l.s.i.p.IPackageCopyRequest(Interface) : interface documentation

Part of lp.soyuz.interfaces.packagecopyrequest View In Hierarchy

A Build interface
Int id Undocumented
Object target_archive The archive to which packages will be copied.
Object target_distroseries The target DistroSeries.
Object target_component The target component.
Choice target_pocket The target pocket.
Bool copy_binaries Whether binary packages should be copied as well.
Object source_archive The archive from which packages will be copied.
Object source_distroseries The source DistroSeries.
Object source_component The source component.
Choice source_pocket The source pocket.
Object requester The person who requested the package copy operation.
Choice status The current status of the copy operation.
Text reason The reason for this package copy operation.
Datetime date_created The time when the package copy request was created.
Datetime date_started The time when the copy request processing started.
Datetime date_completed The time when the copy request processing completed.
Method __str__ Return a textual representation of the package copy request.
Method markAsInprogress Mark this request as being in progress.
Method markAsCompleted Mark this request as completed.
Method markAsFailed Mark this request as failed.
Method markAsCanceling Mark this request as canceling.
Method markAsCancelled Mark this request as cancelled.
id =
target_archive =
The archive to which packages will be copied.
target_distroseries =
The target DistroSeries.
target_component =
The target component.
target_pocket =
The target pocket.
copy_binaries =
Whether binary packages should be copied as well.
source_archive =
The archive from which packages will be copied.
source_distroseries =
The source DistroSeries.
source_component =
The source component.
source_pocket =
The source pocket.
requester =
The person who requested the package copy operation.
status =
The current status of the copy operation.
reason =
The reason for this package copy operation.
date_created =
The time when the package copy request was created.
date_started =
The time when the copy request processing started.
date_completed =
The time when the copy request processing completed.
def __str__():
Return a textual representation of the package copy request.
def markAsInprogress():
Mark this request as being in progress.

Update the 'status' and 'date_started' properties as appropriate.

def markAsCompleted():
Mark this request as completed.

Update the 'status' and 'date_completed' properties as appropriate.

def markAsFailed():
Mark this request as failed.

Update the 'status' and 'date_completed' properties as appropriate.

def markAsCanceling():
Mark this request as canceling.

Update the 'status' as appropriate.

def markAsCancelled():
Mark this request as cancelled.

Update the 'status' and 'date_completed' properties as appropriate.

API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.