Pending Ubuntu Stable Release Updates

Generated: 2025-03-24 21:14:32 UTC by sru-report

Jump to: security-superseded upload-queues cleanup

A stable release update is currently in progress for the following packages, i. e. they have a newer version in -proposed than in -updates. Note that there is a separate report for Kernel updates. Once an update has been verified and released to -updates it then proceeds through the phased update process. The status of current updates undergoing phasing can be found in a separate report.

Bugs in green are verified, bugs in red failed verification, bugs in yellow are Incomplete, bugs in golden have received a comment since the package was accepted in -proposed, bugs in gray are candidates for removal due to a lack of verification, bugs in italic are kernel tracking bugs and bugs that are struck through are duplicate bug reports or weren't accessible at the time the report was generated. Bugs with the 🚧 character next to their number are bugs with a block-proposed-SERIES tag, indicating that they should not be released without double-checking the bug contents. Those can be staged in -proposed, even when verified, for a reason.


Package-release-updates -proposed (signer, creator) changelog bugsdays
bcmwl (timg-tpi, albertomilone) 1173761 1342645 1358966 1415880 1424676 1490713 1491070 1498074 1647036   3028
gnutls26 2.12.23-12ubuntu2 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.8 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.10 (mdeslaur, sdl) 1444656   2201
wireless-regdb 2013.02.13-1ubuntu1 2024.07.04-0ubuntu1~14.04.1 (nwager) 2073274   129


Package-release-updates -proposed (signer, creator) changelog bugsdays
autopkgtest 3.20.4 3.20.4ubuntu1 3.20.4ubuntu1.1 (ddstreet) 1845037   1995
network-manager 1.1.93-0ubuntu4 1.2.6-0ubuntu0.16.04.3 1.2.6-0ubuntu0.16.04.4 (ddstreet) 1825946 1855009   1934 1.10.3-0ubuntu6 18.09.7-0ubuntu1~16.04.7 18.09.7-0ubuntu1~16.04.8 (racb, lucaskanashiro) 1911465   1531
powerpc: Needs building
20201217.02-0ubuntu1~16.04.0 20210414.00-0ubuntu1~16.04.0 (rbalint) 1924589   1433
Regression in autopkgtest for ubuntu-advantage-tools (arm64): test log
34~16.04 35~16.04 (lvoytek, renanrodrigo) 2070095 2083665 2083973 2084677 2091327 2098862   2


Package-release-updates -proposed (signer, creator) changelog bugsdays
language-pack-en 1:18.04+20180423 1:18.04+20190718 1:18.04+20200702 (langpack-uploader, ubuntu-langpack)   1715
bind9 1:9.11.3+dfsg-1ubuntu1 1:9.11.3+dfsg-1ubuntu1.18 1:9.11.3+dfsg-1ubuntu1.19 (athos-ribeiro) 2006054   745
gpgme1.0 1.10.0-1ubuntu1 1.10.0-1ubuntu2 1.10.0-1ubuntu2.1 (juliank) 1813581   661
hg-git 0.8.11-1 0.8.11-1ubuntu0.18.04.1 (dannf) 2002045 2002152   661
knot 2.6.5-3 2.6.5-3ubuntu0.1 (ddstreet) 1886270   661
network-manager 1.10.6-2ubuntu1 1.10.6-2ubuntu1.4 1.10.6-2ubuntu1.5 (ddstreet, seyeongkim) 1733321   661
python-oslo.versionedobjects 1.31.2-0ubuntu3 1.31.2-0ubuntu3.1 (corey.bryant) 1912792   661
python-oslo.vmware 2.26.0-0ubuntu1 2.26.0-0ubuntu2 (corey.bryant) 1912792   661
Regression in autopkgtest for ubuntu-advantage-tools (armhf): test log
17 34~18.04 35~18.04 (lvoytek, renanrodrigo) 2070095 2083665 2083973 2084677 2091327 2098862   2


Package-release-updates -proposed (signer, creator) changelog bugsdays
knot 2.7.8-1 2.7.8-1ubuntu0.1 (ddstreet) 1886270   1720
Regression in autopkgtest for software-properties (i386): test log (vorlon) 1891479   1682
php-parser 4.2.2-2 4.2.2-2ubuntu0.1 (bryce) 1878102 1895878   1608
sshuttle 0.78.5-1 0.78.5-1ubuntu1.1 0.78.5-1ubuntu1.2 (ddstreet) 1927757   1356
ruby-mysql2 0.5.2-1ubuntu3 0.5.2-1ubuntu3.20.04.1 (utkarsh, paride) 1942476   1287
gtkmm3.0 3.24.2-1build1 3.24.2-1ubuntu0.1 (seb128) 1891476   1203
lvm2 2.03.07-1ubuntu1 2.03.07-1ubuntu1.1 (mfo) 1834250   1027
pulseaudio 1:13.99.1-1ubuntu3 1:13.99.1-1ubuntu3.13 1:13.99.1-1ubuntu3.14 (xnox) 1973734   1013
protobuf-c 1.3.3-1 1.3.3-1ubuntu0.1 1.3.3-1ubuntu0.2 (racb, slyon) 1981538   924
munin 2.0.56-1ubuntu1 2.0.56-1ubuntu1.1 (dannf) 1865938   843
simplestreams 0.1.0-30-g3cc8988a-0ubuntu1 0.1.0-30-g3cc8988a-0ubuntu1.20.04.1 0.1.0-30-g3cc8988a-0ubuntu1.20.04.2 (lucaskanashiro, michal-maloszewski99) 2013081   661
libxmlb 0.1.15-2 0.3.6-2build1~20.04.1 0.3.6-2ubuntu0.1~20.04.1 (vorlon, rastersoft-gmail) 1988440   646
appstream-glib 0.7.16-1ubuntu1 0.7.16-1ubuntu2 (jbicha, ximion) 2023215   637
gcc-9 9.3.0-10ubuntu2 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.3 (doko) 2029910   480
ubuntu-image 1.9+20.04ubuntu1 1.11+20.04ubuntu1 1.11+20.04ubuntu1.1 (mfo) 2044508   472
riscv64: Failed to build
2.8.3ubuntu2 2.8.3ubuntu2.1 (athos-ribeiro, sudip) 1811817   424
Regression in autopkgtest for debuerreotype (amd64): test log
1.0.118ubuntu1 1.0.118ubuntu1.11 1.0.118ubuntu1.13 (mfo, juliank) 1990856 2054925   384
initramfs-tools 0.136ubuntu6 0.136ubuntu6.7 0.136ubuntu6.8 (bdrung) 2056187   355
xfsdump 3.1.6+nmu2build1 3.1.6+nmu2ubuntu1 (bdrung) 1870085   185
apache2 2.4.41-4ubuntu3 2.4.41-4ubuntu3.21 2.4.41-4ubuntu3.22 (athos-ribeiro) 2038912   129
gnome-shell 3.36.1-5ubuntu1 3.36.9-0ubuntu0.20.04.4 3.36.9-0ubuntu0.20.04.5 (3v1n0) 2007652   129
grub2-signed 1.142 1.187.6~20.04.1 1.187.9~20.04.1 (mkukri) 2043084   122
walinuxagent 2.2.46-0ubuntu1 2.2.46-0ubuntu1.2 (lucaskanashiro, mirespace) 1800499 2068021   97
sosreport 3.9-1ubuntu2 4.7.2-0ubuntu1~20.04.2 4.8.2-0ubuntu0~20.04.1 (tsimonq2, arif-ali-w) 2091858   53
grub2-unsigned 2.06-2ubuntu14.4 2.06-2ubuntu14.6 (mkukri) 2043084 2073634(oem)   47
gce-compute-image-packages 20190801-0ubuntu4 20241010.00-0ubuntu1~20.04.0 20250107.00-0ubuntu1~20.04.0 (ahasenack, kajiya) 2096762   38
google-guest-agent 20241011.01-0ubuntu1~20.04.1 20250116.00-0ubuntu1~20.04.0 (ahasenack, kajiya) 2096765   38
google-osconfig-agent 20240926.03-0ubuntu1~20.04.0 20250115.01-0ubuntu1~20.04.0 (ahasenack, kajiya) 2096657   38
Regression in autopkgtest for postgresql-12 (amd64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for postgresql-12 (arm64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for postgresql-12 (armhf): test log
2019c-3ubuntu1 2024b-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 2025a-0ubuntu0.20.04 (bdrung) 2095233   26
unbound 1.9.4-2ubuntu1 1.9.4-2ubuntu1.9 1.9.4-2ubuntu1.10 (athos-ribeiro, jchittum) 2087526   18
i386: Dependency wait

