile | Reconcile this repository. |
Method | unlock | Undocumented |
Method | _all_revision_ids | See Repository.all_revision_ids(). |
Method | _abort_write_group | Template method for per-repository write group cleanup. |
Method | _make_parents_provider | Undocumented |
Method | _refresh_data | Helper called from lock_* to ensure coherency with disk. |
Method | _start_write_group | Template method for per-repository write group startup. |
Method | _commit_write_group | Template method for per-repository write group cleanup. |
Method | _resume_write_group | Undocumented |
Inherited from MetaDirRepository (via PackRepository, MetaDirVersionedFileRepository):
Method | is_shared | Return True if this repository is flagged as a shared repository. |
Method | set_make_working_trees | Set the policy flag for making working trees when creating branches. |
Method | make_working_trees | Returns the policy for making working trees on new branches. |
Inherited from Repository (via PackRepository, MetaDirVersionedFileRepository, MetaDirRepository):
Method | abort_write_group | Commit the contents accrued within the current write group. |
Method | add_fallback_repository | Add a repository to use for looking up data not held locally. |
Method | all_revision_ids | Returns a list of all the revision ids in the repository. |
Method | break_lock | Break a lock if one is present from another instance. |
Static Method | create | Construct the current default format repository in controldir. |
Method | user_transport | Undocumented |
Method | control_transport | Undocumented |
Method | __repr__ | Undocumented |
Method | has_same_location | Returns a boolean indicating if this repository is at the same |
Method | is_in_write_group | Return True if there is an open write group. |
Method | get_physical_lock_status | Undocumented |
Method | gather_stats | Gather statistics from a revision id. |
Method | find_branches | Find branches underneath this repository. |
Method | search_missing_revision_ids | Return the revision ids that other has that this does not. |
Static Method | open | Open the repository rooted at base. |
Method | copy_content_into | Make a complete copy of the content in self into destination. |
Method | commit_write_group | Commit the contents accrued within the current write group. |
Method | refresh_data | Re-read any data needed to synchronise with disk. |
Method | resume_write_group | Undocumented |
Method | fetch | Fetch the content required to construct revision_id from source. |
Method | create_bundle | Undocumented |
Method | get_commit_builder | Obtain a CommitBuilder for this repository. |
Method | clone | Clone this repository into controldir using the current format. |
Method | start_write_group | Start a write group in the repository. |
Method | sprout | Create a descendent repository for new development. |
Method | has_revision | True if this repository has a copy of the revision. |
Method | has_revisions | Probe to find out the presence of multiple revisions. |
Method | get_revision | Return the Revision object for a named revision. |
Method | get_revision_reconcile | 'reconcile' helper routine that allows access to a revision always. |
Method | get_revisions | Get many revisions at once. |
Method | get_deltas_for_revisions | Produce a generator of revision deltas. |
Method | get_revision_delta | Return the delta for one revision. |
Method | store_revision_signature | Undocumented |
Method | add_signature_text | Store a signature text for a revision. |
Method | iter_files_bytes | Iterate through file versions. |
Method | get_rev_id_for_revno | Return the revision id of a revno, given a later (revno, revid) |
Method | iter_reverse_revision_history | Iterate backwards through revision ids in the lefthand history |
Method | revision_tree | Return Tree for a revision on this branch. |
Method | revision_trees | Return Trees for revisions in this repository. |
Method | get_ancestry | Return a list of revision-ids integrated by a revision. |
Method | get_parent_map | See graph.StackedParentsProvider.get_parent_map |
Method | get_known_graph_ancestry | Return the known graph for a set of revision ids and their ancestors. |
Method | get_file_graph | Return the graph walker for files. |
Method | get_graph | Return the graph walker for this repository format |
Method | revision_ids_to_search_result | Convert a set of revision ids to a graph SearchResult. |
Method | sign_revision | Undocumented |
Method | verify_revision | Verify the signature on a revision. |
Method | has_signature_for_revision_id | Query for a revision signature for revision_id in the repository. |
Method | get_signature_text | Return the text for a signature. |
Method | check | Check consistency of all history of given revision_ids. |
Method | supports_rich_root | Undocumented |
Method | _check_fallback_repository | Check that this repository can fallback to repository safely. |
Method | _has_same_fallbacks | Returns true if the repositories have the same fallbacks. |
