
Publication date 1 April 2010

Last updated 24 July 2024

Ubuntu priority

main/acl.c in Asterisk Open Source 1.6.0.x before, 1.6.1.x before, and 1.6.2.x before does not properly enforce remote host access controls when CIDR notation ”/0″ is used in permit= and deny= configuration rules, which causes an improper arithmetic shift and might allow remote attackers to bypass ACL rules and access services from unauthorized hosts.


No maintained releases are affected by this CVE.

Package Ubuntu Release Status
asterisk 11.04 natty
Not affected
10.10 maverick
Not affected
10.04 LTS lucid
Not affected
9.10 karmic Ignored end of life
9.04 jaunty Ignored end of life
8.10 intrepid Ignored end of life, was needs-triage
8.04 LTS hardy
Not affected
6.06 LTS dapper Ignored end of life

Patch details

For informational purposes only. We recommend not to cherry-pick updates. How can I get the fixes?

Package Patch details