Regression in autopkgtest for apport (armhf): test log
2:1.20.8-2ubuntu2 2:1.20.13-1ubuntu1~20.04.19 2:1.20.13-1ubuntu1~20.04.20 (mruffell) 1861609   17
landscape-client 19.12-0ubuntu4 23.02-0ubuntu1~20.04.4 23.02-0ubuntu1~20.04.5 (tsimonq2, mitchburton) 2020064   17
oem-somerville-matira-3-meta 20.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, cyruslien) 2000216(oem)   4
oem-somerville-olly-amd-meta 20.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, cyruslien) 1947048(oem)   4
oem-somerville-oranguru-adl-meta 20.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, cyruslien) 1960901(oem)   4
oem-somerville-oranguru-meta 20.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, cyruslien) 1951791(oem)   4
oem-somerville-paras-meta 20.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, cyruslien) 1940203(oem)   4
oem-somerville-pypar-adl-meta 20.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, cyruslien) 1945375(oem)   4
oem-somerville-qyburn-meta 20.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, cyruslien) 1946036(oem)   4
oem-somerville-rast-meta 20.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, cyruslien) 1947049(oem)   4
oem-somerville-rockruff-adl-meta 20.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, cyruslien) 1934550(oem)   4
oem-somerville-seadra-rkl-meta 20.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, cyruslien) 1920198(oem)   4
oem-somerville-spearow-14-meta 20.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, cyruslien) 2000218(oem)   4
oem-somerville-spearow-14p-meta 20.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, cyruslien) 1962810(oem)   4
oem-somerville-spearow-meta 20.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, cyruslien) 1992415(oem)   4
oem-somerville-stantler-meta 20.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, cyruslien) 1920201(oem)   4
oem-somerville-starmie-adl-meta 20.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, cyruslien) 1950297(oem)   4
oem-somerville-tangela-jsl-meta 20.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, cyruslien) 1933451(oem)   4
oem-somerville-ygritte-meta 20.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, cyruslien) 1937224(oem)   4
linux-iot 5.4.0-1045.46 5.4.0-1048.51 (jacobmartin, rhythm16) 2078011 2078659 2086606 2089233 2089558 2089699 2091090 2093621 2093774 2093785 2095145 2095199 2095347 2095348 2095376 2095437 2098342 2098353 2098439 2101091 2101985 2101996   4
ubuntu-advantage-tools 20.3 34~20.04 35~20.04 (lvoytek, renanrodrigo) 2070095 2083665 2083973 2084677 2091327 2098862   2