Method | _create_sprouting_repo | Undocumented |
Method | _find_parent_ids_of_revisions | Find all parent ids that are mentioned in the revision graph. |
Method | _get_parent_map_no_fallbacks | Same as Repository.get_parent_map except doesn't query fallbacks. |
Method | _make_parents_provider_unstacked | Undocumented |
Method | _check | Undocumented |
Method | _warn_if_deprecated | Undocumented |
Method | _check_ascii_revisionid | Private helper for ascii-only repositories. |
Inherited from _RelockDebugMixin (via PackRepository, MetaDirVersionedFileRepository, MetaDirRepository, Repository):
Method | _note_lock | Undocumented |
Inherited from VersionedFileRepository (via PackRepository, MetaDirVersionedFileRepository):
Method | add_fallback_repository | Add a repository to use for looking up data not held locally. |
Method | add_inventory | Add the inventory inv to the repository as revision_id. |
Method | add_revision | Add rev to the revision store as revision_id. |
Method | gather_stats | See Repository.gather_stats(). |
Method | get_commit_builder | Obtain a CommitBuilder for this repository. |
Method | get_missing_parent_inventories | Return the keys of missing inventory parents for revisions added in |
Method | has_revisions | Probe to find out the presence of multiple revisions. |
Method | get_revision_reconcile | 'reconcile' helper routine that allows access to a revision always. |
Method | get_revisions | Get many revisions at once. |
Method | add_signature_text | Store a signature text for a revision. |
Method | iter_files_bytes | Iterate through file versions. |
Method | item_keys_introduced_by | Get an iterable listing the keys of all the data introduced by a set |
Method | get_inventory | Get Inventory object by revision id. |
Method | iter_inventories | Get many inventories by revision_ids. |
Method | get_serializer_format | Undocumented |
Method | revision_tree | Return Tree for a revision on this branch. |
Method | revision_trees | Return Trees for revisions in this repository. |
Method | get_parent_map | See graph.StackedParentsProvider.get_parent_map |
Method | get_known_graph_ancestry | Return the known graph for a set of revision ids and their ancestors. |
Method | get_file_graph | Return the graph walker for text revisions. |
Method | has_signature_for_revision_id | Query for a revision signature for revision_id in the repository. |
Method | get_signature_text | Return the text for a signature. |
Method | _inventory_add_lines | Store lines in inv_vf and return the sha1 of the inventory. |
Method | _add_revision | Undocumented |
Method | _check_inventories | Check the inventories found from the revision scan. |
Method | _do_check_inventories | Helper for _check_inventories. |
Method | _check_record | Check a single text from this repository. |
Method | _check_text | Check a single text. |
Method | _eliminate_revisions_not_present | Check every revision id in revision_ids to see if we have it. |
Method | _get_revisions | Core work logic to get many revisions without sanity checks. |
Method | _iter_revisions | Iterate over revision objects. |
Method | _inventory_xml_lines_for_keys | Get a line iterator of the sort needed for findind references. |
Method | _find_file_ids_from_xml_inventory_lines | Helper routine for fileids_altered_by_revision_ids. |
Method | _find_parent_keys_of_revisions | Similar to _find_parent_ids_of_revisions, but used with keys. |
Method | _generate_text_key_index | Generate a new text key index for the repository. |
Method | _do_generate_text_key_index | Helper for _generate_text_key_index to avoid deep nesting. |
Method | _find_file_keys_to_fetch | Undocumented |
Method | _find_non_file_keys_to_fetch | Undocumented |
Method | _get_inventory_xml | Get serialized inventory as a string. |
Method | _filtered_revision_trees | Return Tree for a revision on this branch with only some files. |
Method | _get_versioned_file_checker | Return an object suitable for checking versioned files. |
Method | _check | Undocumented |
Method | _get_sink | Return a sink for streaming into this repository. |
Inherited from Repository (via PackRepository, MetaDirVersionedFileRepository, VersionedFileRepository):
Method | abort_write_group | Commit the contents accrued within the current write group. |
Method | all_revision_ids | Returns a list of all the revision ids in the repository. |
Method | break_lock | Break a lock if one is present from another instance. |
Static Method | create | Construct the current default format repository in controldir. |
Method | user_transport | Undocumented |
Method | control_transport | Undocumented |
Method | __repr__ | Undocumented |
Method | has_same_location | Returns a boolean indicating if this repository is at the same |
Method | is_in_write_group | Return True if there is an open write group. |
Method | get_physical_lock_status | Undocumented |
Method | find_branches | Find branches underneath this repository. |
