# THIS IS A GIT MAINTAINED FILE # # # Be sure to "git commit" after any changes. # # There's a list of general packages at the bottom of this file, add # things there unless it makes sense for them to be in blocks. # These packages currently fail to autosync # problems that must be fixed manually ccsm # different naming in Debian/Ubuntu, different projects, unclear which is better # benc: we do our own kernel fglrx-driver fglrx-legacy-driver firmware-nonfree linux-patch-debianlogo kernel-patch-grsecurity2 linux linux-2.6 linux-kbuild linux-kbuild-2.6 linux-latest linux-patch-grsecurity2 linux-patch-tuxonice linux-signed linux-signed-amd64 linux-signed-arm64 linux-signed-i386 linux-tools linux-grsec linux-grsec-base nvidia-graphics-drivers nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-71xx nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-96xx nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-173xx nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-304xx nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx nvidia-settings-legacy-96xx nvidia-settings-legacy-304xx nvidia-settings-legacy-340xx nvidia-settings-legacy-390xx nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla nvidia-settings-tesla-418 nvidia-settings-tesla-440 nvidia-settings-tesla-450 nvidia-settings-tesla-460 nvidia-settings-tesla-470 nvidia-settings-tesla-510 nvidia-settings-tesla nvidia-graphics-modules nvidia-xconfig nvidia-persistenced zd1211-firmware kernel-patch-viewos aufs nvidia-open-gpu-kernel-modules # Mozilla stuff # Also see new rapid release maintenance: LP: #816377 firefox # Debian will probably make this transitional to iceweasel firefox-esr firefox-esr-mobile-config flashplugin-nonfree # permanent fork LP: #597299 stylish nvidia-support # vorlon, different package provenance in Debian and Ubuntu aboot # cjwatson, no alpha in Ubuntu kfreebsd-10 # cjwatson, no freebsd port in Ubuntu kfreebsd-11 # cjwatson, no freebsd port in Ubuntu kfreebsd-defaults # geser, no freebsd port in Ubuntu acpi-support # mjg59, we maintain it ourselves app-install-data # mvo, wrong! gcc-doc-defaults # doko, our gcc-defaults makes it # Removals: kbd-chooser # shawarma, useless and obsolete nvidia-settings # pitti, absorbed by nvidia-glx-* glx-alternatives # stgraber, requested by ginggs, depends on blacklisted packages win32-loader # pitti, never built, unsatisfiable b-deps, no rdepends, #261501 reportbug-ng # vorlon, not appropriate for Ubuntu, #175508 netselect # pitti, Debian specific, never worked for Ubuntu, #55671, #275280 apt-listbugs # pitti, Debian specific, never worked for Ubuntu, #271314 debian-edu # vorlon, redundant with edubuntu disk-manager # vorlon, unmaintained and frequently crashes cmucl # vorlon, requires constant manual bootstrapping uclibc # doko, #832951 kde-l10n # james_w, <Riddell> james_w: here at Kubuntu we have an avertion to 250MB source packages # stevenk, we don't want qemu from Debian, talk to kirkland qemu # unsupportable Mozilla extensions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Lucid/FirefoxNewSupportModel/extension-list adblock-plus adblock-plus-element-hiding-helper all-in-one-sidebar autofill-forms automatic-save-folder bidiui browserpass bulk-media-downloader cacheviewer calendar-exchange-provider certificatepatrol compactheader cookie-monster custom-tab-width dactyl debianbuttons diggler downloadstatusbar downthemall firebug firecookie firegestures firetray firexpath fission flashblock flashgot form-history-control foxyproxy foxyproxy-firefox-extension fullscreen-extension garmin-plugin gcontactsync google-bookmarks google-gadgets google-tasks-sync greasemonkey https-everywhere imap-acl-extension itsalltext kazehakase keepassxc-browser lightbeam livehttpheaders lyz mozgest mozilla-dom-inspector mozilla-gnome-keyring mozilla-noscript mozzemberek nosquint nostalgy notify-extension nukeimage openinbrowser paros personasplus perspectives-extension privacybadger proxy-switcher pwdhash quickproxy quotecolors refcontrol reloadevery requestpolicy sage-extension scrapbook searchload-options sieve-extension sogo-connector