
Publication date 6 January 2025

Last updated 20 March 2025

Ubuntu priority

Redis is an open source, in-memory database that persists on disk. An authenticated user may use a specially crafted Lua script to manipulate the garbage collector and potentially lead to remote code execution. The problem is fixed in 7.4.2, 7.2.7, and 6.2.17. An additional workaround to mitigate the problem without patching the redis-server executable is to prevent users from executing Lua scripts. This can be done using ACL to restrict EVAL and EVALSHA commands.


Package Ubuntu Release Status
redict 24.10 oracular
Needs evaluation
24.04 LTS noble Not in release
22.04 LTS jammy Not in release
20.04 LTS focal Not in release
redis 24.10 oracular
Fixed 5:7.0.15-1ubuntu0.24.10.1
24.04 LTS noble
Fixed 5:7.0.15-1ubuntu0.24.04.1
22.04 LTS jammy
20.04 LTS focal
18.04 LTS bionic
16.04 LTS xenial
valkey 24.10 oracular
Fixed 7.2.8+dfsg1-0ubuntu0.24.10.2
24.04 LTS noble
Fixed 7.2.8+dfsg1-0ubuntu0.24.04.2
22.04 LTS jammy Not in release
20.04 LTS focal Not in release

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