
Publication date 20 May 2010

Last updated 24 July 2024

Ubuntu priority


Why this priority?

Mozilla Firefox 3.6.x, 3.5.x, 3.0.19, and earlier, and SeaMonkey, executes a mail application in situations where an IFRAME element has a mailto: URL in its SRC attribute, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (excessive application launches) via an HTML document with many IFRAME elements.


No maintained releases are affected by this CVE.

Package Ubuntu Release Status
firefox 10.04 LTS lucid Ignored
9.10 karmic Not in release
9.04 jaunty Not in release
8.10 intrepid Not in release
8.04 LTS hardy Ignored end of life
6.06 LTS dapper Ignored end of life
seamonkey 10.04 LTS lucid Ignored
9.10 karmic Ignored
9.04 jaunty Ignored
8.10 intrepid Ignored
8.04 LTS hardy Ignored
6.06 LTS dapper Not in release
xulrunner 10.04 LTS lucid Not in release
9.10 karmic Ignored
9.04 jaunty Ignored
8.10 intrepid Ignored
8.04 LTS hardy Ignored
6.06 LTS dapper Not in release
xulrunner-1.9 10.04 LTS lucid Not in release
9.10 karmic Not in release
9.04 jaunty Ignored
8.10 intrepid Ignored
8.04 LTS hardy Ignored
6.06 LTS dapper Not in release
xulrunner-1.9.1 10.04 LTS lucid Not in release
9.10 karmic Ignored
9.04 jaunty Ignored
8.10 intrepid Not in release
8.04 LTS hardy Not in release
6.06 LTS dapper Not in release
xulrunner-1.9.2 10.04 LTS lucid Ignored
9.10 karmic Ignored end of life, was needs-triage
9.04 jaunty Ignored end of life, was needs-triage
8.10 intrepid Not in release
8.04 LTS hardy Ignored
6.06 LTS dapper Not in release