status-4-evar stumbleupon syncplaces tabmixplus toggle-proxy torbutton tree-style-tab ubiquity-extension uppity useragentswitcher timeline ublock-origin umatrix vimperator weave webdeveloper xul-ext-monkeysphere xul-ext-zotero zarafa-drag-n-drop zotero-standalone-build # debian-edu is redundant, etc, etc #569959 debian-edu-archive-keyring debian-edu-artwork debian-edu-artwork-legacy debian-edu-config debian-edu-doc debian-edu-install chromium # LP: #582262; renamed from chromium-browser ubiquity # Debian might soon get a completely unrelated package eeepc-acpi-scripts #328989 python-pysqlite1.1 # pitti - obsolete, python comes with builtin sqlite; no rdepends dispmua # LP#757024 # jdstrand, 2011-05-27 conkeror # per micahg, uses old xulrunner, not supportable # cjwatson, 2011-09-08 debian-installer-netboot-images # Debian-specific; impractical to maintain for Ubuntu firmware-free # provided by linux-firmware in Ubuntu, LP#825374 # doko, 2011-09-29 gnumach # FTBFS in oneiric, see LP: #174851, GNU Mach specific mig # doko, 2011-12-06 squid # Remove and blacklist source, lp #900741 facturlinex2 # jdstrand, does not currently support mysql-5.5. LP: #894377 python2.6 # pitti, we only want to support 2.7 in LTS, LP#979923 zope2.12 # pitti, incompatible with python2.7, LP#979923 openoffice.org # pitti, transitional package for <= precise at-spi # pitti, not maintained upstream any more, superseded with at-spi2 stack; LP#998478 pyspi # pitti, not maintained upstream any more, superseded with at-spi2 stack; LP#998478 libdbd-oracle-perl # stefanor, unbuildable due to build-dep on proprietary package; LP: #638882 ora2pg # stefanor, uninstallable due to dependency on unbuildable libdbd-oracle-perl; LP: #638879 # zul, 2012-06-07 # jamespage, 2015-06-17 # Relies on features not found in ubuntu openstack packages openstack-meta-packages # vorlon, 2019-09-03 openstack-cluster-installer # pitti, 2013-04-29: hal has been deprecated many years ago sleepd # cjwatson, 2013-09-10: Ubuntu is upstream, Debian maintains a branch software-properties # vorlon, 2013-12-12: unsupportable package only in unstable; LP: #1260602 bitcoin # adconrad, 2015-03-18: more unstable-only bitcoin packages; LP: 1388396, bdo: 733180 armory litecoin # also bitcoin-related, sensitive to network changes breaking; LP: #1481033 electrum # sensitive to exactly the same network change issues as bitcoin: dogecoin # adconrad, 2013-12-29: Ubuntu is (obviously) upstream: ubuntu-keyring # doko, lp: #1378409, gdb-doc binary now built from the gdb source to keep it in sync gdb-doc # on top of that, startpar causes eternal hangs with upstart tasks startpar # vorlon, 2016-12-28: not needed with systemd insserv openrc rcconf systemd-shim # vorlon, 2020-02-21: not needed with systemd elogind # vorlon, 2014-11-17; duplicate of walinuxagent package in Ubuntu; LP: #1393496 waagent # vorlon, 2015-08-20: completely different software in Debian vs. Ubuntu tomahawk # vorlon, 2016-06-16: Ubuntu is upstream and there are necessary differences snapd # vorlon, 2016-12-28: Debian-specific; LP: #1407549 debian-design # vorlon, 2016-12-28: Debian-specific; LP: #1407550 debian-parl # vorlon, 2016-12-28: superseded by grub2 grub # vorlon, 2016-12-29: request of Debian maintainer; LP: #1544207 tails-installer # jdstrand, 2017-06-26: unmaintained, security issues. LP: #1598308 sql-ledger # vorlon, 2017-07-02: Debian-specific; LP: #1701965 live-images live-tasks # vorlon, 2024-04-21: Debian-specific; LP: #2062994 progress-linux # vorlon, 2018-03-26: removed for security reasons, should not be allowed in a stable release, LP: #1758702 gitlab # doko, 2018-05-05: remove old versioned packages, already removed in bionic openjdk-11 # per Beret, we do kubernetes as a snap and don't want both: kubernetes fwupdate-amd64-signed fwupdate-arm64-signed fwupdate-armhf-signed fwupdate-i386-signed fwupd-amd64-signed fwupd-arm64-signed fwupd-armhf-signed fwupd-i386-signed # vorlon, 2018-11-14: Ubuntu already implemented this differently grub-cloud grub-efi-amd64-signed grub-efi-arm64-signed grub-efi-ia32-signed shim-helpers-amd64-signed