l.t.t.test_translationimportqueue : module documentation

Part of lp.translations.tests

No module docstring
Class TestCanSetStatusBase Base for tests that check that canSetStatus works .
Class TestCanSetStatusPOTemplate Test canStatus applied to an entry with a POTemplate.
Class TestCanSetStatusPOFile Test canStatus applied to an entry with a POFile.
Class TestCanSetStatusPOTemplateWithUPTJUser Test handling of the status of an upload queue entry as 'uptj' db user.
Class TestCanSetStatusPOFileWithUPTJUser Test handling of the status of an upload queue entry as 'uptj' db user.
Class TestGetGuessedPOFile Test matching of PO files with respective templates and languages.
Class TestProductOwnerEntryImporter Test entries update when owners change.
Class TestTranslationImportQueue Tests for TranslationImportQueue.
Class TestHelpers Tests for stand-alone helper functions in the module.
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.