Publication date 16 November 2014
Last updated 24 July 2024
Ubuntu priority
The GenericConsumer class in the Consumer component in ZendOpenId before 2.0.2 and the Zend_OpenId_Consumer class in Zend Framework 1 before 1.12.4 does not verify that the openid_op_endpoint value identifies the same Identity Provider as the provider used in the association handle, which allows remote attackers to bypass authentication and spoof arbitrary OpenID identities by using a malicious OpenID Provider that generates OpenID tokens with arbitrary identifier and claimed_id values.
Package | Ubuntu Release | Status |
zendframework | 13.10 saucy | Not in release |
12.10 quantal | Not in release | |
12.04 LTS precise | Not in release | |
10.04 LTS lucid | Ignored end of life |