Method | search_missing_revision_ids | Return the revision ids that other has that this does not. |
Static Method | open | Open the repository rooted at base. |
Method | copy_content_into | Make a complete copy of the content in self into destination. |
Method | commit_write_group | Commit the contents accrued within the current write group. |
Method | refresh_data | Re-read any data needed to synchronise with disk. |
Method | resume_write_group | Undocumented |
Method | fetch | Fetch the content required to construct revision_id from source. |
Method | create_bundle | Undocumented |
Method | clone | Clone this repository into controldir using the current format. |
Method | start_write_group | Start a write group in the repository. |
Method | sprout | Create a descendent repository for new development. |
Method | has_revision | True if this repository has a copy of the revision. |
Method | get_revision | Return the Revision object for a named revision. |
Method | get_deltas_for_revisions | Produce a generator of revision deltas. |
Method | get_revision_delta | Return the delta for one revision. |
Method | store_revision_signature | Undocumented |
Method | get_rev_id_for_revno | Return the revision id of a revno, given a later (revno, revid) |
Method | iter_reverse_revision_history | Iterate backwards through revision ids in the lefthand history |
Method | is_shared | Return True if this repository is flagged as a shared repository. |
Method | get_ancestry | Return a list of revision-ids integrated by a revision. |
Method | get_graph | Return the graph walker for this repository format |
Method | revision_ids_to_search_result | Convert a set of revision ids to a graph SearchResult. |
Method | set_make_working_trees | Set the policy flag for making working trees when creating branches. |
Method | make_working_trees | Returns the policy for making working trees on new branches. |
Method | sign_revision | Undocumented |
Method | verify_revision | Verify the signature on a revision. |
Method | check | Check consistency of all history of given revision_ids. |
Method | supports_rich_root | Undocumented |
Method | _check_fallback_repository | Check that this repository can fallback to repository safely. |
Method | _has_same_fallbacks | Returns true if the repositories have the same fallbacks. |
Method | _create_sprouting_repo | Undocumented |
Method | _find_parent_ids_of_revisions | Find all parent ids that are mentioned in the revision graph. |
Method | _get_parent_map_no_fallbacks | Same as Repository.get_parent_map except doesn't query fallbacks. |
Method | _make_parents_provider_unstacked | Undocumented |
Method | _warn_if_deprecated | Undocumented |
Method | _check_ascii_revisionid | Private helper for ascii-only repositories. |
Inherited from _RelockDebugMixin (via PackRepository, MetaDirVersionedFileRepository, VersionedFileRepository, Repository):
Method | _note_lock | Undocumented |
This function can be overridden to allow different inventory styles.
See Also | add_inventory, for the contract. |
This is a simplified form of create_by_apply_delta which knows that all the old values must be None, so everything is a create.
Parameters | basis_revision_id | The inventory id the delta was created against. |
delta | The inventory delta (see Inventory.apply_delta for details). | |
new_revision_id | The revision id that the inventory is being added for. | |
parents | The revision ids of the parents that revision_id is known to have and are in the repository already. These are supplied for repositories that depend on the inventory graph for revision graph access, as well as for those that pun ancestry with delta compression. | |
basis_inv | The basis inventory if it is already known, otherwise None. | |
propagate_caches | If True, the caches for this inventory are copied to and updated for the result if possible. | |
Returns | (validator, new_inv) The validator(which is a sha1 digest, though what is sha'd is repository format specific) of the serialized inventory, and the resulting inventory. |
Parameters | revision_id | The expected revision id of the inventory. |
xml | A serialised inventory. |
Parameters | revisions | an iterable containing revision ids. |
_inv_weave | The inventory weave from this repository or None. If None, the inventory weave will be opened automatically. | |
Returns | a dictionary mapping altered file-ids to an iterable of revision_ids. Each altered file-ids has the exact revision_ids that altered it listed explicitly. |
Returns | A dictionary mapping text keys ((fileid, revision_id) tuples) to whether they were referred to by the inventory of the revision_id that they contain. The inventory texts from all present revision ids are assessed to generate this report. |
Parameters | revisions_iterator | None, or an iterator of (revid, Revision-or-None). This iterator controls the revisions checked. |
Returns | an iterator yielding tuples of (revison-id, parents-in-index, parents-in-revision). |