
Publication date 16 November 2014

Last updated 24 July 2024

Ubuntu priority

The GenericConsumer class in the Consumer component in ZendOpenId before 2.0.2 and the Zend_OpenId_Consumer class in Zend Framework 1 before 1.12.4 does not verify that the openid_op_endpoint value identifies the same Identity Provider as the provider used in the association handle, which allows remote attackers to bypass authentication and spoof arbitrary OpenID identities by using a malicious OpenID Provider that generates OpenID tokens with arbitrary identifier and claimed_id values.


No maintained releases are affected by this CVE.

Package Ubuntu Release Status
zendframework 13.10 saucy Not in release
12.10 quantal Not in release
12.04 LTS precise Not in release
10.04 LTS lucid Ignored end of life