Publication date 20 May 2010
Last updated 24 July 2024
Ubuntu priority
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.x, 3.5.x, 3.0.19, and earlier, and SeaMonkey, executes a mail application in situations where an IFRAME element has a mailto: URL in its SRC attribute, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (excessive application launches) via an HTML document with many IFRAME elements.
Package | Ubuntu Release | Status |
firefox | 10.04 LTS lucid | Ignored |
9.10 karmic | Not in release | |
9.04 jaunty | Not in release | |
8.10 intrepid | Not in release | |
8.04 LTS hardy | Ignored end of life | |
6.06 LTS dapper | Ignored end of life | |
seamonkey | 10.04 LTS lucid | Ignored |
9.10 karmic | Ignored | |
9.04 jaunty | Ignored | |
8.10 intrepid | Ignored | |
8.04 LTS hardy | Ignored | |
6.06 LTS dapper | Not in release | |
xulrunner | 10.04 LTS lucid | Not in release |
9.10 karmic | Ignored | |
9.04 jaunty | Ignored | |
8.10 intrepid | Ignored | |
8.04 LTS hardy | Ignored | |
6.06 LTS dapper | Not in release | |
xulrunner-1.9 | 10.04 LTS lucid | Not in release |
9.10 karmic | Not in release | |
9.04 jaunty | Ignored | |
8.10 intrepid | Ignored | |
8.04 LTS hardy | Ignored | |
6.06 LTS dapper | Not in release | |
xulrunner-1.9.1 | 10.04 LTS lucid | Not in release |
9.10 karmic | Ignored | |
9.04 jaunty | Ignored | |
8.10 intrepid | Not in release | |
8.04 LTS hardy | Not in release | |
6.06 LTS dapper | Not in release | |
xulrunner-1.9.2 | 10.04 LTS lucid | Ignored |
9.10 karmic | Ignored end of life, was needs-triage | |
9.04 jaunty | Ignored end of life, was needs-triage | |
8.10 intrepid | Not in release | |
8.04 LTS hardy | Ignored | |
6.06 LTS dapper | Not in release |