l.s.i.p.IPackageRelationship(Interface) : interface documentation

Part of lp.soyuz.interfaces.packagerelationship View In Hierarchy

The details of a relationship with a package.

For example, if package foo depends on package bar version 0.6-1 or later, the relationship of bar to foo is represented as:

name: 'bar' operator: '>=' version: '0.6-1'

The 'operator' and 'version' attributes may be None.

Attribute name The name of the related package
Attribute operator The operation for version comparisons, e.g '>='
Attribute version The version related to
Attribute url URL to where this token should link to. It can be None, in this case no link should be rendered.
name =
The name of the related package
operator =
The operation for version comparisons, e.g '>='
version =
The version related to
url =
URL to where this token should link to. It can be None, in this case no link should be rendered.
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.