
Publication date 24 April 2009

Last updated 24 July 2024

Ubuntu priority

The web interface for CUPS before 1.3.10 does not validate the HTTP Host header in a client request, which makes it easier for remote attackers to conduct DNS rebinding attacks.

Read the notes from the security team


No maintained releases are affected by this CVE.

Package Ubuntu Release Status
cups 9.04 jaunty Ignored
8.10 intrepid Ignored
8.04 LTS hardy Not in release
7.10 gutsy Not in release
6.06 LTS dapper Not in release
cupsys 9.04 jaunty Not in release
8.10 intrepid Not in release
8.04 LTS hardy Ignored
7.10 gutsy Ignored
6.06 LTS dapper Ignored





patch is large, could break existing configurations if the auto-discovery of alternate names does not work (eg, with CNAMES), and requires a coordinated attack. The vulnerability appears to be mostly information leakage, but might also allow starting and stopping of printers. An attacker trying to perform actions via the web interface should be challenged by the authentication system. The new ServerAlias directive will be a part of 1.3.10.