shim-helpers-arm64-signed shim-helpers-i386-signed # vorlon, 2019-04-05: uninstallable metapackages for a Debian derivative progress-linux-metapackages # vorlon, 2019-05-22: unsupportable in Ubuntu, requires sync with upstream version of 'linux' package and unmaintained user-mode-linux # vorlon, 2019-11-01: not used in the Ubuntu rpi images, our package is linux-firmware-raspi2 raspi-firmware raspi3-firmware # sil2100, 2020-07-21: we don't want it at all (requested by tseliot) nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-440 nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418 nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-450 nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-460 nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-470 nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-510 # Ubuntu-only and maintained, do not remove via Debian projectm # vorlon, 2020-06-11: LP: #1882091 socket-activate # vorlon, 2020-06-26: d-i components apt-setup bterm-unifont cdebconf-entropy cdebconf-terminal cdrom-checker cdrom-detect cdrom-retriever choose-mirror clock-setup finish-install grub-installer installation-locale iso-scan kickseed lowmem main-menu media-retriever net-retriever netcfg network-console nobootloader oldsys-preseed partman* pkgsel rescue s390-netdevice tzsetup usb-discover zipl-installer # cpaelzer, 2020-06-08: php-horde-* has been orphaned in Debian (942282) and is not yet back in shape (LP: #1868281) but fills update-excuses php-horde php-horde-alarm php-horde-ansel php-horde-argv php-horde-auth php-horde-autoloader php-horde-browser php-horde-cache php-horde-cli php-horde-compress php-horde-compress-fast php-horde-constraint php-horde-content php-horde-controller php-horde-crypt php-horde-crypt-blowfish php-horde-css-parser php-horde-cssminify php-horde-data php-horde-date php-horde-date-parser php-horde-dav php-horde-db php-horde-editor php-horde-elasticsearch php-horde-exception php-horde-feed php-horde-form php-horde-gollem php-horde-group php-horde-groupware php-horde-hashtable php-horde-history php-horde-http php-horde-icalendar php-horde-idna php-horde-image php-horde-imap-client php-horde-imp php-horde-imsp php-horde-ingo php-horde-injector php-horde-itip php-horde-javascriptminify php-horde-kolab-format php-horde-kolab-server php-horde-kolab-session php-horde-kolab-storage php-horde-kronolith php-horde-ldap php-horde-listheaders php-horde-lock php-horde-log php-horde-logintasks php-horde-lz4 php-horde-mail php-horde-mail-autoconfig php-horde-mapi php-horde-memcache php-horde-mime php-horde-mime-viewer php-horde-mnemo php-horde-mongo php-horde-nag php-horde-nls php-horde-notification php-horde-oauth php-horde-openxchange php-horde-pack php-horde-passwd php-horde-pdf php-horde-perms php-horde-prefs php-horde-queue php-horde-rdo php-horde-role php-horde-routes php-horde-rpc php-horde-scheduler php-horde-scribe php-horde-secret php-horde-serialize php-horde-service-facebook php-horde-service-gravatar php-horde-service-twitter php-horde-service-urlshortener php-horde-service-weather php-horde-sesha php-horde-sessionhandler php-horde-share php-horde-smtp php-horde-socket-client php-horde-spellchecker php-horde-stream php-horde-stream-filter php-horde-stream-wrapper php-horde-support php-horde-syncml php-horde-template php-horde-test php-horde-text-diff php-horde-text-filter php-horde-text-flowed php-horde-thrift php-horde-timeobjects php-horde-timezone php-horde-token php-horde-translation php-horde-trean php-horde-tree php-horde-turba php-horde-url php-horde-util php-horde-vfs php-horde-view php-horde-webmail php-horde-whups php-horde-wicked php-horde-xml-element php-horde-xml-wbxml # bryce, 2020-07-31: Some further php-horde-* packages trying to sync php-horde-activesync php-horde-text-filter-jsmin php-horde-core php-horde-javascriptminify-jsmin # vorlon, 2023-03-28, requires horde php-dompdf-svg-lib php-dompdf civicrm # RAOF, 2020-08-05: LP: #1890319 tinyjsd # cpaelzer, 2020-08-12: LP: #1844626 compiz-plugins-experimental compizconfig-python simple-ccsm # Debian-specific; LP: #1894033 debian-cloud-images # vorlon, 2020-09-14: Not built on any archs binutils64 # juliank, 2021-01-14: native packaging in Ubuntu takes precedence command-not-found # doko, 2021-01-15, outdated, not supported anymore installation-guide # doko, 2021-02-23, LP: #1885338, udeb removals anna base-installer # doko, 2021-02-24, LP: #1916735, kfreebsd related removals ctfutils freebsd-glue freebsd-libs freebsd-buildutils # doko, 2021-02-24, source packages building just one udeb package cdebconf-keystep depthcharge-tools-installer efi-reader live-installer mountmedia partman-basicfilesystems partman-basicmethods partman-iscsi partman-nbd partman-partitioning partman-target rootskel rootskel-gtk udpkg # doko, 2021-02-24, source packages building just one s390x udeb package s390-sysconfig-writer s390-zfcp s390-dasd # vorlon, 2021-03-18 more udeb-only packages lvmcfg mdcfg # vorlon, 2021-03-18 incompatible with the Ubuntu base and not integrated; LP: #1919395 ifupdown2 # vorlon, 2021-03-18, no longer shipping debian-installer; LP: #1902513 debian-installer # doko, 2021-04-07 more udeb-only packages hw-detect # doko, 2021-04-14 more udeb-only packages debian-installer-utils installation-report localechooser partman-base preseed # vorlon, 2021-04-27 i386-only xserver-xorg-video-geode atitvout # bdmurray, 2021-08-04 designed for Debian chroots; LP: #1843049 boxer-data # vorlon, 2021-08-13 packaged separately in Ubuntu shim # vorlon, 2021-09-29 Debian-specific pure-blend bfh-metapackages # apw, 2021-10-10 Debian very out of date, non-functional, PPAs recommeneded. azure-cli # vorlon, 2022-08-21, depends on azure-cli azure-devops-cli-extension azure-functions-devops-build #vorlon, 2022-03-07, reintroduced in Debian but not wanted in Ubuntu; LP: #1772588 xserver-xorg-input-aiptek xserver-xorg-input-elographics xserver-xorg-input-mutouch xserver-xorg-video-geode xserver-xorg-video-mach64 xserver-xorg-video-neomagic xserver-xorg-video-savage xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion xserver-xorg-video-sisusb xserver-xorg-video-tdfx xserver-xorg-video-trident # vorlon, 2022-03-11, unused framework with broken packaging; LP: #1931315 php-nesbot-carbon php-laravel-framework php-laravel-lumen-framework # GNOME Shell Extensions https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/18437/8 gnome-shell-extension-arc-menu gnome-shell-extension-autohidetopbar gnome-shell-extension-bluetooth-quick-connect gnome-shell-extension-blur-my-shell gnome-shell-extension-caffeine gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel gnome-shell-extension-dashtodock gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons gnome-shell-extension-disconnect-wifi gnome-shell-extension-draw-on-your-screen gnome-shell-extension-easyscreencast gnome-shell-extension-espresso gnome-shell-extension-flypie gnome-shell-extension-freon gnome-shell-extension-gamemode gnome-shell-extension-hamster gnome-shell-extension-hard-disk-led gnome-shell-extension-hide-activities gnome-shell-extension-hide-veth gnome-shell-extension-hijra gnome-shell-extension-impatience gnome-shell-extension-kimpanel gnome-shell-extension-move-clock gnome-shell-extension-no-annoyance gnome-shell-extension-panel-osd gnome-shell-extension-pixelsaver gnome-shell-extension-runcat gnome-shell-extension-shortcuts gnome-shell-extension-sound-device-chooser gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor gnome-shell-extension-top-icons-plus gnome-shell-extension-vertical-overview gnome-shell-extension-volume-mixer gnome-shell-extension-weather gnome-shell-extension-xrdesktop gnome-shell-extensions-extra notification-position-reloaded # vorlon, 2022-04-07, Integrates with sysv-rc which is unsupported sysv-rc-conf # vorlon, 2022-05-16, mangles bootloader config and breaks upgrades; LP: #1969353 grub-customizer # vorlon, 2022-07-07, not supportable in a stable release; Debian bug #923347 mysql-workbench # vorlon, 2022-08-26, security team veto wpewebkit cog # vorlon, 2022-08-27, incompatible with firefox snap; LP: #1987959 libfirefox-marionette-perl # vorlon, 2022-10-16, superseded by systemd-resolved; LP: #1990743 resolvconf