Package-release-updates -proposed (signer, creator) changelog bugsdays
python-castellan 3.10.0-0ubuntu1 3.10.0-0ubuntu1.1 (corey.bryant) 1976102   1027
rubygems 3.3.5-2 3.3.5-2ubuntu1 (lucaskanashiro) 1976264   1018
Regression in autopkgtest for boost1.74 (i386): test log
70.1-2 70.1-2ubuntu1 (jawn-smith) 1976258   1018
system-config-printer 1.5.16-0ubuntu3 1.5.16-0ubuntu3.1 (gunnarhj) 1971473   950
ruby-mysql2 0.5.3-3ubuntu4 0.5.3-3ubuntu4.22.04.1 (lucaskanashiro, lvoytek) 1981343   935
munin 2.0.57-1ubuntu2 2.0.57-1ubuntu2.1 (dannf) 1865938   843
hg-git 0.10.4-3 0.10.4-3ubuntu0.22.04.1 (dannf) 2002045   808
certmonger 0.79.14+git20211010-2ubuntu1 0.79.14+git20211010-2ubuntu1.1 (tjaalton) 1987276   709
postgresql-common 238 238ubuntu0.1 (athos-ribeiro) 1973382 2007794   674
accel-config 4.0-2~ubuntu0.22.04 (xnox) 2020769   661
simplestreams 0.1.0-48-gb936edd4-0ubuntu1 0.1.0-48-gb936edd4-0ubuntu1.1 (lucaskanashiro, michal-maloszewski99) 2013081   661
bacula 9.6.7-5~22.04.1 (alexmurray) 1973322   653
v4l2loopback 0.12.5-1ubuntu5 0.12.7-2ubuntu2~22.04.1 0.12.7-2ubuntu2~22.04.2 (bdrung, vicamo-yano) 2025204(oem)   626
Regression in autopkgtest for aodh (i386): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for barbican (i386): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for keystone (i386): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for masakari (i386): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for placement (i386): test log
4.9.0-1build1 4.9.0-1ubuntu0.1 4.9.0-1ubuntu0.2 (ginggs) 2028766   607
casper 1.470 1.470.2 1.470.3 (sil2100, dviererbe) 1990621   606
libflame 5.2.0-3ubuntu3 5.2.0-3ubuntu4 (ginggs) 2028852   605
gcc-snapshot 1:20220117-1ubuntu1 1:20220506-0ubuntu1 (doko) 2031954   578
Regression in autopkgtest for mailman3 (amd64): test log
3.3.8-1ubuntu1~22.04.1 (lucaskanashiro) 1999197   541
ladvd 1.1.2-1build1 1.1.2-1ubuntu1 (sergiodj, sudip) 1991909   493
libgcrypt20 1.9.4-3ubuntu3 1.9.4-3ubuntu3.1 (xnox, tobhe) 2044852   472
zemberek-ooo 1.0~rc2-10.4 1.0~rc2-10.4ubuntu1 (dbungert, sudip) 1508290   471
tp-smapi 0.43-1ubuntu1 0.43-1ubuntu1.1 (arighi) 2046450   443
libslirp 4.6.1-1build1 4.6.1-1ubuntu0.1 (paelzer) 2029431   416
armhf: Dependency wait
ppc64el: Dependency wait
riscv64: Dependency wait
s390x: Dependency wait
0.3.0-0ubuntu1 0.4.0-0ubuntu0.22.04.4 0.5.0-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 (xnox, juliank) 2045552   355
initramfs-tools 0.140ubuntu13 0.140ubuntu13.4 0.140ubuntu13.5 (bdrung) 2056187   355
python-build 0.7.0-2 0.7.0-2ubuntu0.1 (waveform) 1992108   353
obconf-qt 0.16.0-1ubuntu1 0.16.0-1ubuntu2 (arraybolt3, wxl) 1916897   348
power-profiles-daemon 0.10.1-3 0.21-1~22.04.1 (superm1) 2008958   332
libjsoncpp 1.9.5-3 1.9.5-3ubuntu0.1 (dannf) 2063950   325
thermald 2.4.9-1 2.4.9-1ubuntu0.4 2.4.9-1ubuntu0.5 (paelzer) 2054391(oem)   271
neon27 0.32.2-1 0.32.2-1ubuntu0.1 (dbungert, samueloph) 2003266   173 0.104-0ubuntu2 0.106.1-7ubuntu0.22.04.4 0.107.1-3ubuntu0.22.04.2 (slyon, danilogondolfo) 1988018 2020409   153
Regression in autopkgtest for mailman-hyperkitty (i386): test log
1.2.1-1~ubuntu22.04.1 (lucaskanashiro) 1999197   131
gdb 12.0.90-0ubuntu1 12.1-0ubuntu1~22.04.2 12.1-0ubuntu1~22.04.3 (vpa1977, liushuyu-011) 2059856   129
grub2-signed 1.180 1.187.6 1.187.9 (mkukri)   122
grub2-unsigned 2.06-2ubuntu7 2.06-2ubuntu14.4 2.06-2ubuntu14.6 (mkukri) 2073634(oem)   122
dpdk 21.11-1build1 21.11.6-0ubuntu0.22.04.2 21.11.7-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 (mirespace) 2067480   116
language-pack-en 1:22.04+20220415 1:22.04+20240902 1:22.04+20241118 (langpack-uploader, ubuntu-langpack)   115
dh-cargo 28 28ubuntu0.1 (mwhudson, liushuyu-011) 2028153   101
vim-addon-manager 0.5.10 0.5.10ubuntu0.1 (paelzer) 2078541   101
walinuxagent 2.2.46-0ubuntu5 2.2.46-0ubuntu5.1 (paelzer, mirespace) 1800499 2063046 2068021   97
oem-sutton-bash-meta 22.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, os369510) 2009719(oem)   68
oem-sutton-baz-meta 22.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, os369510) 2009721(oem)   68
libapache2-mod-auth-mellon 0.18.0-1build1 0.18.0-1ubuntu0.1 (tsimonq2, weii-wang) 1945774   66
nova 3:25.0.0-0ubuntu1 3:25.2.1-0ubuntu2.7 3:25.2.1-0ubuntu2.8 (tsimonq2, hopem) 1972028   53
osinfo-db 0.20220214-1ubuntu2 0.20240523-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 0.20250124-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 (jbicha) 2097021   52
Regression in autopkgtest for linux-aws-6.8 (arm64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for linux-azure-6.5 (arm64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for linux-gcp-6.5 (arm64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for linux-gcp-6.8 (arm64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for linux-hwe-6.8 (amd64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for linux-nvidia-6.8 (arm64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for linux-nvidia (amd64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for linux-oracle-6.8 (arm64): test log
2021.08.28-0ubuntu1 2024.07.04-0ubuntu1~22.04.1 2024.10.07-0ubuntu1~22.04.1 (nwager) 2094190   45
gce-compute-image-packages 20211028.00-0ubuntu1 20241010.00-0ubuntu1~22.04.0 20250107.00-0ubuntu1~22.04.0 (ahasenack, kajiya) 2096762   38
google-guest-agent 20220104.00-0ubuntu2 20241011.01-0ubuntu1~22.04.0 20250116.00-0ubuntu1~22.04.0 (ahasenack, kajiya) 2096765   38
google-osconfig-agent 20210608.1-0ubuntu3 20240926.03-0ubuntu1~22.04.0 20250115.01-0ubuntu1~22.04.0 (ahasenack, kajiya) 2096657   38
oem-sutton-belgin-meta 22.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, bin-li-j) 2055508(oem)   34
oem-sutton-cactus-meta 22.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, binli) 2043969(oem)   34
oem-sutton-caden-meta 22.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, binli) 2044075(oem)   34
oem-sutton-caibre-meta 22.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, binli) 2050879(oem)   34
oem-sutton-cairo-meta 22.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, bin-li-j) 2046400(oem)   34
oem-sutton-caitlin-meta 22.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, binli) 2051054(oem)   34
oem-sutton-caitrin-meta 22.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, binli) 2047628(oem)   34
oem-sutton-carmelo-meta 22.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, binli) 2046445(oem)   34
oem-sutton-caro-meta 22.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, binli) 2051687(oem)   34
oem-sutton-carr-meta 22.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, binli) 2048053(oem)   34
oem-sutton-caspar-meta 22.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, binli) 2049066(oem)   34
oem-sutton-cassius-meta 22.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, binli) 2046446(oem)   34
oem-sutton-casta-meta 22.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, binli) 2046447(oem)   34
oem-sutton-castro-meta 22.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, binli) 2048830(oem)   34
oem-sutton-caymen-meta 22.04~ubuntu1 (fourdollars, binli) 2046448(oem)   34
tzdata 2022a-0ubuntu1 2024b-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 2025a-0ubuntu0.22.04 (bdrung) 2095233   26
systemd 249.11-0ubuntu3 249.11-0ubuntu3.12 249.11-0ubuntu3.15 (enr0n) 2003250 2009859 2037667 2055200 2077779 2078555   25
unbound 1.13.1-1ubuntu5 1.13.1-1ubuntu5.8 1.13.1-1ubuntu5.9 (tsimonq2, jchittum) 2087526   18
Regression in autopkgtest for dpdk (arm64): test log
0.0~2022.01.22-1 0.0~2022.01.22-1ubuntu0.1 (bdrung, medicalwei) 2100918(oem)   17
linux-base 4.5ubuntu9 4.5ubuntu9+22.04.1 (juergh) 2018128   17
xorg-server 2:21.1.3-2ubuntu2 2:21.1.4-2ubuntu1.7~22.04.13 2:21.1.4-2ubuntu1.7~22.04.14 (mruffell) 1861609   17
clevis 18-1ubuntu1 18-1ubuntu1.1 (vpa1977, ghadi-rahme) 2073429   17
ethtool 1:5.16-1 1:5.16-1ubuntu0.1 1:5.16-1ubuntu0.2 (mruffell, gerald-yang-tw) 2100246   17
python-neutron-lib 2.20.0-0ubuntu1 2.20.0-0ubuntu1.1 (james-page, corey.bryant) 2092217   17
qemu 1:6.2+dfsg-2ubuntu6 1:6.2+dfsg-2ubuntu6.25 1:6.2+dfsg-2ubuntu6.26 (slyon) 2019967 2098896   17
backport-iwlwifi-dkms 9858-0ubuntu3 11510-0ubuntu1~22.04.1 11510-0ubuntu1~22.04.3 (vpa1977, vicamo) 2083481 2089385 2095138   13
Regression in autopkgtest for asterisk (amd64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for cluster-glue (amd64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for cluster-glue (s390x): test log
5.9.1+dfsg-1ubuntu2 5.9.1+dfsg-1ubuntu2.7 5.9.1+dfsg-1ubuntu2.8 (paelzer) 2056257   10
ubuntu-advantage-tools 27.7~22.04.1 34~22.04 35~22.04 (lvoytek, renanrodrigo) 2070095 2083665 2083973 2084677 2091327 2098862   2


