Part of lp.soyuz.scripts.ftpmaster View In Hierarchy
Method | add_my_options | Adding local options. |
Method | mainTask | Execute the package removal task. |
Inherited from SoyuzScript:
Method | add_transaction_options | Add SoyuzScript transaction-related options. |
Method | add_distro_options | Add SoyuzScript distro-related options. |
Method | add_package_location_options | Add SoyuzScript package location-related options. |
Method | add_archive_options | Add SoyuzScript archive-related options. |
Method | findLatestPublishedSource | Return a suitable SourcePackagePublishingHistory . |
Method | findLatestPublishedBinaries | Build a list of suitable BinaryPackagePublishingHistory . |
Method | waitForUserConfirmation | Blocks the script flow waiting for a user confirmation. |
Method | setupLocation | Setup PackageLocation for context distribution and suite. |
Method | finishProcedure | Script finalization procedure. |
Method | main | LaunchpadScript entry point. |
Method | _validatePublishing | Validate the given publishing record. |
Method | _getUserConfirmation | Use raw_input to collect user feedback. |
Inherited from LaunchpadScript (via SoyuzScript):
Method | __init__ | Construct new LaunchpadScript. |
Method | login | Super-convenience method that avoids the import. |
Method | lockfilename | Return lockfilename. |
Method | setup_lock | Create lockfile. |
Method | lock_or_die | Attempt to lock, and sys.exit(1) if the lock's already taken. |
Method | lock_or_quit | Attempt to lock, and sys.exit(0) if the lock's already taken. |
Method | unlock | Release the lock. Do this before going home. |
Method | run | Actually run the script, executing zcml and initZopeless. |
Method | record_activity | Hook to record script activity. |
Method | lock_and_run | Call lock_or_die(), and then run() the script. |
Method | _init_zca | Initialize the ZCA, this can be overriden for testing purpose. |
Method | _init_db | Initialize the database transaction. |