openresolv # vorlon, 2022-10-18, from Fedora and provides misleading expectations; LP: #1993339 crypto-policies # vorlon, 2023-01-09, Ubuntu-specific with native version, don't clobber language-selector # the deb is a snap installer in Ubuntu now telegram-desktop libtgowt # vorlon, 2023-01-31, maintainer refuses to ship source in the source package greenbone-security-assistant # vorlon, 2023-03-10, maintainer refuses to ship source in the source package nvda2speechd # vorlon, 2023-02-10, unsupportable/FTBFS stack php-slim php-pimple shaarli kanboard # vorlon, 2023-02-25: violates (draft) archive policy by wrapping # a third-party snap, LP: #2008258 telegram-desktop # vorlon, 2023-06-12: not for a stable release; Debian bug #988246 wine-development # unsupportable in Ubuntu; LP: #2032978 lava # redundant and conflicts with update-notifier-common; LP: #2041265 apt-config-auto-update # similarly to gitlab, lp #1758702 gitaly gitlab-shell # server implementation of an obsolete insecure protocol; LP: #2041751 pptpd # transition finished an LTS cycle ago in Ubuntu, package now harmful usrmerge # obsoleted by php8.3; LP: #2054841 php8.2 # upstream is now non-free and package is unsupportable; LP: #2054608 vagrant-bindfs vagrant-cachier vagrant-hostmanager vagrant-librarian-puppet vagrant-libvirt vagrant-lxc vagrant-mutate vagrant-sshfs python-vagrant vagrant # trying to remove python3.11, no time_t64 upload required python3.11 # incompatible with thunderbird as a snap; LP: #2056177 allow-html-temp dav4tbsync eas4tbsync enigmail mailmindr quicktext tb-goodies tbsync xnote # Not used anymore in Ubuntu so lowering security maintenance, LP: #2061605 libwpe wpebackend-fdo # ROS related removals, LP: #2063103 apriltag ignition-cmake ignition-common ignition-fuel-tools ignition-gazebo ignition-gui ignition-launch ignition-math ignition-msgs ignition-physics ignition-plugin ignition-rendering ignition-sensors ignition-tools ignition-transport ignition-utils mrpt orocos-bfl orocos-kdl ros-actionlib ros-angles ros-bond-core ros-catkin ros-class-loader ros-cmake-modules ros-collada-urdf ros-common-msgs ros-diagnostics ros-dynamic-reconfigure ros-eigen-stl-containers ros-gencpp ros-genlisp ros-genmsg ros-genpy ros-geometric-shapes ros-geometry ros-geometry2 ros-image-common ros-image-pipeline ros-image-transport-plugins ros-interactive-markers ros-joint-state-publisher ros-kdl-parser ros-laser-geometry ros-message-generation ros-message-runtime ros-metapackages ros-navigation-msgs ros-nodelet-core ros-opencv-apps ros-pcl-msgs ros-perception-pcl ros-pluginlib ros-random-numbers ros-resource-retriever ros-robot-state-publisher ros-ros ros-ros-comm ros-ros-comm-msgs ros-ros-environment ros-rosconsole ros-rosconsole-bridge ros-roscpp-core ros-rosdep ros-rosdistro ros-rosinstall-generator ros-roslisp ros-rospack ros-rviz ros-std-msgs ros-urdf ros-vcstools ros-vision-opencv ros2-ament-cmake ros2-ament-cmake-ros ros2-ament-index ros2-ament-lint ros2-ament-package ros2-osrf-testing-tools-cpp ros2-performance-test-fixture ros2-rcpputils ros2-rcutils ros2-rosidl ros2-test-interface-files sdformat # cpaelzer, 2024-08-27: We provide a solution for hotplugging, this can conflict with our method (LP: 2077773). amazon-ec2-net-utils # duplicate tzdata should not be used; LP: #2079995 pytzdata # sbeattie, 2024-09-04: unmaintained and deprecated upstream (LP: 2063062) cryptojs # Packages removed from Debian but intentionally kept in Ubuntu mate-optimus # orphaned/unmaintained kernel drivers (LP: #2081021) adv-17v35x ddcci-driver-linux dm-writeboost xtrx-dkms # obsoleted by ruby3.3; LP: #2091023 ruby3.1 # utkarsh/juliank - we don't have any intention of signing systemd-boot ourselves and the ones signed # by Debian CA key shouldn't be in the archive. (LP: #2099978) systemd-boot-efi-amd64-signed systemd-boot-efi-arm64-signed # Exists only to supply udev udebs that we don't use (LP: #2099758) systemd-udeb # x86 only dkms leds-alix # Built from same upstream source as nvidia-settings, which is blocklisted # Would hijack binary packages built from our nvidia-settings package libxnvctrl