Package-release-updates -proposed (signer, creator) changelog bugsdays
aardvark-dns 1.4.0-5 1.6.0-1ubuntu1 (jbicha) 2063401   333
ppc64el: Failed to build
1.4.0-4 1.6.0-1ubuntu1 (jbicha) 2063447   333
puppetdb 7.12.1-3 7.12.1-3ubuntu0.1 (enr0n, pushkarnk) 2069384 2072516   236
ppc64el: Dependency wait
riscv64: Dependency wait
s390x: Dependency wait
23.08.5-0ubuntu3 23.08.5-0ubuntu3.2 (scarlettmoore) 2065915   229
amd64: Failed to build
arm64: Failed to build
armhf: Failed to build
ppc64el: Failed to build
riscv64: Failed to build
s390x: Failed to build
3.10.3-13ubuntu1 3.10.3-13ubuntu1.1 (doko) 2076340   227
ubuntu-raspi-settings 24.04.3 24.04.4 (waveform) 2069827   222
rabbitmq-server 3.12.1-1ubuntu1 3.12.1-1ubuntu1.1 (mitchdz) 1679386   213
tellico 3.5.3-1ubuntu5 3.5.3-1ubuntu5.1 (scarlettmoore) 2065915   199
pagekite (waveform) 2075337   192
jupyterhub 3.0.0+ds1-1 3.0.0+ds1-1ubuntu0.1 (waveform) 2075337   192
liquidctl 1.13.0-2 1.13.0-2ubuntu0.1 (waveform) 2075337   192
localslackirc 1.27-1 1.27-1ubuntu0.1 (waveform) 2075337   192
lomiri 0.2.1-10build1 0.2.1-10ubuntu0.1 (waveform) 2075337   192
mpd-sima 0.18.2-1 0.18.2-1ubuntu0.1 (waveform) 2075337   192
debomatic 0.26-3 0.26-3ubuntu0.1 (waveform) 2075337   192
dell-recovery 1.66 1.66.1 (waveform) 2075337   192
deluge 2.1.2~dev0+20240121-1 2.1.2~dev0+20240121-1ubuntu0.1 (waveform) 2075337   192
depthcharge-tools 0.6.2-1 0.6.2-1ubuntu0.1 (waveform) 2075337   192
dhcpy6d 1.2.3-1 1.2.3-1ubuntu0.1 (waveform) 2075337   192
dkimpy-milter 1.2.3-1 1.2.3-1ubuntu0.1 (waveform) 2075337   192
galileo 0.5.1-9.1 0.5.1-9.1ubuntu0.1 (waveform) 2075337   192
glances (waveform) 2075337   192
graphite-carbon 1.1.7-1.1 1.1.7-1.1ubuntu0.1 (waveform) 2075337   192
grokmirror 2.0.11-2 2.0.11-2ubuntu0.1 (waveform) 2075337   192
guerillabackup 0.5.0-1 0.5.0-1ubuntu0.1 (waveform) 2075337   192
ionit 0.5.0-1.1 0.5.0-1.1ubuntu0.1 (waveform) 2075337   192
a2d 2.0.3-2 2.0.3-2ubuntu0.1 (waveform) 2075337   192
apertium-apy 0.11.7-2.1 0.11.7-2.1ubuntu0.1 (waveform) 2075337   192
autopilot 1.6.1+21.04.20210120-0ubuntu14 1.6.1+21.04.20210120-0ubuntu14.1 (waveform) 2075337   192
blueman 2.3.5-3build1 2.3.5-3ubuntu0.1 (waveform) 2075337   192
borgmatic 1.8.3-1 1.8.3-1ubuntu0.1 (waveform) 2075337   192
btchip-python 0.1.32-3 0.1.32-3ubuntu0.1 (waveform) 2075337   192
cpupower-gui 0.7.2-2.1ubuntu2 0.7.2-2.1ubuntu2.1 (waveform) 2075337   192
gcc-11 11.4.0-9ubuntu1 11.5.0-1ubuntu1~24.04 (doko) 2073371   166
gcc-11-cross 21ubuntu2 21ubuntu3.2 (doko) 2073371   166
gcc-11-cross-mipsen 6+c1+nmu1ubuntu1 6+c1+nmu1ubuntu1.1 (doko) 2073371   166
gcc-11-cross-ports 18ubuntu2 18ubuntu2.1 (doko) 2073371   166
gcc-12 12.3.0-17ubuntu1 12.4.0-2ubuntu1~24.04 (doko) 2073371   166
gcc-12-cross 19ubuntu2 19ubuntu2.1 (doko) 2073371   166
gcc-12-cross-ports 17ubuntu2 17ubuntu2.1 (doko) 2073371   166
Regression in autopkgtest for linux-azure-6.11 (arm64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for linux-nvidia-tegra (arm64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for linux-realtime (arm64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for linux-realtime (amd64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for linux-xilinx (arm64): test log 15.1-1ubuntu1~24.04 (doko) 2073363   166
razercfg 0.42+ds-4 0.42+ds-4ubuntu0.2 (mfo) 2070171 2075337 2084502   160
lxml 5.2.1-1 5.2.1-1ubuntu0.1 (juliank) 2076419   159
dh-cargo 31ubuntu1 31ubuntu2~24.04.1 (slyon, liushuyu-011) 2081753   150
ubuntustudio-installer 1.18 1.18.4 1.18.5 (eeickmeyer) 2083262   150
update-notifier 3.192.68build3 (juliank) 2083937   150
pillow 10.2.0-1build1 10.2.0-1ubuntu1 10.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 (juliank, mkukri) 2084457   129
xdg-dbus-proxy 0.1.5-1build2 0.1.5-1ubuntu0.1 (vpa1977, waveform) 2083258   129
xserver-xorg-video-nouveau 1:1.0.17-2build1 1:1.0.17-2ubuntu0.1 (vpa1977, liushuyu-011) 2062144 2083855   129
xdot 1.3-1 1.3-1ubuntu0.1 (stefanor) 2084949   129
libdmapsharing 3.9.13-2build1 3.9.13-2ubuntu1~22.04.1 (paride, upils) 2074212   129
xserver-xorg-video-vesa 1:2.6.0-1 1:2.6.0-1ubuntu0.1 (vpa1977, liushuyu-011) 2062159 2083867   128
dpdk 23.11-1build3 23.11-1ubuntu0.1 23.11.2-0ubuntu0.24.04.1 (mirespace) 2067480   116
shadow 1:4.13+dfsg1-4ubuntu3 1:4.13+dfsg1-4ubuntu3.2 1:4.13+dfsg1-4ubuntu3.3 (vorlon, andersson123) 2060676   115
gcc-12-cross-mipsen 4+c1build1 4+c1build1.3 (doko) 2073371   102
dpkg 1.22.6ubuntu6 1.22.6ubuntu6.1 1.22.6ubuntu6.2 (vorlon, liushuyu-011) 2082636   97
neutron-dynamic-routing 2:24.0.0-0ubuntu1 2:24.0.0-0ubuntu1.1 (james-page) 2090992   97
walinuxagent (lucaskanashiro, mirespace) 2063046 2068021   97
gtk+3.0 3.24.41-4ubuntu1 3.24.41-4ubuntu1.2 3.24.41-4ubuntu1.3 (jbicha) 2096777   52
Regression in autopkgtest for libreoffice (arm64): test log
4.14.2+ds-1ubuntu1 4.14.2+ds-1ubuntu2 (jbicha) 2096803   52
osinfo-db 0.20231215-1ubuntu2 0.20240523-0ubuntu0.24.04.1 0.20250124-0ubuntu0.24.04.1 (jbicha) 2097021   52
ubuntucinnamon-meta 24.04.4 (eeickmeyer) 2064166   45
nginx 1.24.0-2ubuntu7 1.24.0-2ubuntu7.1 1.24.0-2ubuntu7.2 (mruffell) 2081308   45
epiphany-browser 46.0-2build1 46.5-0ubuntu1 (jbicha) 2096952   38
gce-compute-image-packages 20230808.00-0ubuntu2 20241010.00-0ubuntu1~24.04.0 20250107.00-0ubuntu1~24.04.0 (ahasenack, kajiya) 2096762   38
google-guest-agent 20240213.00-0ubuntu3 20241011.01-0ubuntu1~24.04.0 20250116.00-0ubuntu1~24.04.0 (ahasenack, kajiya) 2096765   38
google-osconfig-agent 20230504.00-0ubuntu3 20240926.03-0ubuntu1~24.04.0 20250115.01-0ubuntu1~24.04.0 (ahasenack, kajiya) 2096657   38
tzdata 2024a-2ubuntu1 2024b-0ubuntu0.24.04.1 2025a-0ubuntu0.24.04 (bdrung) 2095233   26
gzip 1.12-1ubuntu3 1.12-1ubuntu3.1 (ahasenack) 2083700   24
zfs-linux 2.2.2-0ubuntu9 2.2.2-0ubuntu9.1 2.2.2-0ubuntu9.2 (halves, john-cabaj) 2057693 2077926 2081678 2082060   24
gnome-flashback 3.52.1-2ubuntu1 3.52.1-2ubuntu1.1 (mitya57) 2065048   24
wireless-regdb 2022.06.06-0ubuntu2 2024.07.04-0ubuntu1~24.04.1 2024.10.07-0ubuntu2~24.04.1 (nwager) 2094190 2096979   21
rpi-eeprom 20.4-1ubuntu2 26.3-0ubuntu0.24.04.2 (waveform) 2085903 2095175   20
software-properties 0.99.48 (seb128) 2086844 2091547 2098805 2098807 2098809 2098812   17
Regression in autopkgtest for dpdk (arm64): test log
0.0~2024.03.31-1 0.0~2024.03.31-1ubuntu0.1 (bdrung, medicalwei) 2100918(oem)   17
gnome-shell 46.0-0ubuntu5 46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.6 46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.8 (3v1n0) 2039340 2098016   17
linux-base 4.5ubuntu9 4.5ubuntu9+24.04.1 (juergh) 2018128   17
openssh 1:9.6p1-3ubuntu13 1:9.6p1-3ubuntu13.8 1:9.6p1-3ubuntu13.9 (enr0n) 2028282 2076023   17
rdma-core 50.0-2build2 50.0-2ubuntu0.1 (bdrung, danpdraper) 2100089   17
Regression in autopkgtest for bambam (s390x): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for finalcif (amd64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for finalcif (arm64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for finalcif (armhf): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for finalcif (i386): test log
2:21.1.12-1ubuntu1 2:21.1.12-1ubuntu1.2 2:21.1.12-1ubuntu1.3 (mruffell) 1861609   17
backport-iwlwifi-dkms 11510-0ubuntu1 11510-0ubuntu1.1 (vpa1977, vicamo) 2089385 2095138   13
ipu6-drivers 0~git202311240921.07f0612e-0ubuntu2 0~git202406240945.aecec2aa-0ubuntu2~24.04.2 0~git202406240945.aecec2aa-0ubuntu2~24.04.3 (p-pisati, vicamo) 2092139   11
arm64: Failed to build

Regression in autopkgtest for cacti (armhf): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for cacti (s390x): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for cluster-glue (amd64): test log
5.9.4+dfsg-1.1ubuntu3 5.9.4+dfsg-1.1ubuntu3.1 (paelzer) 2056257   10
rsyslog 8.2312.0-3ubuntu9 8.2312.0-3ubuntu9.1 (ahasenack) 2056768 2061726 2073628 2100765   10
libsdl2 2.30.0+dfsg-1build3 2.30.0+dfsg-1ubuntu3.1 (bryce) 2085140   10
linux-firmware 20240318.git3b128b60-0ubuntu2 20240318.git3b128b60-0ubuntu2.10 20240318.git3b128b60-0ubuntu2.11 (juergh) 2097336 2098176(oem) 2098979 2100740(oem) 2100769(oem) 2101841(oem) 2102196   10
libfprint 1:1.94.7+tod1-0ubuntu4 1:1.94.7+tod1-0ubuntu5~24.04.2 1:1.94.7+tod1-0ubuntu5~24.04.3 (3v1n0) 2097831(oem)   5
Regression in autopkgtest for software-properties (s390x): test log
31.2.3 34~24.04 35~24.04 (lvoytek, renanrodrigo) 2070095 2083665 2083973 2084677 2091327 2098862   3


Package-release-updates -proposed (signer, creator) changelog bugsdays
s390x: Dependency wait
4.09c-1ubuntu3 4.09c-1ubuntu4 (slyon, mkukri) 2046155 2081972   180
mshr 2019.2.0~git20230811.ff54a68+dfsg1-1build4 2019.2.0~git20230811.ff54a68+dfsg1-1build5 (vpa1977) 2083291   174
Regression in autopkgtest for highway (i386): test log
1.2.0-3ubuntu2 1.2.0-3ubuntu3 (jbicha, nteodosio) 2083546   172
Regression in autopkgtest for mshr (amd64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for mshr (arm64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for mshr (ppc64el): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for mshr (s390x): test log
2019.2.0~legacy20240219.1c52e83-10 2019.2.0~legacy20240219.1c52e83-10ubuntu1 (vpa1977, liushuyu-011) 2083291   167
librsvg 2.59.1+dfsg-1 2.59.2+dfsg-1~1ubuntu24.10.1 (tsimonq2, nteodosio) 2089563   73
Regression in autopkgtest for mutter (s390x): test log
3.24.43-3ubuntu2 3.24.43-3ubuntu3 (jbicha) 2096777   52
Regression in autopkgtest for libreoffice (s390x): test log
4.16.2+ds-2 4.16.3+ds-0ubuntu1 4.16.3+ds-0ubuntu2 (jbicha) 2096803   52
osinfo-db 0.20240701-1ubuntu1 0.20250124-0ubuntu0.24.10.1 (jbicha) 2097021   52
gce-compute-image-packages 20240607.00-0ubuntu1 20241010.00-0ubuntu1~24.10.0 20250107.00-0ubuntu1~24.10.0 (ahasenack, kajiya) 2096762   38
google-guest-agent 20240716.00-0ubuntu2 20241011.01-0ubuntu1~24.10.0 20250116.00-0ubuntu1~24.10.0 (ahasenack, kajiya) 2096765   38
google-osconfig-agent 20240524.03-0ubuntu3 20240926.03-0ubuntu1~24.10.0 20250115.01-0ubuntu1~24.10.0 (ahasenack, kajiya) 2096657   38
Regression in autopkgtest for exchange-calendars (amd64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for exchange-calendars (arm64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for exchange-calendars (ppc64el): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for exchange-calendars (s390x): test log
2024a-4ubuntu1 2024b-1ubuntu2.2 2025a-0ubuntu0.24.10 (bdrung) 2095233   26
gzip 1.12-1.1ubuntu1 1.12-1.1ubuntu1.1 (ahasenack) 2083700   24
zfs-linux 2.2.6-1ubuntu1 2.2.6-1ubuntu1.1 (halves, john-cabaj) 2077926 2082060   24
gnome-flashback 3.54.0-1ubuntu1 3.54.0-1ubuntu1.1 (mitya57) 2065048   24
libcanberra 0.30-17ubuntu1 0.30-17ubuntu1.1 (juliank) 2099829   24
Regression in autopkgtest for crash (amd64): test log
0.102 0.102.1 (seb128) 2091547 2098805   24
wireless-regdb 2024.07.04-0ubuntu1 2024.10.07-0ubuntu2~24.10.1 (nwager) 2094190 2096979   21
rpi-eeprom 24.0-1ubuntu1 26.3-0ubuntu0.24.10.2 (waveform) 2085903 2095175   20
Regression in autopkgtest for livecd-rootfs (amd64): test log
24.10.27 24.10.28 24.10.29 (utkarsh, toabctl) 2077105   17
Regression in autopkgtest for dpdk (ppc64el): test log
0.0~2024.09.12-1 0.0~2024.09.12-1ubuntu0.1 (bdrung, medicalwei) 2100918(oem)   17
gnome-shell 47.0-2ubuntu2 47.0-2ubuntu3 47.0-2ubuntu3.24.10.1 (3v1n0) 2098016   17
rdma-core 52.0-2ubuntu1 52.0-2ubuntu2.1 (bdrung, danpdraper) 2100089   17
Regression in autopkgtest for finalcif (amd64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for finalcif (arm64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for finalcif (armhf): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for finalcif (i386): test log
2:21.1.13-2ubuntu1 2:21.1.13-2ubuntu1.2 2:21.1.13-2ubuntu1.3 (mruffell) 1861609   17
backport-iwlwifi-dkms 1:0~89.12325-git36c5be1a-0ubuntu1 1:0~89.12325-git36c5be1a-0ubuntu2 1:0~89.12325-git36c5be1a-0ubuntu3 (vpa1977, vicamo) 2095138   14
Regression in autopkgtest for 389-ds-base (armhf): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for cacti (arm64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for cacti (i386): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for hplip (s390x): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for libsnmp-info-perl (arm64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for pdns-recursor (ppc64el): test log
5.9.4+dfsg-1.1ubuntu4 5.9.4+dfsg-1.1ubuntu4.1 (paelzer) 2056257   10
rsyslog 8.2406.0-1ubuntu2 8.2406.0-1ubuntu2.1 (ahasenack) 2061726 2073628 2100765   10
os-prober 1.83ubuntu1 1.83ubuntu1.1 (halves) 1987679   10
linux-firmware 20240913.gita34e7a5f-0ubuntu2 20240913.gita34e7a5f-0ubuntu2.5 20240913.gita34e7a5f-0ubuntu2.6 (juergh) 2097336 2098176(oem) 2100740(oem) 2100769(oem) 2101841(oem) 2102196   10
arm64: Failed to build
riscv64: Failed to build
1:1.94.8+tod1-0ubuntu1 1:1.94.8+tod1-0ubuntu2~24.10.1 (3v1n0) 2097831(oem)   5
Regression in autopkgtest for auto-apt-proxy (ppc64el): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for dgit (amd64): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for dgit (ppc64el): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for gcc-snapshot (ppc64el): test log
Regression in autopkgtest for sbuild (s390x): test log
2.9.8 2.9.8ubuntu0.1 (juliank) 2083697   4
ubuntu-advantage-tools 34.1.2 35~24.10 (lvoytek, renanrodrigo) 2070095 2083665 2083973 2084677 2091327   3
exchange-calendars 4.5.5-2 4.5.5-2ubuntu0.1 (bdrung) 2095233   0

Superseded by -security

The following SRUs have been shadowed by a security update and need to be re-merged:

Upload queue status at a glance:

Proposed Updates Backports Security

-proposed cleanup

The following packages have an equal or higher version in -updates and should be removed from -proposed:

remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s oracular-proposed -e 24.4.1-0ubuntu0~24.10.2 cloud-init
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s oracular-proposed -e 6.11.0-1011.12 linux-aws
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s oracular-proposed -e 6.11.0-1011.12 linux-meta-aws
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s oracular-proposed -e 6.11.0-1011.11 linux-meta-gcp
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s oracular-proposed -e 6.11.0-1013.14 linux-meta-oracle
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s oracular-proposed -e 6.11.0-1007.7 linux-meta-realtime
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s oracular-proposed -e 6.11.0-21.21.1 linux-meta-riscv
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s oracular-proposed -e 6.11.0-1013.14 linux-oracle
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s oracular-proposed -e 6.11.0-1007.7 linux-realtime
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s oracular-proposed -e 6.11.0-1011.12+1 linux-restricted-modules-aws
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s oracular-proposed -e 6.11.0-1011.11+1 linux-restricted-modules-gcp
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s oracular-proposed -e 6.11.0-1013.14+1 linux-restricted-modules-oracle
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s oracular-proposed -e 6.11.0-1011.12+1 linux-restricted-signatures-aws
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s oracular-proposed -e 6.11.0-1011.11+1 linux-restricted-signatures-gcp
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s oracular-proposed -e 6.11.0-1013.14+1 linux-restricted-signatures-oracle
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s oracular-proposed -e 6.11.0-21.21.1 linux-riscv
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s oracular-proposed -e 6.11.0-1011.12 linux-signed-aws
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s oracular-proposed -e 6.11.0-1011.11 linux-signed-gcp
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s oracular-proposed -e 6.11.0-1013.14 linux-signed-oracle
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s oracular-proposed -e 6.11.0-1007.7 linux-signed-realtime
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 24.4.1-0ubuntu0~24.04.2 cloud-init
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1025.27 linux-aws
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1026.28 linux-gcp
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.11.0-1011.11~24.04.1 linux-gcp-6.11
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1021.25 linux-gke
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1008.10 linux-gkeop
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1022.22 linux-ibm
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-56.58.1 linux-lowlatency
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1025.27 linux-meta-aws
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1026.28 linux-meta-gcp
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.11.0-1011.11~24.04.1 linux-meta-gcp-6.11
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1021.25 linux-meta-gke
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1008.10 linux-meta-gkeop
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1022.22 linux-meta-ibm
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-56.58.1 linux-meta-lowlatency
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1024.27 linux-meta-nvidia
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1024.27.1 linux-meta-nvidia-lowlatency
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.11.0-1017.17 linux-meta-oem-6.11
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1022.23 linux-meta-oracle
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-56.58.1 linux-meta-riscv
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1024.27 linux-nvidia
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1024.27.1 linux-nvidia-lowlatency
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.11.0-1017.17 linux-oem-6.11
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1022.23 linux-oracle
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1025.27+1 linux-restricted-modules-aws
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1026.28+1 linux-restricted-modules-gcp
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.11.0-1011.11~24.04.1+1 linux-restricted-modules-gcp-6.11
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1022.22+1 linux-restricted-modules-ibm
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-56.58.1+1 linux-restricted-modules-lowlatency
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1024.27+1 linux-restricted-modules-nvidia
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1024.27.1+1 linux-restricted-modules-nvidia-lowlatency
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.11.0-1017.17+1 linux-restricted-modules-oem-6.11
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1022.23+1 linux-restricted-modules-oracle
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1025.27+1 linux-restricted-signatures-aws
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1026.28+1 linux-restricted-signatures-gcp
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.11.0-1011.11~24.04.1+1 linux-restricted-signatures-gcp-6.11
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1022.22+1 linux-restricted-signatures-ibm
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-56.58.1+1 linux-restricted-signatures-lowlatency
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1024.27+1 linux-restricted-signatures-nvidia
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1024.27.1+1 linux-restricted-signatures-nvidia-lowlatency
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.11.0-1017.17+1 linux-restricted-signatures-oem-6.11
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1022.23+1 linux-restricted-signatures-oracle
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-56.58.1 linux-riscv
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1025.27 linux-signed-aws
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1026.28 linux-signed-gcp
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.11.0-1011.11~24.04.1 linux-signed-gcp-6.11
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1021.25 linux-signed-gke
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1008.10 linux-signed-gkeop
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1022.22 linux-signed-ibm
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-56.58.1 linux-signed-lowlatency
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1024.27 linux-signed-nvidia
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1024.27.1 linux-signed-nvidia-lowlatency
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.11.0-1017.17 linux-signed-oem-6.11
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s noble-proposed -e 6.8.0-1022.23 linux-signed-oracle
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 24.4.1-0ubuntu0~22.04.2 cloud-init
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1080.87 linux-aws
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1083.92 linux-azure
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1083.92.1 linux-azure-fde
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1077.83 linux-gke
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1062.70 linux-gkeop
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1072.75 linux-ibm
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1075.81 linux-intel-iotg
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-135.146 linux-lowlatency
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 6.8.0-56.58.1~22.04.1 linux-lowlatency-hwe-6.8
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e linux-meta-aws
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e linux-meta-azure
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e linux-meta-azure-fde
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e linux-meta-gke
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e linux-meta-gkeop
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e linux-meta-ibm
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e linux-meta-intel-iotg
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e linux-meta-lowlatency
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 6.8.0-56.58.1~22.04.1 linux-meta-lowlatency-hwe-6.8
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e linux-meta-nvidia
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e linux-meta-nvidia-tegra
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e linux-meta-nvidia-tegra-igx
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e linux-meta-oracle
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 6.8.0-1022.23~22.04.1 linux-meta-oracle-6.8
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e linux-meta-raspi
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e linux-meta-riscv-6.8
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e linux-meta-xilinx-zynqmp
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1074.75 linux-nvidia
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1033.33 linux-nvidia-tegra
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1021.21 linux-nvidia-tegra-igx
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1021.21 linux-nvidia-tegra-igx-modules
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1021.21 linux-nvidia-tegra-igx-modules-signed
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1077.83 linux-oracle
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 6.8.0-1022.23~22.04.1 linux-oracle-6.8
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1074.77 linux-raspi
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1080.87+1 linux-restricted-modules-aws
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1083.92+1 linux-restricted-modules-azure
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1075.81+1 linux-restricted-modules-intel-iotg
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-135.146+1 linux-restricted-modules-lowlatency
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 6.8.0-56.58.1~22.04.1+1 linux-restricted-modules-lowlatency-hwe-6.8
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1074.75+1 linux-restricted-modules-nvidia
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1021.21+1 linux-restricted-modules-nvidia-tegra-igx
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1077.83+1 linux-restricted-modules-oracle
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 6.8.0-1022.23~22.04.1+1 linux-restricted-modules-oracle-6.8
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1080.87+1 linux-restricted-signatures-aws
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1083.92+1 linux-restricted-signatures-azure
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1075.81+1 linux-restricted-signatures-intel-iotg
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-135.146+1 linux-restricted-signatures-lowlatency
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 6.8.0-56.58.1~22.04.1+1 linux-restricted-signatures-lowlatency-hwe-6.8
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1074.75+1 linux-restricted-signatures-nvidia
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1021.21+1 linux-restricted-signatures-nvidia-tegra-igx
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1077.83+1 linux-restricted-signatures-oracle
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 6.8.0-1022.23~22.04.1+1 linux-restricted-signatures-oracle-6.8
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 6.8.0-56.58.1~22.04.1 linux-riscv-6.8
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1080.87 linux-signed-aws
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1083.92 linux-signed-azure
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1083.92.1 linux-signed-azure-fde
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1077.83 linux-signed-gke
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1062.70 linux-signed-gkeop
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1072.75 linux-signed-ibm
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1075.81 linux-signed-intel-iotg
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-135.146 linux-signed-lowlatency
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 6.8.0-56.58.1~22.04.1 linux-signed-lowlatency-hwe-6.8
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1074.75 linux-signed-nvidia
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1033.33 linux-signed-nvidia-tegra
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1021.21 linux-signed-nvidia-tegra-igx
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1077.83 linux-signed-oracle
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 6.8.0-1022.23~22.04.1 linux-signed-oracle-6.8
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s jammy-proposed -e 5.15.0-1044.48 linux-xilinx-zynqmp
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 24.4.1-0ubuntu0~20.04.2 cloud-init
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.4.0-1147.154 linux-azure
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.4.0-1101.108 linux-bluefield
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.4.0-1145.154 linux-gcp
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.4.0-1088.93 linux-ibm
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.4.0-1129.138 linux-kvm
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.15.0-135.146~20.04.1 linux-lowlatency-hwe-5.15
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e linux-meta-azure
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e linux-meta-bluefield
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e linux-meta-gcp
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e linux-meta-ibm
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e linux-meta-kvm
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e linux-meta-lowlatency-hwe-5.15
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e linux-meta-oracle-5.15
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e linux-meta-riscv-5.15
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e linux-meta-xilinx-zynqmp
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.15.0-1077.83~20.04.1 linux-oracle-5.15
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.4.0-1147.154 linux-restricted-modules-azure
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.4.0-1145.154 linux-restricted-modules-gcp
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.15.0-135.146~20.04.1+1 linux-restricted-modules-lowlatency-hwe-5.15
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.15.0-1077.83~20.04.1+1 linux-restricted-modules-oracle-5.15
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.4.0-1147.154 linux-restricted-signatures-azure
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.4.0-1145.154 linux-restricted-signatures-gcp
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.15.0-135.146~20.04.1+1 linux-restricted-signatures-lowlatency-hwe-5.15
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.15.0-1077.83~20.04.1+1 linux-restricted-signatures-oracle-5.15
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.15.0-1075.79~20.04.1 linux-riscv-5.15
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.4.0-1147.154 linux-signed-azure
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.4.0-1101.108 linux-signed-bluefield
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.4.0-1145.154 linux-signed-gcp
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.4.0-1088.93 linux-signed-ibm
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.4.0-1129.138 linux-signed-kvm
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.15.0-135.146~20.04.1 linux-signed-lowlatency-hwe-5.15
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.15.0-1077.83~20.04.1 linux-signed-oracle-5.15
remove-package -y -m "moved to -updates" -s focal-proposed -e 5.4.0-1060.64 linux-xilinx-zynqmp

The following packages have an equal or higher version in the release pocket and should be removed from -proposed:

The following packages have bugs that have failed verification for more than 10 days and should be removed from -proposed:

sru-remove --reason=failed -s noble -p nginx 2081308
sru-remove --reason=failed -s noble -p puppetdb 2069384 2072516
sru-remove --reason=failed -s noble -p ubuntucinnamon-meta 2064166

The following packages have not had their SRU bugs verified in 105 days and should be removed from -proposed:

sru-remove -s focal -p libxmlb 1988440